one's door

Chapter 319 Topography

Chapter 319 Topography
For the "sanctuary" and "spiritual clan" in the wild world, Zhang Yan's initial and most of his cognition comes from the narration in "Miscellaneous Scrolls of Spiritual Affairs" written by Yu Wenbing, the sage of the demon race.After getting acquainted with the demon species Bai Yu later, I also learned more information from the other party.

But in the end, it is only "understanding", not "clear".

Even Zhang Yan has carefully distinguished them in the past two years.Even the Special Cases Division set up in Nanyuan Kingdom specifically for ghosts, the understanding of ghosts and ghost domains is superficial, not in-depth at all.And it's not just the Nanyuan Kingdom, looking at the entire human empire, it is estimated that the Shang Kingdom knows a little more about it, such as the Nanyuan Kingdom and the Beiwu Kingdom, the situation is no better than a few "Miscellaneous Volumes of Spiritual Affairs" How much is said in it.

Among them, Zhang Yan also knew about the news about the Dead Silence Dao not long ago.Let alone understanding.So I was quite surprised to hear the clues suddenly.

"The place where the Dead Silence Road is located, how did the mining area manage to be prosperous for many years? Could there be something hidden in it?" Zhang Yan continued to fly south while manipulating the Skylark Shuttle, crossing the northeast direction of Xiyuan County, and entering the area next to it. Nagato County.While asking the question in his heart.

Wu Kui smiled and said: "It's hard to say about the problems. Many hidden things about Qiande in the previous dynasty were not inherited after the founding of the Nanyuan Kingdom. The historical materials also did not mention the Qiande Dynasty's methods of targeting the Lingzu. .

Combined with some other information that has not been detected, it is very likely that the Dead Silence Road in Changmen County appeared there not long before the collapse of the Qiande Dynasty, that is, after the mineral output began to decline sharply.

But why, we don't know anything.After all, even the location of the Dead Silence Dao, we have only grasped it not long ago. "

Zhang Yan could only nod his head to express his understanding when he heard the words, and he also agreed with Wu Kui's guess in his heart.That is to say, the Dead Silence Road in Changmen County did not always exist there.It appeared suddenly at a certain time.Otherwise, how can the place where the Way of Death and Silence is located make life easier for the living?

Since it didn't exist before, it came later.Then there will be new possibilities.Is it a new dead road that appeared later, or a dead road that moved from another place?

However, it is estimated that no one will give him an answer to this new question that popped up in Zhang Yan's mind, and he can only see if fate will have a chance to know in the future.

But this also gave Zhang Yan a new way of thinking, that is, the thing of dead silence is definitely not something that has existed since ancient times, but will change.Either it will move, or it will increase or decrease.

Skylark Shuttle's speed is extremely fast, and it doesn't take much time to cross the range of two counties.So after chatting for a while, before he knew it, he had arrived at the place Wu Kui said was in the dead silent road in Changmen County.

It has the same characteristics as all dead and silent roads, that is, the closer to the center of the dead and silent road, the more eerie and terrifying it will appear, and it is accompanied by some strange and weird landform features that are difficult to see in ordinary lands.

But the bleakness of this abandoned mine known as Snowfield doesn't lie on the surface.Instead, it slowly seeps up from the feet.At the same time, coupled with the already barren and mining-abandoned environment here, even if few people have come here for hundreds of years, it will still give people a feeling of lifelessness and lifelessness.

"Mr. Zhang, are you going to find a place to lower the Tiangang Pillar first this time?"

"No. The terrain is different here. Change."

The setting of the Twelve Heavens Array is not a fixed arrangement, and needs to be adjusted accordingly according to the terrain where the Dead Silence Road is located.It is necessary to maximize the power of the large formation, and at the same time to cover the dead silence in the large formation to the greatest extent.At the same time, it is also necessary not to disturb the ghosts gathered in the big formation before it is opened.

Originally, the best way was to take the underground mine distribution map of this mining area, find and delineate the most suitable deployment position, and at the same time hide yourself.

Because from the moment Zhang Yan stepped into this area, he could feel that this place was different from the other two dead silence roads he had sealed off before.The most intuitive difference is that the entrance and exit of the dead road here are not on the surface, but directly hidden underground, or the opening is opened in the underground mine.

In this way, it is equally necessary for Zhang Yan to drive the twelve-day gang formation deep into the mine, so that the power of the formation can be better utilized, and there will be no dead ends or flaws.

But the mining area has been abandoned for hundreds of years, and it is still a legacy from the previous dynasty. Although Nanyuan Kingdom inherited this place, it is absolutely impossible to keep the mine trend map of this abandoned mining area.So Zhang Yan didn't ask at all.

"Let's explore the underground location first. This time, it's inconvenient to bring Steward Wu with us, and please help Zhang Luezhen here." Zhang Yan took a rough look at the terrain of the place, and quickly became concerned.

If you bring Wu Kui with you, although you can have one more helper, it will also hinder the convenience of his formation.Because if you take Wu Kui with you, you can only walk through abandoned mine roads that you don't know where they lead.It is even more difficult to find a suitable deep position to arrange the Tiangang pillar.And if Zhang Yan acted on his own, he could just put aside the complexity of the mine tunnel and choose to use the earth escape technique to find it directly, which is not a little bit faster.And it can also prevent the ghosts gathered at the entrance and exit of the dead road from discovering clues.

"Mr. Zhang, is there any other way?"

"From what Manager Wu saw, the terrain of the Deathly Silence Road here is complex, and the layout of the Twelve Heavens Array needs to be adjusted, so we need to dive deep into the mine below."

"But this place has been deserted for a long time, and there is no road map for the distribution of relevant mines. Sir, is there a way?"

"Well. There is a method, but it doesn't need to rely on the mine's lines. But in this way, Manager Wu can't be accompanied."

"Huh? Mr. Zhang don't care about me, just do whatever you want, I'm just here to help Mr. look after these heavenly pillars." Wu Kui was extremely curious, knowing that Zhang Yan must show some new means.While expressing that he didn't mind, he also consciously took a good look at the twelve metal Tianzhu pillars that had just been unloaded from the Skylark Shuttle.

Zhang Yan didn't show any tricks, but nodded to Wu Kui, then bowed his hands, and put on a Tiangang pillar with one hand, and then the people and the pillars all began to sink into the ground, as if the ground had turned into a cloud. quagmire.After only three or two breaths, Zhang Yan and the Tiangang pillar could no longer be seen.

"This..." Wu Kui was once again speechless by Zhang Yan's method.He also instantly understood why Zhang Yan said that he could not take him with him this time.Sinking into the ground, indeed, does not require a mine's roadmap and is faster, but won't people be suffocated?

Naturally Zhang Yan will not be suffocated to death, Tu Dun has practiced to his current level, not to mention thousands of miles in a blink of an eye, it is no longer a problem for a few miles in a blink of an eye.But sneaking underground with a huge Tiangang pillar is not so fast.But although it's a little troublesome, it doesn't affect Zhang Yan's purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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