one's door

Chapter 351

Chapter 351
Compared to what Zhou Cang could only rack his brains to guess, Lin Zedong who was sitting in Baishi City naturally knew much more.

In fact, Lin Zedong first heard about the spirit race not long ago. It was the first time he was informed of the signs of chaos caused by the sudden rampage of the spirit race in the rear.He still remembered the mixed feelings of horror and bewilderment when he heard the existence of the Eldar.

I am horrified that there is such a strange existence in the world. After death, people can break away from the world due to hostility and evil spirits and become evil existences.

Suddenly, he figured out some strange events that he had heard before, and if it were the spirit clan doing evil, it would all make sense at once.

It was also after that that Lin Zedong began to regain motivation with the mood of "being able to hold on", dragging his crippled body and continuing to run between the military commander's tent and various military camps, making preparations for possible turning points. Get ready.

When Lin Zedong saw Zhou Cang, he just patted each other's shoulder vigorously, and the two of them drank two bowls of cold water in a row, and the old days were over.I don't have time to talk too much privately.But Lin Zedong is still full of joy that Zhou Cang can live till now.

It's not that Lin Zedong never thought of transferring Zhou Cang to Baishi City, but he really couldn't do it.Even if he now has a considerable say in the defensive arrangement.Because the whole Xiyuan County has long been turned into a mill, grinding flesh and life. Once anyone relies on relationships to save their lives or get preferential treatment, the entire Xiyuan County, which is stretched to the limit, may break at any time, and it will be sand and mud. The situation of collapsing thousands of miles.

Yang Shiming, the commander of the Western Army, has lost a son, two grandsons and a nephew in Xiyuan County.Never seen Yang Shiming transfer his family back?Therefore, everyone in Xiyuan County is red-eyed.

Early in the morning, Lin Zedong leaned on crutches and walked all the way into the tent of the Chinese army in Baishi City. He said that the tent was actually a stone house. It was not only spacious but also strong. It was one of the few remaining in Baishi City Stone House.The rest have all been dismantled and piled up under the city wall as stone materials, serving as consumables for defending the city.It is also helpless, the terrain of Xiyuan County is flat, suitable stone materials are hard to find, and the stone houses in the city are actually reserved for such moments to a large extent.

Today is the general meeting, and people from all key positions in the Western Army and Central Army will be present to participate.Lin Zedong, as a partial general in charge of defense and deeply trusted by Yang Shiming, naturally wanted to participate.

In fact, not only Yang Shiming respected Lin Zedong, but also other people in Baishi City also respected Lin Zedong.

The most important thing in the army is real ability, especially in a place like Xiyuan County, which lives on blood.Even the customary favors in the military can only be ranked at the bottom in Xiyuan County.

Lin Zedong's ability does not refer to his martial artist realm, but his exquisite arrangement of eight trigrams.At the beginning, the whole Xijun just looked at Lin Zedong's arrival with an attitude of giving it a try. Many people secretly even thought of watching a joke. Exaggerated ingredients.

But in fact, the front line of Baishi City can be defended until now. Although it is in danger, it has been standing still. The reason for this is that apart from the iron and blood will of the Western Army, a large part of the credit must be attributed to Lin Zedong.

Using the army station as a chess piece and the entire Xiyuan County as a chessboard, the Eight Diagrams array was arranged on the southwest plain.This tone alone scared many people at that time.Then when it was implemented, many generals gradually saw the substantial improvement in the overall defense capability after Lin Zedong's arrangement.

So far, some people have said that it would have been better if Lin Zedong had arrived at the Western Army earlier, otherwise the monster clan would have more confidence in making a large-scale invasion, and would not be as uncomfortable as he is now.

This is true.If Lin Zedong could complete all the layouts, Xiyuan County would indeed not be in such a dangerous situation as it is now, at least [-]% better.

The second respected aspect of Lin Zedong is his tough style of not fearing death.One time when he was deploying defenses in the military village, he was confronted with monster soldiers coming over him. Instead of fleeing back, Lin Zedong stayed in the military village and followed the defenders to resist desperately.In the end, the military settlement stood still, but there were only a hundred soldiers left in the military settlement.And Lin Zedong was dragged out from the pile of dead people, without an arm and an eye.


"Well, Sawatou is here? You sit down first."

Yang Shiming is over eighty years old, and he is considered old among the top generals in Nanyuan Kingdom.Relying on his cultivation in the early stages of Duanshan, he has been in Xiyuan County for many years.

Lin Zedong's legs and feet were inconvenient to stand for a long time, so Yang Shiming asked him to sit down first.After waiting for almost a cup of tea, the small hall was already full of people.

At this time, Lin Zedong saw a new face, but the big red robe and accessories on the other side were enough to reveal his identity.

It's someone from the Special Cases Division.

Most of Lin Zedong's time in the army had never dealt with any members of the Special Cases Division, but recently he had done so frequently, and he could even clearly perceive that the Special Cases Division had already participated in the overall military strategy of the Western Army this time. In the middle.

Yang Shiming's style is neat and tidy, and he starts to talk about business when everyone is here.

"Today, most of the intrusion channels of the Demon Spirit Race in the rear have been blocked, and the strength will continue to be strengthened, as far as possible to maintain a level that can stabilize the overall situation in the rear. After that, starting from the day when the first bell came, The forces targeting the demon spirits will gradually participate in our Western Army's operations.

But please keep in mind that this time, in Xiyuan County, the demon spirits are not completely enemies to us, just avoid them, and don’t use bells to attack the demon spirits unless necessary.”

The number of bells is slowly increasing.In the case of only focusing on vigilance instead of trapping the Eldar, only three to four bells are enough for each military camp.Therefore, according to the judgment of the Special Cases Division and Lin Zedong, the entire Western Army currently needs forty bells to meet the demand.

As long as you don't leave orders and don't go out of the army, you don't need to be afraid of the demon spirit clan.

This sounds puzzling. Lin Zedong also asked this question, and the answer he got was "thousands of people in the army can become morale, and the evil spirit is so strong that the yang energy is much higher than other places, and the spirits dare not enter easily."

"After all the bells are put in place, the stability of the military camps will be basically guaranteed. The food shortage of the Yaozu in Xiyuan County cannot be sustained for a long time. Up to now, there is not much food they can get on the spot. As long as they continue to defend Baishi City On the front line, the monster race must retreat.

Then I asked to divide the troops from the central army, and follow the retreat of the demon clan to re-establish the army that was destroyed by them as soon as possible, so as to form a pursuit."

After hearing this secret meeting, Lin Zedong couldn't hide his excitement.It's finally time for a change.According to Yang Shiming's strategy, although it can't be called "pursuing the victory", it can definitely regain the lost ground quickly and achieve the effect of driving the monsters out of the country.

(End of this chapter)

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