one's door

Chapter 296

Chapter 296
On the same day, Yang Sheng hosted a banquet in the palace for all the ministers.All the top figures in the entire imperial city were present.No matter what you pretend in your heart, this face must be given to Yang Sheng, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable.

Zhang Yan also participated in the banquet, and was arranged by the emperor to be next to his right hand, which directly broke the habit of seating the Wen phase on the right.So much so that Zhang Zeyu, Minister of North Korea and Chinese, was seated next to Zhang Yan.

Nanyuan Kingdom, like most human nations, implements a civil and military dual-track system, and the civil and military divisions are still in charge of each.

The first official position of the military position is called Wu Xiang, and the first official position of the civilian position is called Wen Xiang.

In a country like Nanyuan Country, where border wars are endless all the year round, and there are powerful enemies stalking them, the status of the Minister of Military Affairs is higher than that of Minister Wen.Therefore, the military minister will generally be on the left hand side of the emperor in the grand etiquette.Wenxiang is on the right hand side of the emperor.

But now the situation is interesting.The first place on Yang Sheng's right is not Wenxiang Zhang Zeyu, but Zhang Yan, a fresh face.

What does this mean?Is it because the emperor is happy today, so he made a temporary arrangement to hold Zhang Yan?Or is there another reason?
Anyway, the ministers sitting in the front row had the same guess tacitly.

"My dear friends, let me introduce to you. This is Zhang Yan, a master of miscellaneous studies, Mr. Zhang. At the same time, Mr. Zhang is also a rare craftsman in the world. It is the great fortune of Nanyuan Kingdom to have Mr. Zhang's help, and it is also our What a great honor! Raise your glasses, and join me in toasting Mr.!"

Yang Sheng's words were sent out by his vitality, and everyone in the hall could hear them.While each was startled, they quickly filled the wine glasses in front of them, raised their glasses and stood up.

With smiles on their faces, everyone toasted with the emperor.This scene is rare.Generally, military commanders will receive this kind of treatment when they return to court after victory.What's more, Zhang Yan is not even an official.If you look deeper, you used to be a criminal soldier, but now you are treated with such courtesy as a civil and military man of the Manchu Dynasty.At this moment, even the most unresponsive people began to ponder the emperor's deep meaning.

In fact, the emperor treated Zhang Yan with such courtesy. On the one hand, he was indeed thanking Zhang Yan for his vital role in today's three competitions. Without Zhang Yan, let alone three competitions, he would not have won any of them today.On the other hand, Yang Sheng also realized that the value of Zhang Yan was far greater than he had expected through the means Zhang Yan showed in these three fights.Give enough courtesy, first make a good relationship, and then leave a hole to continue to win.At least in this way, he has an advantage over other forces that are greedy for Zhang Yan.

These are of course the most superficial meanings.

What's more, Yang Sheng's introduction to Zhang Yan on such a formal occasion did not mention the word "Jianwuyuan", although the guest teacher at the Jiangwuyuan is still one of Zhang Yan's most important identities.It can't be temporary forgetting, it must be intentional.Yang Sheng even mentioned Zhang Yan's identity as "a scholar of miscellaneous studies", which is even more meaningful.

The people on Wuzhi's side smiled very naturally. Wuxiang Yang Rongqing was also from the royal family, so he was still Yang Sheng's uncle by seniority, so he naturally stood firmly on Yang Sheng's side.In addition, the Army Department has always had a lot of contacts with Zhang Yan. From the experience in the Yubei Mountain Fortress, Zhang Yan has a lot of relationship with the Army, which belongs to closeness.

Many generals have heard of Zhang Yan's name for a long time.Whether it's bone strengthening pills or magical weapons, they are enough to make their eager hopes to get close to Zhang Yan.Naturally, he didn't care how much the emperor praised Zhang Yan.

The faces of many people on Wenxiang's side are not so beautiful.Ninety percent of them were born in the mainstream school, and more than half of them are also active in the affairs of the school.In addition to academic discussions, the school is now an important gathering circle for civil servants in their official careers.The relationship among them is so intricate that in many cases it can even be called a comprehensive force belonging to the civil service group.

He is most sensitive to the word "miscellaneous learning" in Zhang Yan's identity.He pinched his nose and was led by the situation before, so that the School of Miscellaneous Studies appeared in Beijiang County. This is already an unprecedented and huge concession.I thought that with these concessions, the royal family, which suppressed this matter and favored miscellaneous studies, should be able to calm down.

But who would have thought, how long this time?The emperor would actually honor Zhang Yan's status as a "scholar of miscellaneous studies" in public in this very formal occasion where he feasted his officials.

What is this for? !What kind of message is this going to convey to the following?
A big banquet with different thoughts unfolded in an atmosphere of noise and joy.Zhang Yan thought about the emperor's attitude tonight, but he was not surprised.

Holding the power of Nanyuan Kingdom, it is also surrounded by monster races, upper kingdoms, and feuds in an extremely poor geographical location and changing external situation. The emperor of this kind of country cannot be a foolish king, a mediocre person, or an inflexible person. .Because of any flaws in any aspect, the country may be annexed or directly divided.In that case, there would be no such thing as the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom.

Therefore, for the emperor, whoever is useful will be used, and there is no principle.In the past, miscellaneous studies were useful, but there was a feud with mainstream schools of thought, and they were strongly resisted.After weighing it, the emperor found that the gain outweighed the loss.That's why we secretly give miscellaneous students some room to breathe, but they don't help them openly.

Later, there was Zhang Yan, a wonderful work in miscellaneous studies.Only then was there the Miscellaneous Academy in Beijiang County.

From Zhang Yan's point of view, the reason why the emperor praised Zaxue again at this big banquet was because his value soared, so the emperor gave Zaxue some reputation from the side, and the idea was to continue to show him favor through these.

But Zhang Yan's simple opinion will not be accepted by many senior officials of Nanyuan Kingdom.

In the view of Zhang Zeyu, Minister of Literature, this is not just a school of miscellaneous learning that the emperor favored Zhang Yan.Perhaps before this competition, the emperor was simply showing favor to Zhang Yan.But now, the emperor's thoughts obviously didn't just fall on Zhang Yan, but had another plan.

Martial Minister Yang Rongqing, who is also the prime minister, said to his cronies in this way: "It seems that this time, His Majesty is going to start to take seriously those people in the mainstream schools who eat vegetarian food and eat from the inside out. When those people are facing Huayue His schizophrenia seems to be beyond His Majesty's patience.

It was okay before, there was no replacement, and they were tightly bound together within the school, and it was difficult for His Majesty to move them.Now Zhang Yan took the lead, rushing all the way with miscellaneous studies.Hey, it depends on how those people from the mainstream schools resist.If they are still stubborn, His Majesty probably won't give them much time.

By the way, recently there was a report from Xiyuan County that some people from miscellaneous studies took the initiative to send two types of improved ordnance into the village, and the effect was not bad.He also expressed his willingness to stay and continue to improve various existing ordnance.It has to be said that these miscellaneous people meet at the right time. This is pushing people from mainstream schools to the bottom of the cliff! "

(End of this chapter)

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