one's door

Chapter 295 Rolling

Chapter 295 Rolling
The primordial spirit is out of the body, entrusted to the talisman of return, immersed in the body of others, like possessing a state, but can use other people's body to cast spells to a limited extent.

This is not the category of surgery, but the means of the divine way.

With Zhang Yan possessing him, the aura of the genius child of Nanyuan Kingdom changed suddenly, an aura like a majestic mountain peak, step by step on the stage, and step by step press towards Guo Xu, the seventh prince of Huayue Kingdom.

If Guo Yulong on the viewing platform of Huayue Kingdom sensed something was wrong, then Guo Xu on the ring stage was facing the storm head on.The oppressive force coming from the opposite side made him tense up involuntarily, and a sense of powerlessness welled up in his heart.

How is this going? !

No matter how surprised and confused the people on and off the ring are, the referee's bell will not be delayed by this, and the signal for the start of the third match will sound as scheduled.The last competition about the secret game between Nanyuan Kingdom and Huayue Kingdom officially began.

Guo Xu didn't dare to rush in, the pressure on him from the opposite side was too great and too weird, so he could only cautiously spread out his movements and walk carefully looking for an opportunity to attack.

However, Guo Xu soon discovered that the other party didn't seem to have any intention of taking a defensive or attacking posture. He just stood there so loosely, but his eyes kept falling on him.

Um?What does this man want?This body is slack and full of flaws, is it deliberately tempting me to attack first?
wrong!That look seemed a little strange.
It was as if there was some mysterious and endless attraction in those eyes, and Guo Xu's attention soon fell into it involuntarily, followed by his consciousness.In a short while, Guo Xu appeared in a state where his consciousness was imprisoned by himself.

Although it looks a bit similar to the state of being suppressed by the "Soul Suppression Talisman" in the previous scene, there is actually a fundamental difference.

Because this is not a talisman method.

It's the pupil technique, ecstasy.

No matter how cautious Guo Xu was, no matter how cautious he was, he would never think that a person's eyes could hide a killer move.He is even used to judging the internal factors of the opponent's mental state and fighting spirit by watching and observing the opponent's eyes.Who would have thought that this habit would make him fall into the pit Zhang Yan arranged for him.

Pupil technique is the most effortless technique for Zhang Yan in the current state where the soul is out of the body and borrowed from the human body. It does not need to rely on aura, and it is mainly a method at the soul level, coupled with the suppression of momentum Very high, even for unsuspecting warriors in the Hundred Refinement Realm, it is almost a must.This is sharper and more difficult to resist than Soul Rescue.

Consciousness being imprisoned by the fascination, it is like taking the initiative to remove all defenses and resistances.No matter what treasure armor you are wearing, what magic weapon you have in your hand, and how many secret techniques you have not yet used, everything will be empty talk.

Zhang Yan never thought about taking human life or destroying him.However, he pulled out the weapon and put it on Guo Xu's neck without any fanfare, then turned his head to look at the competition referee at the edge of the ring.

It wasn't until Zhang Yan looked over and met Zhang Yan's eyes that the dean of the Yuanding Imperial City School of Martial Arts came out of his daze.He rang the bronze bell at hand and at the same time loudly announced the end of the fight.

"The third level! Nanyuan Kingdom wins!"

Afterwards, Zhang Yan withdrew his long knife, glanced at the referee from Huayue Kingdom who came up to the stage to treat him badly, smiled, turned around and walked down the stage.

And in the process of stepping down.Zhang Yan's primordial spirit began to return along the original path, first retreating the returning amulet on the chest of his body, then completely separated, and then returned to his physical body on the viewing platform not far away.And at the same time that Zhang Yan Yuanshen completely left.As a result, the Return to God Talisman exhausted all the infused spiritual energy, became dim, and quickly shattered into tiny scraps of paper as if it had rotted.

Zhang Yanyuan's spirit was withdrawn, and the child of the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom would not feel abruptly taking back the control of his body. He was not locked in the small black room unconsciously just now, but shared all the senses of his body, Including the inexplicable and shocking scene where Zhang Yan manipulated his body and put the long knife on the opponent's neck lightly.

So it was just a slight pause in the pace of the feet, and then continued to walk off the stage with a smile and maintained the previous appearance, welcoming the waves of congratulations and cheers from the audience.

But there are also masters like Guo Yulong and the three referees in the ring. Their perception is more acute, and they can feel the sudden change in momentum from the winning royal child of Nanyuan Kingdom.Just like what he looked like before and after he took the stage, there was an obvious alternation in momentum in an instant.

It's reminiscent of what Eldar possession looks like.These masters are the most powerful people in the wild world, so they naturally know many things that ordinary people don't know. They are very clear about the haze of the spirit race.

But compared to the state when the Spirit Race possessed him, the scene in front of him on the arena was significantly different.

The most obvious difference is that after being possessed by the Eldar, there will be a strong sinister aura overflowing, and this cannot be done in broad daylight, and it will cause great damage to the possessed person, unless that person has a saint physique.And the momentum change in the scene just now was not only carried out in broad daylight, but also had no sinister atmosphere, and added a majestic and upright momentum.

If it is not the means of the Spirit Race, then what is it?

Guo Yulong's eyes flickered for a moment, and he crossed half a square in front of him, and saw the bucket formation on the viewing platform of Nanyuan Kingdom dissipating, revealing Zhang Yanlai, who was inexplicably surrounded by guards before.

"How did he do it?!" Guo Yulong was extremely curious.

Different from the cheers of celebration in Nanyuan Kingdom, the atmosphere in Huayue Kingdom was dull.The person who panicked the most was naturally Princess Baowen who was the "bet" who lost in this "break through three levels" competition.She was terrified to feel the strange gazes around her, and felt terrified about her next fate.

"Prince Long, I, I don't want to stay in Nanyuan Kingdom, I..."

Guo Yulong interrupted Princess Baowen with a wave of her hand, and said, "Don't worry, I promised your concubine mother and uncle that I will take you back, so I won't break my promise."

"Thank you Long Qin."

Before Princess Baowen finished speaking, Guo Yulong pointed out without any warning, directly on Princess Baowen's eyebrows.A gentle force rushed into the forehead and knocked Princess Baowen unconscious in an instant.

"Take the princess back to recuperate. Tell the people of Nanyuan Kingdom that the princess is unable to adapt to the water and soil of Nanyuan Kingdom, and she is no longer seriously ill. She will return to Huayue Kingdom soon to recuperate. Regarding the marriage, Huayue Kingdom agrees, Nanyuan Kingdom can send a wedding envoy over here, and we will choose another suitable princess to fulfill the promise."

After finishing speaking, Princess Baowen was carried down by her bodyguards.Guo Yulong got up and glanced at the viewing platform opposite. He saw that Zhang Yan seemed to be looking at him too.So he smiled and cupped his hands as a greeting.After that, he turned around and got off the stage, and left the Nanyuan Kingdom Palace without looking back.
(End of this chapter)

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