one's door

Chapter 354

Chapter 354
After waiting at home for four full months, the little nephew at home is full moon, Zhang Yan still hasn't waited for the counterattack from the demon spirit clan, it seems that they are not dissatisfied with their situation in Nanyuan Kingdom, and they agree with him tacitly. The human race in Nanyuan Kingdom formed a "stable" situation.

Do you really use Nanyuan Kingdom as a channel?
Zhang Yan couldn't understand this point.Changing to an adult Spirit Race, Zhang Yan still believed it.But the demon spirit clan?This kind of compromise seems to be different from their usual style.

The only explanation is that the demon spirits know that "things cannot be done", so they choose to "swallow their breath" and "pretend to be deaf and dumb".

On the contrary, Nanyuan Kingdom inexplicably suppressed this huge hidden danger for the time being. Except for the serious military disasters in Xiyuan County and Chonglan County this time, the rear area was generally just a false alarm.But when this hidden danger will explode, it all depends on the mood of Zhang Yan who is in charge of Nanyuan Kingdom.

Since then, no matter the emperor of Nanyuan Kingdom or the so-called high-ranking people below, anyone who is well-informed will unconsciously elevate Zhang Yan's status infinitely, to the point where it is even vaguely equal to or even slightly higher than that of the royal family.It's just that no one said it directly.

Zhang Yan himself didn't feel that these had any impact, but continued to follow his plan for himself and continued to walk step by step, at most he would make some fine-tuning when something happened.

The family is very lively now, and Zhang Yan finally no longer has to accept Wang Lanping's tireless "marriage reminder" every day. Most of the family's experience has fallen on the third generation of the Zhang family.

The little guy's milk name is "Walnut".Later, at the full moon, I got my own name, Zhang Zhiyun.Zhi is the third generation of the Zhang family, and Yun is taken from the combination of the characters, implying that the baby will aim at the sky and have high ambitions in the future.This name was chosen by Zhang Shun himself, and he immediately took it out at the full moon, it can be seen that he had prepared for this name a long time ago.

However, although this baby is in good health, she doesn't have the talent for cultivating Taoism, but her muscles and bones are pretty good. Maybe when she gets older, she can let people come and see if she can learn martial arts.

Today, it is raining lightly in Langyuan City, making the hot weather a bit cool.One rain and one cool, the weather will have to go to autumn and winter.

The three children in the backyard were eager to pack their bags, and Wang Nian stood at the front with an expression that the three of us were all ready.

After returning from the previous fight in Gujia Village, Wang Nian and Yang Rui's temperaments have changed a lot.

The most obvious one is Wang Nian.This kid who used to be like a monkey in the past talked a lot less after he came back, and now he doesn’t like the nonsense of walking around the streets on weekdays. He just sat on a small stool with a Daoist book in his hands and read it with Yang Rui and Liu Rui when he was free. .I am no longer frizzy in doing things, instead I always think too much before acting.

Yang Rui's change is that he is working harder, and he is obviously less and less concerned about things other than cultivation.He can even delay the regular letters to the royal family. If he can't delay, he can simply report a few sentences, far from reporting everything in detail like before.

Liu Rui was also very curious about how the two senior brothers changed their temperament after going out for a trip?Asked but didn't get an answer.But she, who already likes to read books, also thinks that the changes of the two senior brothers are a good thing.

"Let's go then!"

While throwing out the Skylark Shuttle, Zhang Yan beckoned San Xiaodeng to go up, then continued to stay with He Xianghong to look after the house, took the three children into the sky and quickly disappeared into the sky.

The family members are no longer surprised by Zhang Yan's ability to fly to the sky.The eldest brother Zhang Shun was also taken around on the cloud, and even though his face was blue when he came down, he was very happy.Wang Qin and Wang Lanping didn't take the Skylark Shuttle even if they were killed, they were simply afraid of flying.Only Zhang Huiyuan was the most courageous, and she didn't want to go down when she went to the sky, and Zhang Yan led her around for two hours before she landed with unsatisfied feelings.

It's not just the Zhang family, who in Langyuan City doesn't know that the second son of the Zhang family is capable of reaching the sky, not only can fly, but also lead others to fly, what they practice is a method of strength different from that of warriors, and it is extremely miraculous.It is also very yearning.

It's just a pity that after Zhang Yan accepted three named disciples, he never opened the door again, so countless people who wanted to enter Zhang Yan's door could only stare and have no choice.

Rushing up to the sky, the barrier of the Skylark Shuttle opened, and the speed gradually soared, and the city under his feet was as big as the mouth of a bowl and disappeared quickly.Although it is not the first time for the three children to take the Skylark Shuttle, they are still excited, especially knowing that this trip is to see the mountain gate, which adds a bit of anticipation.

The mountain gate can be equated with "root" in the concept of Taoism.Zhang Yan's mountain gate is the former Longhu Mountain, and his foundation is also in Longhu Mountain.It's just that it's hard to go back to Longhu Mountain now, although Zhang Yan's foundation in Huangtianyu has not changed, but the mountain gate has not been settled.

You can't expect the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Gate to follow Zhang Yan through the Huangtian Territory, can you?So the matter of the mountain gate can only depend on what Zhang Yan thinks.Whether to rebuild by oneself or rooted in the heart.

But Zhang Yan accepted his disciples, so the matter of the mountain gate can't always be in his heart.That's why when he faced Wu Kui's request, he casually mentioned the phrase "find a treasure land as the gate of the mountain".

Now that everything is going smoothly and all aspects have stopped, Zhang Yan naturally went to see what the cliff mountain that the emperor brought him as a reward looked like.

Following the signs on the map, Zhang Yan first found the most eye-catching sign, that is, the long and narrow lake in Changhu County, and then went to the northwest to find a towering mountain with a strange shape, and found his destination.It took less than an hour to fly back and forth.

Cliff Mountain, as the name implies, is named after its shape.One side is soaring into the clouds, and after reaching the top suddenly, it ends the continuation of the mountain range with a nearly straight cliff like a knife cut.Hence the name Cliff Mountain.

"It's indeed a magnificent scenery, and the mountains are steep. There are no people around, and the terrain is beautiful." Zhang Yan stood on the Skylark Shuttle overlooking the mountains below, and nodded in satisfaction.Let alone dozens of miles around here, there is no human habitation for hundreds of miles.Looking from a distance, you can see a tributary of Changhu Lake passing by and converging into the lake. There are dense forests nearby, and you can hear various birds and animals neighing from the forest when you descend a little.

Here is a living place that is isolated from the world.It is estimated that even Orion rarely sets foot.

"Teacher, don't we go down?"

"Of course we have to go down. But first we have to see the terrain here clearly, so that we can have a general plan for the change." Zhang Yan replied.

"Change?" The three children looked at Zhang Yan curiously. They never thought that such things as terrain could be changed, and how could it be changed?

"Of course it needs to be changed. This terrain is not considered a land of bell spirits, nor is it a blessed place. As a mountain gate, it is still a lot worse. Therefore, it is necessary to make some changes in the terrain, otherwise the mountain gate will be too crude when it is erected. ?”

(End of this chapter)

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