one's door

Chapter 316

Chapter 316
The layout of the new house is obviously different from that of the previous main room.The range of activities of the family members is basically in the backyard, and the rest of the gate, including the main room, is regarded as a place for receiving guests.In this way, it is not necessary for the family members to avoid going into the house every time when there are visitors.

Correspondingly, the number of servants in the family has also increased, and there are six more people inside and outside.This is because Wang Qin has not yet given birth to a child. When the child is born, it is estimated that more people will have to be added.

But when Zhang Yan was busy dealing with the last critical difficulty, someone came to his door.The person who came was Zhang Yan's acquaintance, Shen Wujiu.Walking with Shen Wujiu was an old man with a stooped figure.

"Master Shen is not busy in Lianshan City, how can he have time to come to me?" Zhang Yan was slightly surprised when he saw Shen Wujiu.It stands to reason that Shen Wujiu should be sitting in Lianshan City at this time, and may even go to the valley where the dead road sealed by Zhang Yan is located to deal with the control matters.It is really unreasonable to appear in Langyuan City.

But when Zhang Yan sensed the aura of the black-robed old man following behind Shen Wujiu, he guessed a general idea in his heart.The old man was exactly the same as the masked old man he had fought against when he was "attacked" in Yuanding Imperial City.Even the other party didn't cover up this aspect, which was very tacit.

It was not easy to ask outside the door, so Zhang Yan greeted Shen Wujiu after a few greetings.

"Huh?" But just as he was seated in the main room, He Xianghong served tea, but was scrutinized by Shen Wujiu.

"Mr. Zhang, if I remember correctly, this slave used to have one arm, but now he looks healthy? What is his hand?"

"Fake. Although the slave is humble, it is also related to the Zhang family's face, so I spent some time installing a prosthetic for him, and now I can barely use it."

"Fake, prosthetics?!" It's not that Shen Wujiu has never seen prosthetics. Many disabled people in the army sometimes wear wooden prosthetics, but they all look like they can't move, but the slave gave him a prosthesis just now. When serving tea, that arm is very lively!Even if it wasn't for the glove on the palm and the knowledge that the other party's arm was broken before, otherwise the abnormality would not have been discovered.How did that work?
But before the extremely curious Shen Wujiu continued to ask questions, the old man sitting next to him had already coughed softly a few times, reminding Shen Wujiu to get down to business first, so he pulled back Shen Wujiu's words, and quickly told Zhang Yan made a recommendation.

"Mr. Zhang, this is the special investigation supervisor from the palace, Wu Kui, Wu Guanshi. Our special case department is under the control of Wu Guanshi." Shen Wujiu hurried over from Lianshan City this time. Just to do this.Wu Kui's arrival startled him a lot.

You must know that Wu Kui is not only the head of the special case department, but also the emperor's personal eunuch. Normally, he would never leave the palace at all, and all matters were uploaded and issued by the people under his command.Anyway, Shen Wujiu had worked in the Special Case Department for so many years, but this was the first time he heard that Wu Kui had left the imperial city.

"Mr. Zhang, Wu Kui took the liberty to come to visit. Please also invite Mr. Haihan. It is really that Mr.'s previous feat in Lianshan City was too amazing and too important, so I had to come here in such a hurry." Wu Kui said, then A high-pitched voice unique to eunuchs came out.

"Hehe, Guanshi Wu is too polite. He came all the way here, and Zhang Yan didn't treat him well, but he feels that he is very familiar with Guanshi Wu. It seems that he has met him somewhere, so naturally there will be no distinction. If there is something wrong, Guanshi Wu can open up. Say it." Zhang Yan followed Shen Wujiu's words and called Wu Kui "manager" instead of "adult".After all, eunuchs have no formal official positions and are not on the official roster. No matter how powerful they are, they can't afford the word "adult".

Knowing that Zhang Yan recognized him, Wu Kui also had this intention, Kai Cheng announced it, this is a necessary precondition for talking about business.So he smiled and said, "What Mr. Zhang said is even true. I also feel that I am familiar with Mr. as if I have met him. Maybe it is fate."

"Hahaha, it is indeed fate."

"Since we are so close to Mr. Wu, then I will speak directly. What I have done here is the place Mr. Zhang sealed off in the mountains outside Lianshan City. Firstly, it is to bring His Majesty's reward. I would like to thank you for your good deeds. Secondly, I would like to ask you, is the closed method only applicable to one place, or can it be copied to other places?"

There was no foreshadowing, and Wu Kui also knew that since Zhang Yan and him "revealed" each other's identities, they wanted to get straight to the point.Naturally, he wouldn't hide it.

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "I actually told Mr. Shen before that the Dead Silence Road in the direction of Lianshan City cannot be said to be sealed. It just added some defensive measures. Although the Twelve Heavenly Gang Formation is not weak, it is not. The copper wall and iron wall are indestructible, once the force protruding from the dead silence path exceeds the range of the large formation, or the twelve foundations of the large formation are destroyed, then there will be no blockade."

To put it bluntly, the Twelve Heavenly Gang Formation itself is not a great formation.For those big ghost kings in Huangquan, Zhang Yan really didn't think he could guard against them.

Of course, Zhang Yan was already very clear about Nanyuan Kingdom's thoughts at this time.The Dead Silence Road in the direction of Lianshan City was temporarily blocked, and the chain effect brought about by this was absolutely immediate.The whole Beijiang County will taste the sweetness.This will certainly lead to related conjectures and expectations.Otherwise, why would Wu Kui make the trip himself?

"Mr. Zhang is right. There is no absolute thing in the world. It is the first time in the history of the human race that the path of death and silence can be temporarily blocked. Mr. Zhang's move will surely leave a name in history and be remembered by future generations. Even those Those who saved their lives because of Mr.'s kind deeds are worthy of giving Mr. a long-lived blessing!"

Although the words are correct, Wu Kui is obviously giving Zhang Yan a high hat by saying this now.Make a necessary foreshadowing for your next words.

"Mr. Zhang, Nanyuan Kingdom is in dire straits now, and there are monster races raging in the southwest. It can be said that the situation is full of ice and snow. It was the same in Beijiang County, but now most of the difficulties have been thrown away because of Mr. Zhang's kind deeds. Therefore, Your Majesty I am very pleasantly surprised, and I hope that Mr. Zhang can use other miraculous means to help Nanyuan Kingdom in a crisis. The whole Nanyuan Kingdom will be grateful! I am willing to reward Mr. for your help with what Mr. thinks."

Wu Kui mentioned the emperor, and used the phrase "a helping hand", and even left the remuneration to Zhang Yan himself.It is clear that I hope Zhang Yanshi will speak up, as long as he can help with this, everything will be fine.

"Oh? So Manager Wu has already mastered all the entrances and exits of the Dead Silence Road in Nanyuan Kingdom?"

(End of this chapter)

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