one's door

Chapter 314

Chapter 314
The old eunuch had a dignified face. He had been in charge of the special case department for many years, and he had news channels for the Spirit Race. The main source was the demon species, which was also the price the demon species had to pay for being able to roam around secretly in Nanyuan.

It's not that the Special Cases Division doesn't want to build its own complete intelligence channel, but that it has no way to build it by itself.Because of the inherent disadvantage of the human race against the spirit race, it is extremely difficult to even detect the spirit race, and it is impossible to obtain news from within the spirit race.But it can only be obtained from the hands of the demon species.

The source of news about the demon species came from the demon country.The reason why the demon country can have clearer messages about the spirit race is because the demon kingdom has more complete means of confrontation with the spirit race, and can even use the way of death to invade the sanctuary. Over time, there will even be some eyeliners in the sanctuary.These channels have been gradually formed in the fighting between you and me for thousands of years.

Therefore, the life of the demon species in the human race is far better than that of the demon species in the demon race. This is the result of objective needs.The human race wants more from the demon species, so the living conditions they give are better.

"Your Majesty, the reaction of the demon species during this period of time is also very surprising. They did not receive the news in advance of the sudden rampage of the spirit race on the ground of the human race. But it is certain that this time the rampage of the spirit race is not only the suffering of our Nanyuan country. , Beiwu Kingdom, Huayue Kingdom, etc. All human nations have the same experience. For example, Beiwu and Huayue, which are nearby, have been ravaged by the spirit race far more seriously than ours.

However, there has been new news from the demon species recently. Although it has not been stated clearly, it is certain that the reason why the spirit race suddenly behaved abnormally in the human race's territory is because of their own internal problems.There is an urgent need to collect a large number of living souls in a short period of time, so the previous strategy was abandoned.What caused the Eldar to do so is unknown.Moreover, during this period of time, the Yaozu side was not stable, and many news were difficult to pass on.

Therefore, the reason for the sudden rampage of the Spirit Race is unknown for the time being.

But the news from Beijiang County was enough to be called a surprise.If Zhang Yan can seal one dead path and stabilize the crisis situation of the entire Beijiang County in the face of the spirit race, then he can surely follow the same pattern to block the other four dead paths.

But whether Zhang Yan is willing or not is hard to say. "

Yang Sheng was a little surprised when he heard the words, and asked: "Didn't you guess before that Zhang Yan's ability is inseparable from those spirit tribes? Whether he uses the spirit tribe for food or has other uses, the spirit tribe has great influence on him. The benefits. He can seal Beijiang County's Dead Silence Dao, why can't he seal the other four?"

In Yang Sheng's opinion, sealing the Dead Silence Dao is also good for Zhang Yan. It can lock up the spirit race in Nanyuan Kingdom, which is like closing the door and beating dogs. In addition, those Zhang Yan keeps taking out can trap the spirit race And the increasingly powerful bell, Zhang Yan can undoubtedly benefit from it.

How can there be a reason for refusal?In the worst case, add some benefits, it shouldn't be hard to convince Zhang Yan.

The old eunuch bowed and explained: "Your Majesty thinks that's all right, but he didn't take into account the reaction of the spirit race. Even if Zhang Yan can benefit from closing all or most of the dead paths in Nanyuan Kingdom, but for the Lingzu For the family, it must be a great event that the entrances and exits of the five dead roads before and after are blocked. At that time, they will definitely come here with great power, either breaking through Zhang Yan's blockade method, or coming from a nearby place like Beiwu.

At that time, it must be Zhang Yan who will be regarded as a must-kill by the spirit clan.Whether he is willing to take this risk is really not clear.

But you can give it a try.It's always good to seal half of them, if not all of them.But the old slave estimated that Zhang Yan would definitely put forward new conditions in exchange. "

Yang Sheng was also stunned.Blocking the Dead Silence Road seems to be blocking the entrances and exits of a few spirit clans, but in fact it is equivalent to being "robbed of a big bowl of rice" for the spirit clan.The nature is completely different from Zhang Yan's one place and two places.It is bound to bring a huge crisis to Zhang Yan.

"Go and have a good talk with Zhang Yan. If he is willing to help, he can first focus on stabilizing the surrounding counties of Chonglan County and Xiyuan County. Other counties, including Zhongding County where the imperial city is located, are on the contrary. It can be placed on the second layer of options. You know what I mean?"

"But Your Majesty, Zhongding County is where the country is based. If there is any trouble in Zhongding County, it will be in big trouble. The old slave thinks it is still"

"Okay, just do as I said. The country is the country, the country is the country, not the nominal center of the imperial city. The current situation of Chonglan County and Xiyuan County is pulling each other down. The surrounding counties and cities The stability of the city is directly related to the strength of their rear support. There must be no chaos. Besides, the power in the imperial city is strong, and it is not difficult to stabilize it under the ravages of the spirit race."

This is actually a simple multiple choice question.Without being sure about Zhang Yan's bottom line, Yang Sheng chose to keep the stability of the rear of Xiyuan County, which is now in dire straits, and Chonglan County, which is also in increasing crisis.Instead of choosing to stabilize the surroundings of the imperial city where you live.

The old eunuch didn't dare to talk anymore.He understood the reason why the emperor made such a choice.Compared with the sudden rampage of the spirit race, the monster race in the southwest is also deadly, and even looks more dangerous than the rampage of the spirit race at present.

"The old slave knows, and will talk to Zhang Yan as soon as possible. In addition, Shen Wujiu has a detailed report about Zhang Yan's flying to the sky. Do you think you can tell Zhang Yan face to face this time?"

The expression on Yang Sheng's face also became more relaxed following the topic mentioned by the old eunuch.He also read the detailed note from Shen Wujiu's newspaper. The most important thing in it was that Shen Wujiu was extremely sure that the reason why Zhang Yan could fly was by a shuttle that could change in size.Zhang Yan called it "Skylark Shuttle".

Can other people use this kind of Skylark Shuttle?Can it be released by Zhang Yan like the bell that can trap the spirit race?
If possible.Then this kind of Pokémon that can carry people to fly and is faster than Feiyu will definitely become a major endogenous force of Nanyuan Kingdom, and the far-reaching impact it will bring will definitely not be the slightest bit.Even the Nanyuan Kingdom's dream of every generation of emperors to regain the northern territory and restore the size of the Shang Kingdom has suddenly become less illusory and rootless.

"We can mention it together. It is unknown whether Zhang Yan is willing to take out that treasure, but he must try it. See if he can take it out. If there is any request, it doesn't matter even if it is a lion."

After saying this, Yang Sheng dismissed the old eunuch with a wave of his hand, and continued to deal with state affairs at his desk.But suddenly he stopped writing.He inexplicably had a seemingly funny feeling, that is, it seemed that many things in Nanyuan Kingdom were moving towards that Zhang Yan all of a sudden, and there were more and more places to rely on the other party.

A country depends on one person.It was like a joke, but Yang Sheng couldn't laugh for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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