one's door

Chapter 323

Chapter 323
What is ground fire?

To put it bluntly, it is an underground fire.

In the universal saying on the earth, the ground fire can be attributed to "lava".A complex natural phenomenon belonging to the actual existence of the host planet.

In fact, although lava also exists deep underground, it can even be said to be a great boost to the origin of biology, but in another cognitive system, lava is just lava, not ground fire.

There is a saying that has been distorted for a long time called "the sky thunder catches the earth fire".This actually talks about the principle that energies of the same nature attract each other.It means that the sky thunder and the earth fire have the same nature, and the two can be compatible.

What is the nature of thunder?Zhigang Zhiyang.

Since the earth fire has the same nature as the sky thunder, it is naturally the most rigid and the most yang.

And the ground fire here is not talking about lava, but the fire energy between heaven and earth, which belongs to the five elements of fire that are silent at the same position as the lava.

How about Zhang Yan's five-element fire attribute method?That is naturally not good.After all, the refining tool relies on the convenience of his weird black and white pill fire, and has nothing to do with the fire technique he masters.

But the ground fire is an exception.Because although the earth fire is of the fire attribute, it is more inclined to the means of the five elements of the earth attribute when it is used.

It can be imagined as squeezing lemon juice, the outer skin is squeezed hard, and the juice is squeezed out through the outer skin.The five-element soil is the squeezed layer of "lemon peel", and the ground fire that emerges is "lemon juice".

Even the actual situation is very similar to "squeezing lemon juice". The ground fire that comes out does not burst out like a volcanic eruption, but just like when a lemon comes out of juice, it evenly bursts out bit by bit from the incision.

It also seems to be blooming everywhere, not only in the dark and empty mine tunnels, but also in the spaces filled with earth and rocks.Just like the countless bits and pieces in Zhang Yan's perception.

I said before that the essence of the ground fire is fire squeezed out of the soil. If you want to control these fires, the easiest way is naturally to continue to use the method of the five elements of the earth attribute. Drive the ground fires that are constantly squeezed out to gradually converge into a fire flow, and then cooperate with the nearly ten thousand stone bats to wrap around the so-called ground beasts erected by ghosts.

This time, it was not just a "nibble" like a stone bat, but a red-hot iron wrapped around the opponent's body.No matter how tough it is, it can't stop the scorching fire of the terrifying sun, even if there are five elements of earth as some offsetting shells, it can't stop the rapidly rising concentration of yang energy, and with the biting stone bats biting open The small hole, like the dam that collapsed in the ant's nest, collapsed only in an instant.

"The heaven and the earth are natural, and the filth and qi are scattered. The cave is mysterious and empty, and the Taiyuan is shining brightly"

The Divine Mantra of Purifying Heaven and Earth began to be sung from Zhang Yan's mouth, with a trembling voice, like Hong Zhong Dalu's words, reaching the depths of the ghosts' souls, suppressing all the evil spirits and even hostility in their souls.

The same "Jing Tian Di Shen Mantra" Zhang Yan sang when he was still in the Qi-entraining period was completely different from chanting it now after returning to the divine state.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the Holy King of Yonghe also felt that he still underestimated Zhang Yan.The opponent not only relies on Thunder to be fierce, but other means are no worse than Thunder.In the confrontation just now, the Holy King of Yonghe could clearly feel that even if he brought hundreds of spirit generals and more than ten holy kings and cooperated with the powerful multi-vs-one moves of the earth beast, it was still difficult for him to do anything to the opponent.On the other hand, the opponent threw out two new methods that had never been seen before, and the whole situation began to slide in a direction that was not good for them.

Thinking of the lessons learned from his almost complete death in Langyuan City before, the Saint King of Yonghe soon had the intention to retire.In addition, if this fight continues, not only will the entrance and exit of this dead path be blocked, but also the lives of countless spirit clans under his command will be lost.

Or should we avoid it first?The lesser of two evils?

But how could Zhang Yan end up like this?of course not.Inserting the Chunyang sword in his hand into the ground, temporarily serving as the center of the formation, with it as the center point, the few Tiangang pillars that Zhang Yan seemed to have failed to arrange before were connected into one piece, and the power of the formation rose instantly. , Like an invisible barrier, it will cover Zhang Yan's area of ​​nearly [-] feet around him.

This is a package that covers all directions, up, down, left, and right. Although it can't cover all the ghosts present, it still covers nearly [-]% of them, including the great sage Wang Yonghe.

Don't have the confidence to work hard with you underground?

It wasn't until this moment that the ghosts felt that they had suddenly fallen into a predicament, or even a desperate situation.

"The filth dissipates and the Dao Qi lives forever!"

Every time the "Jingtiandi Divine Mantra" is sung once, there will be unstoppable ghosts falling out of the combination of the earth and beasts.

Ghosts that have been eroded by yang qi to stabilize their souls are extremely fragile in front of the magic spell of Jingtiandi.In addition, although these several celestial pillars can't be assembled into a large formation of twelve celestial pillars, the talismans and spirit stones in them are enough to be used as the supernatural power of "Jing Jie Wing and Emancipation of Sin".

Run, can't run away; fight, can't fight.

So the scene is a bit muddy and sandy.Zhang Yan didn't even need to confront the opponent head-on, he just needed to restrain the opponent's movement from the side, so that he could not break through the formation with all his strength and escape.

The magic circle pulled out by several Tiangang pillars was not so strong.But with the magic weapon of Chunyang Sword as the center of the formation, and Zhang Yan personally holding the formation, the power can increase dramatically.

Now this temporary formation is like a stuffy jar full of carnivorous ants, and the ghosts are the mice in the jar.The struggle will only gradually weaken, and finally be eaten into a pile of bones.

Even the ghosts took out the means of soul explosion, a dying blow.Zhang Yan was forced to get out of the formation, not daring to face the power of Soul Explosion.

But if the magic circle drawn by the Tiangang Pillar is to be broken through such a simple and crude method as Soul Explosion, it would be too much fun, let alone block the entrance and exit of the Dead Silence Road.The magic circle is either dismantled along the vein of the magic circle, or it destroys the foundation of the magic circle arrangement.Generally, those who rely on hard power to break the magic circle are the second ones.

But right now, the Tiangang Pillar is placed in a deeper place. If you want to directly destroy the Tianzhu Pillar, at least [-]% of the ghosts present, including the ghost kings, must grit their teeth and give up [-]% of them together, otherwise it will be impossible to break the formation.And doing so will draw other ghosts who are also trapped in the formation into the soul explosion at the moment the formation is broken.It belongs to the act of killing one thousand enemies and harming one thousand two.

So Zhang Yan came out of the formation at this time, and he didn't care about the sporadic ghosts scattered around the periphery. They were frightened and swarmed towards the entrance of the dead silence road in the depths.

It's a pity that we can't catch them all.But thinking that the big head is trapped in the formation, Zhang Yan felt very relieved.He was even curious about how much merit and aura the big ghost king could bring him in the end.

But just when Zhang Yan's attention was shifted back to the magic circle from the scattered ghosts, a force with strong five-element earth attribute in the extreme yin suddenly shot out from the entrance and exit of the dead pit in the deep mine below. come out.

In less than a short breath, it was like a giant blade slashing upwards from bottom to top. Wherever it passed, one of the Tiangang pillars was directly chopped into pieces. After that, without stopping, it continued to cut towards Zhang Yan, and brought it up. Zhang Yan couldn't help standing upside down with hairs all over his body because of the tremendous force, and he didn't dare to block his sharpness. The evasion technique was launched, and the speed of the giant blade cutting towards him in the earth and rocks was only equal to the speed of the giant blade.
(End of this chapter)

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