one's door

Chapter 293

Chapter 293
After a bit of coaxing, the entire viewing platform of Nanyuan Kingdom was boiling.


How many people did not expect this to be such a start?
You must know that the so-called "passing three levels" this time is completely different from the previous competition where Princess Qingling took the stage.Both sides paid more attention and prepared more fully.Not to mention that there is a deeper game involved under the arena.Nanyuan Nation had exhausted its strength.But also knowing that it will be very, very difficult to win.

But now it took a long time to directly win the first game, but there were no twists and turns.There is even an illusion of hard power suppression.

There was a commotion on the viewing platform of Nanyuan Country, and there was an uproar on the viewing platform of Huayue Country on the opposite side.


"This, how is this possible!?"

Almost everyone turned their attention to Guo Yulong, who was sitting in the middle of the viewing platform, but in a tacit understanding, they only took one look and immediately turned away.At this time, it's better not to touch Guo Yulong's bad luck.It is estimated that Guo Yulong should be the one with the most pressure and the most unexpected loss in the first game.

"Anti-strike ability?! Can you actually improve this ability? How did you do it? And why is this temporary gain so much longer than the one that Princess Baowen experienced? Also...they are Deliberately selling loopholes so that you can use your tricks?"

Guo Yulong frowned.But he didn't feel the pressure as others thought.Where is this?It's just a loss in the first game, just stop later.

And after this match, Guo Yulong felt that the opponent's cards were clear.If you play later, you can increase your chances of winning.

However, Guo Yulong looked at the viewing platform opposite, and saw that the person sitting next to the emperor of Nanyuan Kingdom suddenly got up and disappeared on the viewing platform. It was not until the children of both sides began to prepare to go on stage that they returned to their seats and sat down again.Seeing this scene, Guo Yulong suddenly had an inexplicable feeling in his heart, as if another accident would happen again.

Yang Sheng's feelings were in stark contrast to Guo Yulong's.He knew very well what Zhang Yan was doing when he left the viewing platform just now.Although he didn't understand Zhang Yan's methods, judging from the first victory, Zhang Yan did not disappoint the trust of the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom.

"Mr. Zhang, this time Huayue is on stage as a child of the royal family at the early stage of the Hundred Refining Realm, and the overall rise is much higher than we expected before. Can you be sure about this?"

"Hehe, Your Majesty was joking. Apart from the strength of each other, in the ring competition, it depends on luck and performance. What has to be done has been done, and the rest is left to luck." Zhang Yan himself is confident.But the words are not tender and the words are too full.After all, it wasn't him who was on stage.Who knows how the disciple from Nanyuan Kingdom who broke through to the early stage of the Hundred Refining Realm with two bone-strengthening pills will perform after going up?

Although Yang Sheng was curious, he didn't ask.Now the bell on the arena rang again, and the second match officially started, and all the results would naturally be known in front of our eyes.

"Huh? It doesn't seem to be the same as before?" Yang Sheng's strength is not high, the talent of warriors is limited, and state affairs occupy most of his time.So he is already very satisfied to be able to have the current Kaiyuan state.But this realm is not considered a master after all, and he can't "see the whole picture" when he sees the competition of the hundred refinement realm in the ring.But he can still see who has the upper hand and who is the weaker.What's more, the scene in front of him can be said to be unilaterally suppressed and beaten, which is especially obvious.

"There are some differences, but it's reasonable." Zhang Yan smiled and said back to Yang Sheng beside him, his eyes were the scene of being crushed and beaten by Huayue Kingdom's children on the ring.

Who would have thought that Nanyuan Kingdom, which won the first round, would be at an absolute disadvantage at the beginning of the second round.Even though the realms of the two are the same, it can be seen that the gap in combat power is huge.

This is actually quite reasonable.After all, the son of the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom relied on the Bone Strengthening Pill to break through within a month.Not to mention the combat skills in the early stage of the Hundred Refining Realm, even the vitality of the Hundred Refining Realm cannot be completely smoothed out.And his opponent is a person who has been struggling for a year or two in the early stage of the Hundred Refining Realm.

People from Nanyuan Kingdom were not the only ones who were surprised, Guo Yulong from Huayue Kingdom on the opposite viewing platform was also muttering inwardly.

Guo Yulong claimed to have seen through the tricks of Nanyuan Kingdom.This time, the strategy he instructed his subordinates was to fight directly once he found that the opponent was evenly matched with him. He didn't fight, or even didn't make contact with the opponent. That temporary buff can last for such a long time.In addition, the children of the Huayue royal family in this round are also very good at fighting, and they will not be forced to face each other head-on like in the previous round.

"Is this Zhang Yan's miscalculation? Can't his off-the-chart tricks work on warriors in the Hundred Refinement Realm?"

Guo Yulong has his own analysis.The Nanyuan country warrior who was crushed and beaten in the arena was obviously a fake who had just stepped into the Hundred Refinement Realm and didn't even have a solid foundation.It is completely different from the state of the previous Tongqiao state in the late stage, and there is no sign of being buffed at all.

Like Guo Yulong, the one who was puzzled and surprised was naturally the son of the Huayue Kingdom's royal family on the ring.Before he came to the stage, he came with the preparation of a fierce battle.Knowing that although the opponent's own strength is not as good as him, there is a strange method that can temporarily increase the combat power, which should not be underestimated.Also prepared to follow Prince Long's instructions, even if it takes more time, he must win the victory.But it wasn't until they really fought that they realized that the opponent was so vulnerable.

He is clumsy.

The vitality is scattered and vain.

The strength is just at the end, it is completely unable to grasp the new strength of the realm improvement.

Combat skills are even more ridiculous. Not only are the combat skills of the Hundred Refining Realm jerky, but even the fighting skills are still dominated by the combat skills of the Tongqiao Realm. How eager are you to compete on stage?Does such a vain state come up to seek death?
Even this kind of opponent can't swim even if he wants to swim.Because it is too weak.An opponent who has not even secured the strength of the new realm, just crush it.Can you still use the strategies of Prince Long?

After probing, the son of the royal family of Huayue Kingdom had already determined the opponent's situation in his heart.There is really no reason to continue to implement the procrastinating strategy that Prince Long arranged for him.

The facts don't look wrong either.With just a cup of tea, the people of Nanyuan Kingdom were forced into a corner, their robes were also damaged, their mouths were bleeding, and their faces were flushed.Even if he tried his best to avoid the vital points, it was still inevitable to be hit by the opponent's attacks again and again, and now the internal injuries were not serious.

Raising the saber, the final blow was completed in a short time, and the royal child of Nanyuan Kingdom who was locked by this qi machine hadn't even recovered from the previous bombardment, and his figure was full of flaws.

It's over.

But at this moment, the Huayue country's royal child suddenly lost his mind, and hit him hard on the back of the head like a sledgehammer, with such force that his consciousness was completely lost.The only thought is: to suffer.

When consciousness regained consciousness, a burst of severe pain followed.The son of the royal family of Huayue Kingdom realized that he was already lying on the ring, and a huge cut mark appeared on his body from his left shoulder to his right waist.Fortunately, the inner armor was worn, and all the vital parts of his torso were protected, but the inner armor was discarded, and both ends of the cut marks still hurt his body, and he was bleeding profusely at this time.

"Second level, Nanyuan Kingdom wins!"

(End of this chapter)

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