one's door

Chapter 340 The First Battle

Chapter 340 The First Battle
Do you think you can make ghosts turn a blind eye to you just by relying on two Qi Containing Talismans?

Still too naive and taken for granted.

Perhaps the Qi Containing Talisman has a very good effect on wild ghosts or weaker ghosts, but for powerful ghosts, or ghost generals and other high-level ghosts, the Qi Containing Talisman alone is not safe. You also need corresponding restraint means to cover your whereabouts.

And the two children were obviously negligent, and they moved forward, without thinking at all whether there would be any powerful existence in this group of ghosts that could find them.

So when Yang Rui looked at the large group of ghosts in surprise, the group of ghosts quickly stopped moving and turned their heads to look this way.

"It happened!"

The two children immediately discovered the problem.He wanted to run, but he couldn't move as fast as the ghost.In the blink of an eye, they were surrounded in the middle, unable to advance or retreat.

Not to mention that Yang Rui was a little terrified, why not Wang Nian, a monkey?The ghost he saw before was the wild ghost that Zhang Yan showed him. It belonged to the human spirit race.And the psychological cues formed by connecting those ghost stories he had heard.But the ghosts encountered this time were very different from the ones Wang Nian had seen.

Because this time it is the demon spirit clan.

Unless ghosts have deliberately sorted out the appearance of their souls, just like Xu Fengbai changed into the appearance of a big brother before, otherwise their appearance will definitely be strongly affected by Yin Qi, Yin evil, and hostility under normal circumstances .It will become contrary to the positive sense of "pleasing to the eye".It is also the reason why ghosts are very "scary".

For Wang Nian, the demon Zhang Yan behind his eyes is far less scary than the human Zhang Yan's ghosts!

Pig-headed human body, dog-headed human body, and those without the mouse-headed bear body already fit some of the "horror" points of the human race, plus the blessing of ghosts and hostility, as well as the ages of Wang Nian and Yang Rui , Whether the two of them were immediately frightened so that their legs became weak is already the face of falling into the Taoist sect.

But looking at it, there is nothing wrong with curling one's lips.Just like this, at this moment, the expression of the Lingzu looking up from a low altitude independently is curling their lips, half a smile but not a smile.

"I'm still lacking insight. Let's see what the ghosts can do that time." Zhuang Chen quickly lost his decision.So with a thought, the small formation I had arranged around the big village early on changed.A burst of weak qi and blood was refracted, attracting all those who were more powerful than Zhang Yan in this group of monsters.Only the strongest of the eight heads remained to surround Wang Nian and Yang Rui.

Arrived at the village in the morning, the spirit clan walked around in a short circle, and really had been secretly observing the two big ones, and now it is very easy to arrange a special formation.As long as it is a formation like the Seventeen Heavenly Gang small formation that is used to block people's doors, what effort does it take to clean up and trap some of the weakest ghosts, which are at the level of ghost generals.It can be done by relying on talismans and some spirit stones engraved now.

Although it was also the first time I saw Yao Zhuangchen, but I didn't feel "shocked" by the spirit clan's feeling.It's just an ordinary ghost!What I have to say is that the soul and body are indeed thicker than the human Zhang Yan, and if the strength is calculated, it is at least a little less than the weak Zhang Yan.Comparing the gap between the monster race and the human race, the gap between the demon Zhang Yan and the human Zhang Yan is far smaller.

However, Zhang Yan's appearance is very similar to the illustrations that Zhuang Chen saw outside the classics of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Gate.That is to say, there is no difference between the monster race in the wild sky and the monster race outside the earth's legendary era, at least in terms of soul.

"That is to say, the monster races in the Desolate Sky Territory are actually better than those monsters outside the legends of the earth? Or are they better than a small number of monster races under the earth?"

The Eldar's unexpected conclusion comes from the similarity of the soul.And the growth process of the monster races on both sides.

After all, the monster races under the earth all cultivated from "beasts", and their souls will break away from the appearance of "beasts" before they become masters, and are closer to human souls and weaker than human souls.

And the monster race outside the wild sky are born with souls that are closer to human souls but also weaker than human souls.

Comparing the two sides, the Yaozu on the other side of Huangtianyu saved the "cultivation" level.It seems that there is something wrong with the logic of saying that the monster race on the Huangtianyu side is better than the monster race outside the earth's legend.

"In that case, can the monster race on the other side of the desolate sky region be able to practice these skills of the monster race on the earth?"

It's because Zhuang Chen has a strange mind and few ideas.Instead, I habitually compare things that I don't have.It's like I accepted the registered disciples of eight Taoist schools to write back.

Outside the gate of Longhu Mountain, there are also many monsters' practice methods and various means.This is due to the once glorious sect of Yushoumen, as well as the countless powerful mountain guard beasts that Longhushan once had.To say "divine beast" is actually just a powerful demon cultivator.Naturally, there is no practice method for demon cultivation.

In this way, it seems that Zhuang Chen has nothing for the Yaozu. How many methods will I habitually ignore in the future?In the past, I thought that the monster clan in Huangtianyu was just a monster clan similar to the earth in name and appearance, but now it seems that is not the case.

Did you go to preach outside the Yaozu?Zhuang Chen laughed at himself.I don't think so.Whether it is in the future or in this life, I am a human being, and I have no relationship with the Yaozu, and I may even run to preach something.But if there is a chance to make some deals, the Spirit Race can still think again.

However, just as the spirit race's thoughts flew away, two big guys had already fought with the eight-headed ghosts more than ten feet above.

To say it was a "war" is an exaggeration.It should be described as "demonstrating".

There was nothing dangerous about the scene, or it was quite dangerous at the end, but the more it came to the front, the more dangerous it became.On the contrary, it has become a testing ground for the two older children to concentrate on what they have learned and confirm each other.

Just like when Zhuang Chen came down from Yubei Mountain to meet the first batch of ghosts, how could the ghosts know my method of dealing with ghosts?He still faced me with the cognition that "living people are ants, let the old people devour them".The result was naturally that he was beaten to the north by a fistful of fists.

Moreover, the eight-headed ghosts that Wang Nian and Yang Rui were facing at this time were left behind by Zhuang Chen before they were selected. They belonged to strength but were weak, and they looked like spirit feeders outside Zhang Yan.

When the spirit clan's attention was drawn back to the top, the eight ghosts had already been suppressed, and all of them fell to the ground, their souls and bodies were in danger but they looked like they were about to collapse.The proportion is to say that it is well grasped.It is also the key teaching of the Wuling clan for so long on "transcendence".

Yes, there is always a price to pay, but when you are a beginner, how can you avoid tuition fees?

So although Wang Nian and Yang Rui are the eight ghosts on top of Blast Hammer at this time, we are also in a bad mood. The two smiling faces are as pale as paper, and the eyes are usually bloodshot as if they stayed up late.If you look casually, you can still see your lips trembling.

That's what it looks like when Yin Qi and Yin evil enter the body.A short time is important, but it will be very painful and painful, and it will be fatal if it takes a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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