one's door

Chapter 322 Earth Beast

Chapter 322 Earth Beast
Counting it, this should be Zhang Yan's first face-to-face confrontation with ghosts.It's completely different from the previous situation of always taking advantage of the unequal information gap between the two sides to attack the opponent's weakness by surprise.

This time, he was facing the largest group of ghosts that Zhang Yan had encountered so far.

Zhang Yan's habit has always been to strike first. When the enemy is outnumbered, the most important thing is to kill as many enemies as possible to lay the groundwork for the subsequent tug-of-war.

However, under Zhang Yan's rapid piercing with Tudun and Jian Jue, Zhang Yan's Chunyang sword did not directly cause damage to the Yonghe Sacred King at his Zhang Xu, as he expected, but was covered by a layer of earthy yellow. The invisible barrier resisted.

"Huh? Can it block the Chunyang sword with the power of thunder? This doesn't seem to be a means of the evil spirit or the materialization of the soul?" Zhang Yan walked away with a touch, sensing the reason why the long sword was blocked, and at the same time secretly thought that this time it might be possible. It's time to see the powerful methods of suppressing the bottom of the box of ghosts in Huangtianyu.

"Upon the laws of heaven and earth, hurry like a law! Stone bats, now!"

Taoism emphasizes "following the trend", and being in the ground, the lightning method of the five elements wood is more difficult to use, because it is true that you can't borrow the natural thunder power of heaven and earth, you can only rely on Zhang Yan's own lightning skills Shi Wei, it's okay to use it for a surprise attack, but it's unrealistic to rely on your own aura to make a big deal.

Fortunately, it was also Zhang Yan's confidence that in addition to his good practice in the lightning method of the five elements of the wood attribute, he also practiced well in the related methods of the five elements of the earth attribute, and he was not only good at earth escape.

Zhang Yan naturally heard the word "Earth Beast" shouted by the Great Sage King Yonghe just now.Although I didn't think about it carefully, I knew that this must be some kind of systematic big move of the opponent, otherwise the opponent's melee defense method that could be broken by the Thunder Talisman at the beginning, can't be broken by the Chunyang Sword with Tianlei Jin now. It can be seen.

But Zhang Yan also has his own moves.The opponent is powerful, so use points to expand the area. The methods of the five elements and earth attributes also have powerful moves that can target souls and ghosts.

Just like Zhang Yan's technique of throwing out at the same time: stone bat.

Bat, bat.The actual appearance of this method of directly calling names by adding a stone character in front.They are bats formed from earth and rocks.

Bats are the only living beings that live in the dark underground but have a yang body.It is also a sharp weapon that earth attributes can use to deal with ghosts.

In an instant, amidst Zhang Yan's reverberating incantations, lumps of earth and rocks the size of fists sprung up out of thin air in the dark underground mine tunnel, and then transformed into bats after a short breath. , began to fly silently.

Because they are not real bats, but stone bats, which are still formed from the earth and stones of this place, so for them, flying in the air is not as easy as shuttling through the earth and rocks.

The appearance of these stone bats is greater than the huge number. In just three to five breaths of work, there are no fewer than a thousand of them within ten feet of Zhang Yan's body, and they travel unimpeded underground, fiercely attacking and biting the nearby ghosts. .

Stone bats belong to yang, and they are condensed under the magic of the five elements and earth attributes. They carry far more yang energy than real bats. Even if they can't hurt the ghost's soul when biting, they can quickly dispel the yang energy in their body. It is transmitted to the soul body of the opponent, forming a substantial damage to the ghost.

Here Zhang Yan sacrificed the stone bat, and the method of the ghost on the other side was the "earth beast" that the Holy King of Yonghe said.

Zhang Yan uses points to expand the surface, and the ghost's strategy is to use the surface to condense points.

Although the methods are different, the skills are coincidentally the same.Stone bats and earth beasts, in Zhang Yan's view, aren't they all means of the Five Elements Earth attribute? !

Ghosts also know the five elements? !
Before this, Zhang Yan knew that ghosts would have some spells that belonged to them, such as the method of condensing one's own soul into sharp weapons and armor, which were obvious spells.Therefore, it is believed that the ghosts in Huangtianyu are already consciously groping in the direction of ghost cultivation.

Now the nature of this beast is completely different from the soul-body transformation into soldiers or armor that Zhang Yan experienced from these ghosts in Huangtianyu before.The obvious five-element earth attribute technique.

Although it is still very rough, it is to use the strength of the soul body of the huge ghost present to force it to disperse, and then stir up the extremely strong five-element earth attribute deep underground here, and then in some way arouse the power of the five-element earth attribute. Can form spell effects.

Now the Holy King of Yonghe is what they call the "earth beast" beast head, and the ghost kings and ghost generals around Zhang Yan are three or five groups of horns, and at the same time, they connect the five elements of the earth attribute that have stirred up. Finally, it is held on the body of the Holy King Yonghe to form a "beast body".

In Zhang Yan's perception, the earth beast produced by the ghost on the opposite side actually looked ferocious and ferocious, and its huge size did not appear loose because it was put together by many ghosts interacting with each other.Leaving aside the yin and soul reactions of the respective ghosts, what Zhang Yan is facing at this moment is really like a giant beast.

The giant beast swept across its tail, and the physical strength brought by the huge five-element earth attribute was not something that Zhang Yan could forcefully block, and could only be avoided by relying on body skills or evasion techniques.But in the process of avoiding, they will also be constantly harassed or even sniped by the components of the beast, that is, many ghost kings and ghost generals.

Although Zhang Yan's stone bat is not afraid of being destroyed, it can quickly re-condense its shape after being broken up, fill it with yang energy, and continue to bite.It did indeed bring real damage to the ghosts that make up the land beast, but this cannot be seen immediately. The land beast erected by the ghosts cannot be directly torn to pieces, but can only be eaten away slowly.

As a result, the situation looked a little stalemate for a while.The ghost controls the ground beast, no matter how sensitive the physical attack is, or "opening the mouth" to use the rapid flow of the five elements' earth attribute to suck Zhang Yan's body to achieve the purpose of imprisoning Zhang Yan, all fail without exception.

Zhang Yan will only be more familiar with and understand the magic of the Five Elements and Earth. Although this earth beast of the ghost is strange, it can also be called powerful.But if you want to do anything to Zhang Yan, there is no hope at all for the time being.

And Zhang Yan's side was also somewhat beyond his expectations.Because the means offered by the other party are different from his previous cognition, and although the beast has not changed much, it is flexible and extremely tough. effect.

But the difference between Zhang Yan and ghosts is that he has a lot of cards in his hand.Since stone bats can't see immediate results, another method is to be used.

"By the law, the universe is as urgent as the law! Earth fire, come quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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