one's door

Chapter 355 The Spiritual Vessel

Chapter 355 The Spiritual Vessel
There are thousands of techniques in Taoism, among which the technique of "dimension" is one of them.

Zhang Yan had never dabbled in geology before.But this does not prevent him from learning and using.

The location of the mountain gate is actually the best place to be a blessed place, a cave, or a beautiful place of Zhongtiandi.This will be much simpler and better than changing the terrain by yourself.

But Nanyuan Kingdom has a limited territory after all, and it is hard to find a place with a bell in heaven and earth, and Zhang Yan does not have the leisure and elegance to search thousands of mountains and rivers.What I advocate is that it is enough to have a place that looks good, and the subsequent "decoration" can be done by yourself.After all, this is the wild world, and the existence of the spirit veins is arranged by heaven and earth, no one can decide, let alone point to the spirit veins under the feet and say "this belongs to my family".

So it's just the spirit vein, Zhang Yan's idea is to move it from elsewhere.The method is simple and rude.

Zhang Yan drove the Skylark Shuttle around the entire cliff mountain twice, and he could basically see it clearly.I also have a plan in mind.

The place where you come down from the skylark shuttle is the highest place on the cliff mountain, like the eagle's beak. Looking into the distance, you can see the continuous mountains and the hazy outline of the long lake.Even though Zhang Yan was used to looking down from the clouds, he couldn't help but let out a long breath when he saw the scene in front of him.

"You already have the means to protect yourself. This place is where the mountain gate will be in the future. You should be familiar with every plant and tree here. As I said before, you will go around this mountain for five days. , Write down every place worth marking."

The three children hurriedly bowed to answer.When they looked up again, Zhang Yan was nowhere to be found.

The huge Cliff Mountain has a radius of nearly a hundred miles, and the vegetation is lush. It is impossible to figure out all aspects of the mountain just by walking around in mid-air. You have to walk around the mountain honestly to see clearly.Zhang Yan planned to watch it a few more times, and this time he gave it five days. By the way, it also gave the three kids under his door more experience in survival and the ability to handle things alone.

Zhang Yan was very relieved, this time he did not secretly protect him like last time.

As for safety.Three Qi-entraining monks, one of whom is in the middle stage of Qi-entraining.Magical methods are completely sufficient to deal with wild beasts in the mountains.In addition, he brought enough dry food and the magic weapon given by Zhang Yan.So, accident?nonexistent.

If all three disciples were accidentally injured in such a low-risk place, then this luck may not go too far on the road of practice.

Where did Zhang Yan go?underground.

Humans and beasts walk, landscapes move.Not only do humans have their own way, but beasts also have their own ways.Mountains and rivers will naturally follow the trend and move with the trend.

Zhang Yan escaped into the ground, and began to search for it along the terrain of Duanya Mountain.He wanted to see if there was a place in the cliff mountain under the earth and rocks that could take root as the spiritual vein of the mountain gate.

The so-called spiritual veins are not spiritual stone veins, but a kind of "spiritual energy strip line" naturally produced by spiritual energy.If you really want to explain it, it will be more mysterious. It is not wrong to compare it to a natural treasure that gathers spiritual energy, but it is not accurate.

Since some are similar to treasures, it means that they can be "robbed" or "looted".But if you move it over, you have to be able to keep it.So tethering the spirit vein is the prerequisite for moving the spirit vein.

Zhang Yan escaped underground three times, and each time he stayed underground for a meal.Finally, a section of funnel-shaped terrain was found at the extreme depth of the interruption of the cliff mountain. Below it was a small underground water, and above it was an area where huge rocks gathered.In this way, the groundwater below can be used as the aura flow entrance of the spirit vein, and then the funnel-shaped terrain can be stuck, and the generated aura can be diverged to the upper end of the funnel.Form a pattern of bottom in and top out.It can also prevent the spiritual vein from dissipating quickly without an entrance.

At this point, the matter of the establishment of Duanya Mountain as the gate of the mountain was completely settled in Zhang Yan's heart.

Afterwards, Zhang Yan got out of the ground, looked for the three apprentices secretly for a while, and then got up in the air, observed the terrain from the air, and followed the direction of the mountain to look for possible traces of spiritual veins.

After flying on the Skylark Shuttle for a full stick of incense, Zhang Yan felt the existence of the spiritual pulse at an adjacent lake near Changhu Lake, and then stopped and plunged down.Diving into the bottom of this small lake, and then escaping into the ground, he found the first spiritual vein he saw after being about ten feet deep.

This is a very small spiritual vein, less than two feet long, and it is not thick.

This kind of spiritual pulse is just right for Zhang Yan.Because compared to that huge spiritual vein, the small one in front of him is more suitable for trying the method of spiritual vein migration that he has only learned for a long time.

Find the spiritual vein, then pull it back, and finally plant it in the funnel-shaped terrain that you found.The seemingly simple steps took Zhang Yan a day.When he emerged from the depths of the cliff mountain again, the night above his head was already dark, and the moonlight shone from the forest, revealing Zhang Yan's tired face.

This is the first time that Zhang Yan has used escape for such a long time, and it is a method of pulling while escaping.The consumption here is far from being as simple as one plus one equals two.The difficulty was so great that Zhang Yan almost missed and destroyed the spirit vein several times.

Fortunately, the spirit vein itself is extremely small and there is no interference, Zhang Yan was able to successfully move it all the way back and plant it in the funnel-shaped terrain selected deep in the cliff mountain.

Zhang Yan randomly found a rock and sat down, then closed his eyes and carefully felt the changes in the aura in the mountain.I didn't notice it at first, but there is indeed a trace of aura emanating from the ground in subtleties, which is extremely difficult to detect.It wasn't until the sky began to dim that the aura in the mountains stagnated at a new level and stopped increasing.

As long as it works, there is no need to rush.Zhang Yan even ran almost all over Changhu County and Beijiang County in the next four days, and he didn't even let go of Beiwu Kingdom which is adjacent to Beijiang.There are many spiritual veins encountered, but he is not confident that he can remove the large ones completely, so he chooses the ones that are about the same size as the first one.A total of three past cliff mountains were moved around five days, and they were also planted in the same terrain.

On the morning of the fifth day, Zhang Yan stood on the top of the cliff mountain, where he landed on the first day, took a deep breath, and the obvious changes in spiritual energy went straight to the internal organs, and the comfort made him smile all over his face.

Unlike the spirit-gathering talisman, the aura brought by the spirit veins is more natural and moist, and it can nourish and enrich every inch of this mountain.

Five days of hard work paid off a lot.Then there is a process of adapting and changing here.Zhang Yan will come again later, and also move some spiritual veins to continue to increase the concentration of spiritual energy here.In his mind, he didn't say that he wanted to turn Duanya Mountain into a paradise, but at least he had to have a taste of Taoism and Profound Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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