one's door

Chapter 357

Chapter 357
From the first day of retreat, Zhang Yan has been exhaling spiritual energy with all his strength, and this time is different from the past. In addition to merit spiritual energy and natural breathing, as well as spiritual stones, Zhang Yan also has the Peiyuan Pill. new means.The speed of ingesting spiritual energy is naturally faster.

On the afternoon of the sixth day after the retreat, Zhang Yan felt that the barrier in the middle stage of returning to the gods was in front of him, and he could really touch it, so he formally launched a breakthrough after accumulating strength.

But this breakthrough made Zhang Yan quickly discover that it was different from the past.

In the past, including the early stage of returning to the gods, the breakthrough of the realm was the spiritual energy first, and then entered the "Tao" comprehension test, and then the breakthrough was successful if the two passes were passed, otherwise it was a failure.

But this time, there is a new hurdle behind the comprehension of "Tao": the tempering of the primordial spirit.

This process does not require Zhang Yan to do it on his own. When he officially broke through, there is a force in the dark that pulls his primordial spirit to beat according to a mysterious trajectory.And the actual effect of the beating actually came from himself, or in other words, the yang energy in his body was used as a hammer head, hammering on his primordial spirit time and time again.

It seems that he is hammering himself, but the initiative is not in his own hands.Instead, it is drawn by the "Tao".The test is the foundation of the primordial spirit and the degree of comprehension of the "Tao". If there is a slight difference, this kind of beating will cause mistakes, and the direct consequence will be to hurt the primordial spirit. Happening.

No wonder the Daoist book said that after returning to the realm of gods, every step of the way is dangerous.Tests from heaven and earth are indeed everywhere.It even penetrated to the key point of realm breakthrough, making it difficult to avoid.

Zhang Yan was a little nervous at first, but he soon regained his composure, because he found that the help from Huang Tianyu's world was still sufficient and timely. "Truth" was poured into his consciousness and engraved.

Although everything is like climbing a cliff, a little mistake can be fatal, but it is just right, Zhang Yan didn't even feel the slightest twists and turns.

Maybe this kind of breakthrough method of myself is foolproof?Zhang Yan thought so.After that, I fell into the comprehension of those "reasons" that were newly poured into my consciousness.

In the absence of hunger, coupled with the fact that his mind was immersed in understanding the "truth", Zhang Yan lost his sense of time for the first time.Whether it is a day or a month, to him in such a state, it doesn't seem to make any difference, it even seems to be just a moment.

Until suddenly the primordial spirit trembled, the beating was no longer only his own yang energy, but a force of the most yang rushed down from the top of his head without warning, followed by smashing blows in the interval of beating, and the force was stronger than The previous thrashing was much bigger.

This surprise brought Zhang Yan back to his senses, but he still didn't panic because Zhang Yan's soul at this time was different from before.

There is a saying that "thousands of tempering".Beating with yang energy, the direct effect is to hammer the emptiness of the primordial spirit into a firmer and tighter body.Second, with every beating, a trace of yang energy will penetrate into the primordial spirit along with the force of the beating.Accumulated over and over again, Zhang Yan's primordial spirit has undergone great changes in the end through the two-pronged approach.

So when the inexplicable extreme yang energy fell, although Zhang Yan felt as if he was hit by a fireball, his soul was not damaged, but there was a kind of scorching heat in the high temperature.On the contrary, these smashing blows can make his primordial spirit more tightly, and more yang energy can penetrate into it.

At this time, Zhang Yan could no longer comprehend anything calmly, because although the conjoined body of Yuanshen could bear it, the taste was also very uncomfortable.Especially the burning sensation, which is radiating from the deepest part, and there is no way to suppress it.

Fortunately, this kind of extreme yang attack from the outside didn't last long.It's almost time for a cup of tea.Just after the surface of Zhang Yan's primordial spirit was covered with a golden yang skin, as if coated with a layer of golden yang energy, this kind of smashing completely disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of enlightenment rose from Zhang Yan's heart.

Yuanshen manifests Yang!The middle stage of returning to God is over!
Zhang Yan's whole body was shaken, a mighty aura spread in all directions, and a clear whistle came from his mouth, expressing the joy in his heart.

After a while, Zhang Yan sat down cross-legged again, took out a spirit stone and held it in his hand, and continued to practice to tamp it down until he broke through and was relatively empty.

Afterwards, the passage of time returned to Zhang Yan's awareness, and the past time was also remembered by him, and he knew that he had spent a tossing one and a half months in retreat this time.

After half a month passed, Zhang Yan completely stabilized the state of vanity, and then he could slowly return to the normal pace of practice.So he got up and walked out of the quiet room where he had been staying for more than two months.

"Yan'er! You've come out!"

The Zhang family, headed by Wang Lanping, rushed over immediately, with concern on their faces.After all, in their perception, two months is not a short time, and it is unimaginable not to eat or drink, and it is not easy to practice, so they are very worried that something will happen to Zhang Yan during the period.

"Congratulations, master, for making great progress in cultivation!" He Xianghong's kneeling congratulations let the people in the room know that Zhang Yan not only came out of this retreat smoothly, but also completed the promotion of cultivation.

In fact, He Xianghong's feelings are rather vague.After all, he is a cultivator of martial arts, and he can only feel Zhang Yan's strength from his spiritual sense.Comparing Zhang Yan before and after the retreat, He Xianghong's strengths and weaknesses are clear at a glance, and he naturally knows that Zhang Yan must have made a big leap in the realm.

The ones who really felt the clearest were Wang Nian's three children. Although they were difficult to look up to Zhang Yan, but they were monks of the same origin, and they could still feel the great progress of their own teachers.

"Teacher, what state are you in now?" Wang Nian has always been curious about this question, and he didn't dare to ask it before, but this time because Zhang Yan had retreated for too long, and thinking of that miraculous vision, he couldn't help it. He gritted his teeth thinking that at most he would be beaten up and asked.

"The middle stage of returning to the gods." Zhang Yan smiled and did not shy away from this.But this is also the first time he talked about his cultivation realm in the presence of others.

The three children were thoughtful when they heard the words.It is estimated that from their point of view, entraining qi, profound veins, and Dao Dan are all about returning to the gods.It seems that it is not far away from myself.Maybe he is already calculating how long it will take for him to step into Zhang Yan's current realm according to his current practice speed.Especially Liu Rui, her big eyes are full of expectations for the future.

Zhang Yan took a few glances but didn't say anything. How could practice be so simple?Especially for monks without the help of Huang Tianyu, the difficulty is estimated to be only slowly experienced by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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