one's door

Chapter 317 No Desire

Chapter 317 No Desire
When he left Zhang Yan's mansion, Wu Kui was still in a state of disbelief. The "difficulties" and "troubles" he thought he had discussed with the emperor in the emperor's study did not appear at all, and it went so smoothly that it was unbelievable.

As for the other four dead roads in Nanyuan Kingdom, Zhang Yan simply agreed to help block them. Although he didn't say that all four were blocked, he directly agreed to three, which is already compared to Wu Kui before The most optimistic situation would be even better. He originally thought that it would be good if Zhang Yan agreed to seal two more dead paths.

Even such an optimistic result did not make Zhang Yan do anything like a lion. His only request was to choose a suitable mountain forest as the official place to start the mountain if he had the opportunity.Put the words here for the time being, and don't mention any of the rest of the requirements.

Although it is impossible for Nanyuan Kingdom to really not reward anything, on the contrary they will actively give something, but compared to Zhang Yan asking for it, he is already able to control the width independently.

But why?

Why did Zhang Yan behave so cooperatively and without any desire?

Of course, it doesn't mean that all of Wu Kui's ideas today have been agreed by Zhang Yan.The smoothest thing is about the Dead Silence Dao, Zhang Yan agreed to seal three of the remaining four places.But things about Yunqueshuo didn't go well, and Zhang Yan directly rejected him as soon as he opened his mouth.It is said that there is only one flying artifact like the Skylark Shuttle, and Zhang Yan has no way to refine it for the time being.

temporary?It does leave some hope for Wu Kui.

"Has Zhang Yan always been like this?" Wu Kui couldn't figure it out, and Shen Wujiu was also the person who got along with Zhang Yan the most, so he couldn't help asking.

"What does the steward mean?"

"Always so easy to talk to?"

Shen Wujiu thought carefully about the scenes since he and Zhang Yan got acquainted, so he nodded and said, "Mr. Zhang has always been like this. He is kind and willing to help with anything."

But Wu Kui nodded and shook his head again.

Wu Kui didn't think Shen Wujiu's words were false.Not only Shen Wujiu, Wu Kui also deliberately learned about Zhang Yan from the words of many people.Such as Zhou Cang, such as Shi Xuan and Xiao Shu, and Princess Qingling.These people have come into contact with Zhang Yan much more times than Shen Wujiu, and they all come to the same conclusion as Shen Wujiu, saying that Zhang Yan is a kinder and talkative person.

Even if it hadn't happened that Zhang Yan beheaded two people at the auction in order to auction a big weapon, Zhang Yan would appear more gentle to these people's senses, the kind that would not have burrs at all.

But Wu Kui didn't think these views about Zhang Yan were accurate.

Is Zhang Yan a kind person?Obviously not quite.A kind person would simply kill two strangers with whom he had no direct grievances?And make it into a bloody scene that is obviously intended to shock?Moreover, the death of Wu Yuan, the former city guard officer of Langyuan City, and his only son Wu Qingling, although there is no real evidence, is very likely that Zhang Yan murdered them secretly.It's just that Wu Yuan is not clean, and he is a saint of the Spirit Race, so this matter was suppressed in the end.

This reminded Wu Kui that most of the eunuchs in the palace, including himself, were actually similar to the kindness shown by Zhang Yan.They all look kind.

But it's easy to talk, so I have to think about it separately.

Wu Kui had thought about this aspect of Zhang Yan when Huayue Kingdom denied and refused to marry the princess.At that time, Huayue Kingdom made a backhand of "Crossing Three Passes" to attack Nanyuan. The emperor invited Zhang Yan to help him, but what Zhang Yan asked for at that time was the sole right to purchase some longevity stones.

In Wu Kui's opinion, this is simply a fart!It's not worth mentioning compared to Zhang Yan's contribution to helping Nanyuan Nation, right?purchase?Putting those longevity stones directly into Zhang Yan's pocket is almost enough to reward him for his great achievements.

In the end, although the emperor did not add other rewards to Zhang Yan, he also gave some compensation from other aspects.For example, the Zhang family's woodware shop, from now on, only the Zhang family can operate in Nanyuan country, and no one else, no matter who they are, is not allowed to touch it.

After that, among other things, he said that Zhang Yan helped to block the dead road in Beijiang County, and he didn't ask for anything.Almost for nothing.

This time Wu Kui was prepared to bleed heavily, but found that Zhang Yan just said "a suitable place to start the mountain".Doesn't this mean that they are ready to help in vain?
A person may really be kind and kind, but it is absolutely impossible to do everything without asking for rewards, and to like to work in vain.

If you really want to be helpful, why are Zhang Yan's powerful weapons getting more and more expensive?Don't sell it at a fair price?Even a fire sale?

It can only be said that perhaps what Zhang Yan values ​​is not what others understand or care about.Just like the Longevity Stone.In the eyes of ordinary people, they are just some stones that can be used to decorate ornaments. They are valuable goods, but there is no need to hoard them in large quantities.And Zhang Yan did this, so naturally it wasn't because he was crazy, but because he had a reason for doing so.Including the emperor, they also hoarded some longevity stones.But besides Zhang Yan, who knows that there are other uses for that thing?

Wu Kui was even thinking about it.What Zhang Yan is looking for is not money or power, he seems to be planning for his own strength all the way.Can it be reversed, including the Longevity Stone, Zhang Yanlao's benefits are actually enhancing his strength?

Including this time?
Wu Kui didn't express the guess in his heart.The reply he got from Zhang Yan must be reported to the emperor as soon as possible.And he will continue to stay in Langyuan City, and then together with Zhang Yan, he will witness with his own eyes how Zhang Yan managed to block the dead road.

Wu Kui left in a hurry, while Zhang Yan returned to the refining room in his small courtyard and started formally refining a pair of leg-shaped limbs for his elder brother Zhang Shun.

Zhang Yan already knew the size of the limbs.It doesn't need to be equipped with so many combat attributes like He Xianghong's arm.One is flexible, the other is sensitive to touch, and it won't be jerky to use. These three points can meet Zhang Shun's normal needs.In terms of difficulty, except for the "touch", other aspects are even much simpler than He Xianghong's arm.

So much so that when refining a pair of limbs for Zhang Shun, he was able to think about the conversation with Wu Kui today in his mind.

seriously.Zhang Yan really doesn't have much idea of ​​what he wants from Nanyuan Kingdom now.Everything about the Taoist sect in the entire Huangtian Territory is unknown, and Zhang Yan can easily obtain a large amount of cultivation resources.Not to mention that he himself can practice at an infinitely faster rate by relying on merit and aura, and Huangtianyu is helping Wudao to cheat. Even Wang Nian and the other three younger ones have inexhaustible resources for future cultivation.

From this aspect, Zhang Yan can really be said to have "no desires and no desires" for Nanyuan Kingdom.

But it's not because Zhang Yan is willing to help block the Dead Silence Road for nothing, it's just that the benefits he reaps are just as Wu Kui thought, but others won't think of them when they see it.

(End of this chapter)

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