one's door

Chapter 315 Freshmen

Chapter 315 Freshmen
The new house has been in order for some time.There are Wang Lanping's staff in all aspects of the house, who lives in which courtyard, and what preparations and arrangements to make are basically arranged by her.The younger sister, Zhang Huiyuan, followed along and was responsible for finding someone to punish Wang Lanping according to Wang Lanping's ideas.

The same goes for the houses of Liu Rui and Wang Nian who also lived in Zhang's mansion.

For Wang Nian, the naughty monkey, Wang Lanping has long been used to the other party's fuss, and also likes this mischievous little child.On the contrary, Liu Rui, who has only been home for a short time, made her feel even more fond of her.

Zhang Yan said that Wang Lanping had a maternal instinct.Because of Liu Rui's cute appearance, as well as her miserable background and background, Wang Lanping accepted her instantly.

In Wang Lanping's words, "Since Xiao Mantou has no father or mother, then the Zhang family is her home, and you who are her teacher are half of her father." It is so categorical that Zhang Yan cannot argue.

Don't look at Wang Lanping's promises in the new house, but she didn't want to go to Zhang Yan's yard alone.Because Zhang Yan will arrange everything by himself.

Zhang Yan's preference is very simple, that is, white walls, and the interior decoration is moderate, and a little simple is the best.In addition, his yard is also the largest in the entire mansion.There are not only residences, but also the "Pill Room" and "Refining Room" designed by Zhang Yan himself and built by others, as well as a new, larger and more solemn quiet room for the Sanqing Statue.

Of course, these are just appearances.The point is that when Zhang Yan was decorating the new house, he carved the spirit gathering array inside and outside the house, so that all the houses in the family can enjoy the benefits of abundant spiritual energy.It is beneficial for him and several students to practice, and it is also beneficial for his family members to maintain their health.

Especially for Wang Qin who had just returned to Langyuan City, a place full of aura is naturally more suitable.

Speaking of Wang Qin, Wang Lanping originally planned to go to Xiangkou to pick him up in person.But in the end, Wang Qin wrote to say that she had found a car dealer, and that her two brothers from her natal family would pick her up, so she didn't dare bother Wang Lanping to leave.When Wang Lanping received the letter, Wang Qin was already halfway there, so he could only give up.

And Zhang Yan also wanted to go and fetch Wang Qin back, it would be faster if he used the Lark Shuttle to pick him up.However, the matter of Feitian put Wang Qin's acceptance to a greater test. For the pregnant woman, Zhang Yan didn't dare to frighten her, so she just took care of her secretly along the way, so that Wang Qin could return safely all the way.

It has been four and a half months since Wang Qin became pregnant, and the doctor will come to see her every half a month, claiming that the fetus is safe in the womb, and that it must be a son.

The Zhang family doesn't mind at all whether they have a son or a daughter.It's not a wealthy family, and it's not that particular, and it's impossible for Wang Qin to have one baby with such a good body, two or three are not too many, so there will be no shortage of sons or daughters.

However, the doctor judged that it was a boy, and gave the family the direction to prepare the baby's clothes.Those colorful little skirts that Zhang Huiyuan prepared for the girl before were obviously out of fashion.

Zhang Shun should have come back with him.But the business in the store has been booming recently, and as the shopkeeper and owner, he couldn't leave at all.

According to what Zhang Shun said in the letter, there was already a wheelchair shop in Nanyuan Country that was the same as the Zhangjia Woodenware Shop, and it also grabbed a lot of business, but for some reason, starting a few months ago, people from all over the country Purchasers are saying that similar wheelchair businesses in other places have been dealt with miserably by local government offices.This caused many people to look submissively at Zhang Shun, and naturally regarded the cleaning up of the wheelchair industry in various places as the Zhang family's effort behind Zhang Shun's back.

It is not possible for the local yamen in various counties to cooperate so well, ignore the major families and government-run shops, and eat "single food" leisurely and contently. This is not possible with ordinary relationships and strength.

If you are strong, others will respect you more.The same is true in business.

But Zhang Shun knew that he was not strong at all, and he was not capable of letting the local government offices sell him such a big face, just because he had to eat alone.This is all due to the credit of the second brother Zhang Yan.

Zhang Shun wasn't stupid enough.Now that all the places have been raided, the wheelchair business in the land of Nanyuan Kingdom depends entirely on his methods.Increasing production and starting to increase the number of stores were immediately put on his agenda.

Especially those so-called "big men" who always wanted to join in the fun in the past, but now they can't find any of them.

The business is at a critical moment, but Zhang Shun will not be unable to come back even if his wife has a baby.It's still early now, after seven or eight months of pregnancy, he will put down all the things in the store and return to Langyuan City to accompany Wang Qin.

In fact, the few months when Wang Qin was expecting to give birth were also the deadline for Zhang Yan to be busy preparing gifts for Zhang Shun.He had been thinking about letting Zhang Shun welcome the birth of the No.1 generation of the Zhang family with a brand new look.

The one who can help Zhang Yan is his slave, He Xianghong.

He Xianghong's realm had completed the breakthrough in the middle stage of Kaiyuan realm half a month ago.Although for Zhang Yan, there is no need to take a second look at the cultivation base in the middle stage of Kaiyuan Realm, but for He Xianghong himself, it is a great surprise and encouragement.

And the metal arm that Zhang Yan prepared for He Xianghong has now been modified seven times after it was finalized.He Xianghong felt the most deeply.Now he can not only use this metal arm to complete almost all normal double-arm or single-arm movements, but also use the metal arm to perform simple combat skills.

What surprised and surprised He Xianghong the most was that this metal arm could not only listen to his command, but also convey the long-lost sense of touch to him.Although it is not sharp enough now, there are already signs of "tactile sense".

Is this still metal?I also understand why Zhang Yan has been calling this thing a "limb".Limbs, how can the word "limbs" be used for something that is unconscious?
The gradual completion of He Xianghong's metal arm made Zhang Yan's progress in refining weapons and formations extremely fast.Strictly speaking, especially in the arrangement of formations, this metal arm helped him a lot.The Twelve Heavenly Gang Formation he arranged before was also a method he dared to use only after the formation was successful.

It can be said that it seems that a limb has been pondered over, but in fact it has brought great progress to Zhang Yan.

Finally, the detail that Zhang Yan cares about the most is "feeling feedback".This is an aspect that needs to be estimated only for high-grade limbs.But Zhang Yan was determined to get this ability out.Otherwise, how could he be worthy of the word "new student" he mentioned in his reply to Zhang Shun?
It is not only the Zhang family that will attract new life, but Zhang Shun will also get rid of the incomplete life that has been imprisoned for many years, and he will be born again.

Of course, for a slave like He Xianghong, being able to become a test product for Zhang Yan's limb refining is also a kind of good luck for him to gain a new life.

(End of this chapter)

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