one's door

Chapter 356 Vision

Chapter 356 Vision
Returning to the God Realm is divided into three parts.Beginning, middle and later.

As soon as the primordial spirit comes out, it enters and returns to the gods, which is the initial stage.

Yuanshen manifests Yang, which is the middle stage.

Yuanshen solidifies Yang, then it becomes the later stage.

Although every state change in Guishen Realm is distinguished by Yuanshen in this way, in fact, it is more derived from the understanding of "Tao", combined with the accumulation of spiritual energy, and finally deduces the improvement of the realm and enhances Yuanshen. God grows.

Therefore, in cultivating the Tao, the most important thing is the word "Tao".The more it went on, the more it was like this, and even the breathing of spiritual energy was second.It's also the reason why there are pills and spirit stones, and even living in a blessed place in the cave, but they always practice for thousands of years.Reiki is not the point, the point is enlightenment.

But to say so much, it seems completely meaningless to Zhang Yan.Because his "Tao" was not realized by him at the beginning, even if he is consciously and actively comprehending now, ninety-nine percent of the Tao he "enlightened" did not come from himself.It is a gift from this world in the Huangtian Territory.

So when Zhang Yan moved the four spiritual veins to Duanya Mountain, he started to prepare things and retreat in two days after he came back.

The Zhang family is no stranger to Zhang Yan's retreat.Knowing that this is a method that will appear when his practice reaches a certain stage, it has the same meaning as those warriors retreating to attack the realm.Even now, when they hear that Zhang Yan is going to retreat, they all know that Zhang Yan's practice has improved again.

A few magic circles completely covered the retreat.Now Zhang Yan's magic circle is no longer what it used to be, and even if it is thrown out, even a warrior at the Duan Mountain Realm or a ghost at the level of a ghost king can't force it to break open.What's more, what he arranged was a defensive formation and a trapping formation in line with the magic formation, which added more power.

So except for He Xianghong who was more nervous than usual because of the need to strengthen defense, the rest of the family was more happy than nervous.

Especially the three kids.This time, for the first time in their lives, they survived alone in the wild for five days without the company of adults.This is definitely a great mental improvement for them.

It is said that the children of the poor are early masters of the family, not that the children of the poor are naturally sensible and early, but the external environment forces the children of the poor to be sensible and head of the family early.

This is also Zhang Yan's core idea of ​​teaching his disciples.We must experience as much exercise as possible from an early age.Otherwise, the seemingly safe place on the Huangtianyu side might be in trouble at any time.For example, Xu Fengyang, whose identity was confirmed by Zhang Yan, and the big ghost Wang Wanjiang are actually brothers, and they are more than what they ask for.The most important thing is why should such a tyrannical strength be hidden in the dark?And why?
Not safe!

But the three babies are also up for it.

Needless to say, Liu Rui, this girl grew up through hardships, has strong independent ability, and has a tough personality and delicate mind, so she can fully adapt to Zhang Yan's teaching methods.Needless to say, Wang Nian, the skin monkey in Zhuangzi, has rough skin and thick flesh, and his personality is also bitter.Even Yang Rui, who is well-clothed and well-fed, has a surprising golden character of sacrificing his life to save others.

I have to say that the three disciples Zhang Yan received really well.At least the ability to accept his teaching methods is absolutely enough.

Even the five days and five nights of wild life before, the three children didn't think it was uncomfortable at all, on the contrary they regarded it as a pleasant thing like an outing.

Among them, the most outstanding performance is Yang Rui.Born into a royal family, he learned a little bit about painting, and he easily drew every place they passed in the cliff mountain into a vivid map in five days.Although it is only a small part of the cliff mountain.But about where the terrain is steep and where it is gentle, where there are beasts, and where there are deep pools. Everything you see is drawn and accompanied by text descriptions.

When Zhang Yan was retreating, the three children were quite busy, they whispered together and sometimes argued.Not fooling around, but to complete the homework assigned by Zhang Yan: think about what buildings should be built in the mountain gate, and where they should be built.

Basically, Liu Rui and Wang Nian can only raise ideas on this question, and most of them have to be written by Yang Rui.After all, Yang Rui was born in a big house like the imperial palace. Even if he doesn't understand, his imagination is much more reliable than Wang Nian and Liu Rui.

It's not that Zhang Yan is being lazy.It is also impossible for Zhang Yan to rely on the three little children to figure out the inside and outside of the mountain gate.But the sense of participation is very important, and it involves the first establishment of the mountain gate. If you participate in it at this time, you will never forget it for thousands of years.A sense of belonging also follows.

The sense of belonging, these three words are also the imprint that Zhang Yan hopes to imprint as deep in the minds of the three disciples as possible.After all, the character of these three disciples Yang Rui and Wang Nian has been demonstrated, Zhang Yan is very satisfied.And Liu Rui's talent is indeed rare.He didn't even want to let go.After the three of them formally step into the Profound Vein Realm, they can formally become teachers.At that time, they were the founding disciples of Zhenger Bajing.If you can't get a sense of belonging to the mountain gate from the bottom of your heart, it is Zhang Yan's dereliction of duty as a teacher.

Of course, the three children will not ponder Zhang Yan's intentions, but simply complete the homework given by Zhang Yan.For example, we want to build a large square, and we will gather on it in the future, just like the Fengtai Square in the palace.It is also like building a quiet room.
After a day or two of discussion among these kids, there were fewer ideas.Because they have basically thought of everything they can think of.I just waited for Zhang Yan, who is the teacher, to comment after he left the customs.

But after waiting for a full month and a half, Zhang Yan still didn't leave the customs.

In the past one and a half months, the Zhang family has experienced an emotional change from "calm" to "anxious".I thought it would be the same as before, and I would be able to leave the customs in a few days.I didn't expect it to take so long this time.Even the three children who had absolute confidence in their teachers couldn't help feeling a little worried.

He Xianghong was quite calm about this.After all, although he was born as a bandit, he has seen some things in the world and heard about some strong people's deeds.So he comforted the Zhang family and said: "Master, don't worry. The stronger the strength, the more difficult it is for the strong to break through, and the more time it takes. The warriors in the Duan Mountain Realm even take longer than this to break through the realm. The strength of the master The Duan Mountain Realm is stronger, so it is normal to not be able to break through for the time being."

But an abnormal situation soon appeared in the sky above Langyuan City.

Another two days passed.It was raining heavily that day, and it was as gloomy as evening outside even near noon.But Zhang Yan's retreat in the backyard of Zhang's house is still closed, and no one can get close.

The Zhang family thought they would have to wait another day, but they suddenly felt a ray of light coming down from the backyard, as golden as a sunny day after rain, but when they looked up, they only saw an opening in the middle of the rain clouds above their heads. .The sun was just coming down.At this time, the entire Langyuan City was still raining heavily except for the "golden window" on Zhang's head.
(End of this chapter)

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