one's door

Chapter 352 Channels

Chapter 352 Channels
Although Zhang Yan will always know the situation in Xiyuan County later, it is always faster than the general news channels outside.

On the one hand, the Special Cases Department will tell him some things from time to time, and on the other hand, there will be some news from those scholars who are rooted in the army of Xiyuan County in the field of miscellaneous studies.

Generally speaking, the current situation of Nanyuan Kingdom has gradually improved over the past month or so, and now Xiyuan County has discovered signs of the demon clan retreating.And boldly followed the retreating footsteps of the Yaozu, quickly rebuilt the army on the lost ground, and forced the Yaozu to speed up in the form of a gossip formation, as if chasing.

This kind of "running after the monster race" posture swept away the difficult situation of the Western Army before, and it is even said that it has been featured several times in military newspapers.

But Zhang Yan knew very well that even if the monster clan retreated, Xiyuan County would not return to its previous state.

Because there are more unstable factors such as the demon spirit race that can hardly be eradicated and will be rampant once they relax.

In fact, if I really want to talk about it, not only Xiyuan County has become different from before, but why is the whole Nanyuan Kingdom not like this?
The appearance of the demon spirit clan will naturally not do evil in a sneaky way like the human spirit clan did at the beginning, but will seize every opportunity to slaughter all creatures they see, even mice will not be spared.In addition, the death path of the monster race cannot be completely blocked, so the threat of the monster spirit race will form a long-term chronic disease that cannot be eradicated, and can only be resisted normally.

And Zhang Yan now deservedly became the most important key to dealing with the demon spirit clan in Nanyuan Kingdom.Whether it's the ghost-suppressing bell he provided, or regularly using the soul-snatching method to help Nanyuan Kingdom draw the movable dead silence road directions, these are all things that only he can do.

And now the ghost-sleeping bell that came out from Zhang Yan's hands has been enhanced by several times, and it has many differences from the first-generation ghost-stalking bell. The biggest difference lies in the distance of warning and the protection against ghosts. Enhancement in the ability to collect difficulties.Today's ghost-stealing bell can guarantee to trap most of the ghosts below the level of ghost generals, and the same is true for the demon spirit clan.

The new ghost-killing bell has improved the special case department's ability almost linearly, making it easier to deal with those movable passages.As a result, it is very difficult for the demon spirits to escape from the entrances and exits of the dead silence that can be moved.That is to say, there may be ghosts running out in the early stage of changing positions, but after being followed by the special case department, there will hardly be any.

Even the strength of the demon spirit clan's impact on the entrances and exits of the dead still road has become smaller and smaller.

In contrast, the number of demon spirits in Chonglan County and Xiyuan County has increased sharply, and the only remaining dead silence road with a fixed location is a movable dead silence. people sniping.It is also one of the reasons for the multiplication of the demon spirit race in these two places.

It's like letting water out of a water pipe and blocking some water outlets. The water in the pipe can only go out towards the unblocked outlets, and naturally more will come out.The reasoning is the same.

But what is very interesting is that even though the demon spirit clan is still surfacing, there are almost no ghosts of the level of ghost generals.It seems to be deliberately avoiding.

In addition, Chonglan County and Xiyuan County, which are the "water outlets", did not have large-scale murders due to the large number of demon spirits.Instead, he consciously borrowed the route from these two counties, and his final destination was within the territory of the Haoyue Demon Kingdom.

As I said before, ordinary ghosts will not come in places like military camps and military settlements. Even powerful ghosts will easily be made uncomfortable by the evil spirit and yang energy in the army, unless it is really unavoidable. This kind of place will choose to take a detour.

Therefore, except for the case of being alone, there are not many cases of soldiers of the Western Army dying at the hands of the Yaoling clan.They prefer to pounce on the corpses to pick up the newly dead souls for nothing during the interval of the battle.

But the Yaozu have more ways to deal with ghosts, and also have the military camp to condense evil and yang energy, so it is difficult for the Yaolingzu to take advantage of it.Then why did the Yaozu choose to retreat since they have experience and means to deal with ghosts?
This is similar to the predicament Nanyuan Nation faced back then.

The rear is unstable, and the front is naturally unsustainable.

Under Xiyuan County's strategy of fortifying the walls and clearing the wilderness, there was not much food that the monster army could plunder on the spot. Even if they captured an army camp, they would only get two or three days' rations for more than a thousand people.For the monster army, it doesn't quench their thirst at all.This is also the purpose of not keeping large luggage in the military village.

And most of the food and grass, Yaozu needs to be transported from their own territory.

In the past, the monster race would not invade the front line of Baishi City.After all, plundering food is not consuming food, it is just taking away the food within a hundred miles, and Nanyuan Kingdom will not say anything.As a result, the Yaozu went straight to the front line of Baishi City abnormally and attacked wildly for more than half a year.A posture of wanting to win Xiyuan County.Only then did the Nanyuan Kingdom be dragged to the point where even the imperial guards were sent to take care of their lives.

Now the army of the Yaozu was blocked by the soldiers of the Nanyuan Kingdom on the front line of Baishi City. Although it was in danger, it would not take a day or two to break through the line of defense.Most of the food and grass consumed had to be supplied from the rear.But now the supply line of the Yaozu is under great threat, and was even cut off at one point.

Nanyuan Kingdom has been exhausted for a long time, so naturally it has no ability to shorten the long supply line of Haoyue Monster Kingdom here.But the demon spirit clan has this ability.

The rear supply line was under great threat, and it was naturally difficult for the Yaozu to form an effective attack on the front line of Baishi City, and the longer it dragged on, the more dangerous it would be.So retreating became the only option.Naturally, the flesh and blood mill in Xiyuan County slowly stopped.

But this is the end?of course not.

In the words of Shen Wujiu: Now Chonglan County and Xiyuan County have become a "passage", and those demon spirit clans like us to have a tacit understanding without words, and they will not cause trouble with each other, and they will use this channel to enter Haoyue Demon Kingdom .

This seems to have solved the plight of Nanyuan Kingdom.But Zhang Yan seems to be only temporary.New problems also follow.

For example, although the Yaoling clan was diverted to the Yaozu's territory, it was regarded as "returning", but the Nanyuan Kingdom made the Yaozu have no definite way to block these Yaoling clans, because these Yaoling clans left The Dead Silence Dao is in the territory after that and no longer in the territory of the demon country, so it can only resist guerrilla everywhere.Then the "passage" of Nanyuan Nation naturally became the thorn in the flesh of Haoyue Yao Nation.

Is this a perfect interpretation of what is meant by a wave of ups and downs?
Zhang Yan, on the other hand, sent out more and more ghost-killing bells following a series of disturbances.Because of his familiarity, Zhang Yan can now forge three of them in an hour, and it is no longer difficult to deal with the special case department, and the special case department's demand for ghost-killing bells is also dropping sharply.Nowadays, it is the demon species that really have a great demand for the ghost-killing bell.They spread all over the countries of the human race. In addition to bringing great benefits to them, the ghost-killing bell also brought Zhang Yan a step-wise increase in ghosts for salvation, as well as various precious medicinal materials.

(End of this chapter)

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