one's door

Chapter 339 Test

Chapter 339 Test
Zhang Yan didn't leave very far, walked around the village less than five miles away, and came back after confirming that there were indeed no ghosts hiding around.But he didn't show up directly. Instead, he sent a voice transmission to the two children, saying that he would guard the outer circle and let the two children act on their own.

Of course, this was just a test and observation, Zhang Yan didn't let go, but observed the two children secretly from a place where they couldn't find them.

Good talent does not mean that one will be able to practice successfully, there are many invisible key factors that will affect it.Among them, "response" and "calmness" are also related to how much the monk's potential can be realized.

Especially after knowing that the water in Huangtianyu was much deeper than what he had seen before, Zhang Yan also consciously wanted to temper his disciples.In order not to be wiped out before becoming a talent.

Under Zhang Yan's gaze, the two little babies did not disappoint him.Although Wang Nian is a naughty monkey, he can really stand up to it at this time. Yang Rui, who is obviously more fearful by the surrounding environment, is gradually adapting instead of getting more and more afraid.

Even when Wang Nian found an abandoned half-collapsed wooden house that looked like a firewood house, perhaps because he was far away from those graves, the two children still had smiles on their faces.

Randomly found a pile of firewood, and lit it with his own fire method. Even though the weather didn't need a bonfire, the fire brought great encouragement and comfort to the two children, especially Yang Rui. The hairy look of fear before could hardly be seen on that small face.

"Brother Shitou, did he say that ghosts will come tonight?"

"I know. But you hope they can come. Save a few ghosts, our practice will be very slow. The teacher said that this is called "merit aura" and it was given by Huang Tianyu to thank you for removing the cancer between heaven and earth. Reward. Do you think that if you can save two or eight ghosts, there will definitely be a problem in the mid-stage Qi Entraining Realm!"

Wang Nian grinningly fiddled with the bonfire behind his face. From time to time, some aura spewed out from his hand. He pulled out the flames outside the bonfire with the means of fire control, and then entangled and changed in mid-air. Become some patterns that can be seen as outlines like cats and dogs.

"Brother Shitou, his fire control skills are really good! Can I teach you?"

"Hehe, do you know how powerful you are? It's him who taught you, and you are still far behind. Besides, the teacher said that everyone's seven-element preference is the same. Your temperament is wild and suitable for the fire method. Then you Wen Jing probably used the fire method, and the teacher should give him some pointers when he goes back."

Wang Nian has already called Pei Lu "brother" a lot now, and always uses "teacher" as his address.It seems that they want to look different outside the eight classmates.

"If the ghost comes, will you be found?"

"Discovered? You have already pasted two Qi Containing Talismans under your body, how could they still be discovered? When the time comes, take him to have a good look at these ghosts."

The two children chatted for a while.Of course, it was mainly Wang Nian who was talking, and Yang Rui sat at the side and listened.When the sky was getting dark, Wang Nian also took out a small steamed bun from his pocket, put it on a big wooden stick and baked it until soft, and then gave half of it to Yang Rui, so the two of them could have a dinner together.During the period, the two of them still suppressed their voices as if they were talking about something distressing, and they laughed very happily.

It would be quite warm to change all these scenes, at least people will smile from the bottom of their hearts.But falling outside that dead and silent mountain village, it becomes unsuitable.

Pei Lu, who had witnessed all that, stood under the top of a small tree a few feet away in the big wooden house where Wang Nian and we were, feeling quite satisfied.As a monk, even a child should be afraid of ghosts.The performance of Wang Nian's monkey is worthy of the name of a little brother.Yang Rui also adapted very slowly.

"Huh?" Zhang Yan was watching the two children laughing and playing around the campfire, suddenly nothing seemed to catch my attention, and he quickly turned his head towards the northwest of the village.Before Zhang Yan dodged around, he disappeared.

Just before Zhang Yan disappeared, it was time for a cup of tea, and the two children who were still laughing by the campfire felt that something was right.

"Brother Shitou, you think it's so right! In addition to your perception, the yin energy here is rightly coming down."

"Hmm! It's just yin energy, not yin evil! It's ghosts coming!"

Compared with Yang Rui who entered the entraining air environment, Wang Nian's perception is naturally more sensitive and broader. I found that the Yin Qi outside the village is rising slowly, and there is no such thing as the turbulent Yin Qi that I have seen before. If it spreads from inside, I'm sure it's a ghost.And the distance is already very close.

"Big wood, slow down, slowly open the yin and yang eyes! Be alert!"

"Well! But what about the teacher?"

"The teacher has no self-righteous reasoning. He is definitely watching you from the sidelines. Your father will do the same when he is training you to chop firewood. He said he is gone, but in fact he knows where the cat is watching." Wang Nian Curling his lips, the skinny monkey has always been less clever than the honest boy Yang Rui.It explained Zhang Yan's test of us that time.

"Ah? Brother Shitou, does he mean that the teacher is testing your ability to deal with ghosts?" Yang Rui felt a little less relaxed when he got up.After all, it's a test. Once Zhang Yan is satisfied with the results, will he expel me from the teacher's school?
"That's what it means. Is he scared?"

"Yes, it's just not easy."

"It's nothing to be easy, and you are also easy, but the ghosts are paper tigers, and our cultivation is to overcome them. We are together and take care of each other. It's a mistake!"

While speaking, Wang Nian took away the flames under the bonfire.Turning over the palm of your hand, you can no longer see a glimmer of fire.

"Go! Let's go out and have a look!"

The two older children walked out of the house with the courage of each other, one behind the other, and ventured back outside the dark and dead village.

"The universe borrows the law, slowly as the law! Chasing evil!"

That time it was Yang Rui who made the move.Although my cultivation is as good as Wang Nian, the method of chasing evil charms is still very useful, and I have no intention of actually participating in that "test", but I will do it if I do everything. What should I do if I am regarded as a "bad review"?Yang Rui's senior year and fourth year will also count.

At that time, the evil chasing talisman did not fall into ashes before burning out.Instead, as if being pulled by something, it flew slowly or quickly in one direction before pausing in midair for a moment.The two older children in front hurriedly followed.

It didn't take long to follow the evil chasing talisman, only at seventy breaths, Wang Nian grabbed the evil chasing talisman flying behind and wiped it out.At the same time, they pressed Yang Rui's shoulders in front of them, and the two of them hid in front of a low wall as they spoke.

Yang Rui followed the direction of Wang Nian's finger, his eyes narrowed, and outside my yin and yang vision, I saw a small group of ghosts with a number of more than seventy floating slowly from the village.

(End of this chapter)

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