one's door

Chapter 320

Chapter 320
The heaven and the earth are divided into yin and yang, the upper part is clear as yang, and the lower part is turbid as yin.Therefore, yang qi always rises, while yin qi sinks.

Although the earth escape technique adopts the path of the five elements earth attribute, it will still be disturbed by Yin Qi when diving into the ground.Under normal circumstances, this kind of nuisance is not serious, and there is no need to even care about it. It belongs to the natural laws of heaven and earth, and it will not have any impact on the escape technique.

But special circumstances are another matter.

The location where Zhang Yan entered was in the outlying area of ​​the Xueyuan mining area, which was a place outside the gathering area where he deliberately avoided the dead quiet road delineated by Nanyuan Kingdom.The purpose is to calmly and slowly probe deep without being discovered by the ghosts near the deadly path.

But it was Zhang Yan's first attempt to escape underground with a huge Tiangang pillar. He never thought that he would encounter such a situation before.

Fortunately, Zhang Yan's cultivation base is high enough now, and he has been refining the method of Tudun from the very beginning, so it can be called superb.Although the speed of diving into the ground with a huge Tiangang pillar is not fast, it is still smooth.

Once you enter the ground, your normal vision will be unreliable. There is really no light here.What needs to rely on is perception.Use perception to guide your own escape direction, and avoid some water traps and potholes in the formation.

Zhang Yan's moving direction is diagonally downward.Because he needs to distinguish the range of travel based on the degree of gathering of Yin Qi.

"How deep is it?"

Along the way, Zhang Yan soon discovered that the mining area looked barren and dilapidated above, but beneath the ground was another scene, extending in all directions like densely intertwined spider webs.From time to time, the Earth Dungeon will fall into a certain dark mine tunnel that no one has stepped on for many years.Going down obliquely layer by layer, you can still feel the existence of the mine tunnel for more than thirty feet.

After about a stick of incense, Zhang Yan sensed the first group of ghosts since coming here.Similar to the situation we encountered before, the generals were all led by ghosts, and then a few "white and fat" soul boys were gathered together by the spirit feeder.Moreover, it can be seen that their speed is much faster than Zhang Yan's two previous encounters, and they are also very vigilant, especially the ghost generals who follow, they will roam a certain range from time to time, as if they are searching for something.

It seems that it is also because Nanyuan Kingdom has sealed off two places of dead silence, so the ghosts here have also started to be vigilant?
Very reasonable, Zhang Yan smiled in his heart, and didn't care too much.His main purpose is to set up the big formation first, so that these ghosts will not be able to escape at that time, no matter how cautious they are, it is impossible for them to notice any clues before the big formation starts.

As they continued to approach, ghosts appeared in groups more frequently, but Zhang Yan also continued to lay out the foundation of the formation in an orderly manner.But as the arrangement deepened, he gradually felt something unusual.That is, there seem to be too many ghosts gathered around the entrance and exit of this deadly path.

According to the previous experience of blocking the two paths of death and silence, the path of death and silence is actually a busy pass, whether entering or leaving is in a hurry, and a large number of ghosts will not stay outside in a short period of time.

However, there are many ghosts gathered at the entrance and exit of the dead road below the Xueyuan mining area, and even some ghosts seem to be in a hurry but neither leave nor enter, more like pretending.

"Is this. Waiting for a rabbit?" Although Zhang Yan knew that he might have fallen into a trick set up by a ghost this time, he didn't panic, and smiled self-deprecatingly.It is also a wake-up call to my relaxed mind when facing ghosts.After all, ghosts are no different from living people, so they can't always lose money but never have a long memory, right?
It's just that Zhang Yan himself was too careless to fall into the current situation.

Zhang Yan was thinking in his heart, but he didn't panic at the same time.He has two choices now, either he just throws away the Tiangang Pillar and runs away, and tries to see if he can rush out of this place by relying on the earth escape, which is obviously forming an encirclement circle for him.

Another option is that since everyone has come, there is no reason to run away halfway.Then touch it and see what the ghosts have prepared for him.

If it is in the ghost domain, Zhang Yan will probably choose to avoid its peak temporarily, after all, it is the territory of ghosts.But even though this place is underground, it is also in the sun, how can we be timid before fighting?What's more, Zhang Yan's previous plan was to mess up the ghosts' secret calculations against him.If the situation can be broken at this time, it will naturally make it more difficult for those ghosts in Huangquan to attack him.

But you have to find a suitable place.You can't be in the state of escaping, otherwise Zhang Yan will not be able to use many methods due to the limitation of the five elements.

So after Zhang Yan buried the fifth Tiangang pillar at hand, he quietly searched in the densely packed mine tunnels, and finally found an underground cavity less than ten feet away from the ground with a radius of three feet.There are also some rotten wooden tables and stools scattered here, which should be a small site for resting in the former mining area and taking stock of the miners' income.

In Zhang Yan's perception, this place is in the middle of the entrance and exit of the Dead Silence Road, not too deep, nor too defensive.At the same time, although the position of three feet is not too big, it is actually enough when fighting against intangible opponents like ghosts.

Zhang Yan stomped his foot, and a yellow light spread like ripples from the position Zhang Yan stepped on.And as this earthy yellow brilliance passed by, all the earth and stone structures in the surrounding area, including the hollow here and the mine tunnels extending in all directions, immediately became compact, even as solid as pig iron.And this state can remain unchanged for at least an hour.

Since he chose to have a head-on encounter with those ghosts, he wouldn't go to the ground. What if the other party retreated?But it's not appropriate to stay in the casting state of the earth escape technique, so Zhang Yan created a suitable environment for himself.

"When I was in Langyuan City, I killed several of your so-called holy kings, and I almost killed a great holy king. I was still wondering how you could be so silent? I didn't expect to lie in ambush here I.

Come out, let me see what methods you have? "

Zhang Yan's voice echoed far away in the dark mine tunnel one after another, and the echo gradually decreased over and over again and finally disappeared.

Zhang Yan was not in a hurry, he closed his eyes in the dark, perception replaced his vision, and also broke through the barriers of layers of earth and stone.

Where the eyes couldn't see, the ghosts that were still performing hard all stopped their movements one after another. After a while, those ghosts, ghost boys and the like fled into the entrance of the dead silent road in a swarm, and those who stayed outside The ghosts with the lowest strength are also ghost generals. As for the ghost kings, they are emerging one by one along the entrance and exit of the dead silence road.
(End of this chapter)

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