one's door

Chapter 358 Progress

Chapter 358 Progress
If you really want to talk about Zhang Yan's feelings after entering the middle stage of returning to the gods, you can only use the word "solid" to describe it.

The solidity here does not refer to the solid foundation of the realm after the breakthrough, but to the solidity of his primordial spirit level or soul level.

There is an old saying about spiritual practice on the earth, which says "the body is a boat, carrying the soul to cross the sea of ​​suffering".What I'm talking about is actually the relationship between the three essences of practice.All three are important and no one can do without the other.

Zhang Yan, as a practitioner of both technique and divine way, naturally has a far worse physical body than physical cultivation, but he will also increase his physical body every time his realm rises.Just like the previous "spraying manure through the pores", every time the state changes, many impurities in the physical body can be discharged, so as to improve the overall strength of the physical body.

Taking care of both the body and the soul is the main direction of attack.

So after becoming Yuanshen, Zhang Yan understood that his soul had made a huge leap in life level.Even the essence of the soul has changed.

But this time when entering the middle stage of returning to the gods, although the changes in the primordial spirit are not as great as when they first formed, they are not far behind.

The biggest change lies in the golden yang skin on the surface of Yuanshen.

This is not as simple as "wearing a piece of clothing", but "skin", which is born on the primordial spirit, or in other words, the primordial spirit was born into this appearance.

This is "Xianyang".It means that the primordial spirit shows obvious yang essence.

The soul originally belongs to yin, but now it is yang, this is the way of practice.Retrograde is the way of life and death of life, walking the avenue that should not be walked by living beings.

At this time, Zhang Yan's soul is strong and has a yang skin, even in the bright sun, his soul can come out of his body, and he can even sneak into the ground.At this time, the influence of Yin Qi on his primordial spirit was also mostly offset.Although it is not enough to go to the ghost domain, ordinary ghosts have no ability to resist even if they are facing Zhang Yan's out-of-body soul.Because at this time, Zhang Yan's primordial spirit is like a miniature sun in the eyes of ghosts.

The gains brought about by the enhancement of the primordial spirit are all-round.From the speed of aura exhalation to the power of magical means, and the door to open new means, etc.Of course, there is another extremely important aspect: the comprehension of Tao.

With a move of the left hand, a white floc the size of a goose feather appeared in the palm of the hand out of thin air.In fact, Zhang Yan knew that this was actually a small cloud.

With one move of the right hand, there are also clouds of the same size in the palm.

With a thought, the two clouds began to turn from white to black, and became black in the blink of an eye, and slowly drifted closer to each other.


A few inches of small lightning flashed between the clouds between the two hands, followed by the sound of thunder, which was subtle but audible.

Then the two clouds merged into one and began to rain down with a rush.Even in terms of the size of these two clouds, it can be said to be a "storm".

However, the rainwater froze quickly during the falling process, and when it fell on Zhang Yan's palm, a thin piece had already been spread.

It seems that the five elements are involved in it, including water, wood, and wind.But in fact, this is not a magic technique. Although it is also related to the five elements, there is no trace of magic technique in essence.It was Zhang Yan who used his own understanding of "Tao" to search for "clues and horses and horses", and thus "empty-handed" stirred up the five elements of heaven and earth to form wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

But Zhang Yan is just playing with the palm of his hand, just for show.His "Tao" is far from allowing him to easily arrange a storm, thunder and lightning of a normal scale.However, signs are already visible.

"Perhaps the legendary burning of rivers and seas never relied on magical means?" Zhang Yan had a new understanding in his heart.

After leaving the customs, Zhang Yan's life resumed as before.Lecture Martial Arts Academy, School of Miscellaneous Studies, home, and a trip to the cliff mountain once every two months.

When you are free, you will not be really idle, but will spend the rest of your time on the study of alchemy, refining tools, and magic circles.

Weapons that are exchanged for money are not often made.Because what Zhang Yan made casually now is also the lowest-grade magic weapon, and the one that landed in the wild world is the "magic weapon".A handful is enough to be worth a rainstorm of "rich and rich" money.If there are too many, the price will drop.Besides, he is not short of money at all now.

The demand for ghost-killing bells is still high, but the main delivery direction has changed from the Nanyuan National Special Case Department to the demon species, accounting for almost [-]%.

Compared with the demand of the Special Case Department of Nanyuan Nation for the Ghost-Storing Bell, the demand of other countries in the human race will be ten times or even dozens of times that of Nanyuan Nation.

The result of this is that Zhang Yan's reputation quickly became full in other human race countries along with the ghost-killing bell.In the past, it was just "hearing", but now there is "practice".

There are also a lot of medicinal materials.And the longevity stone that was given to Zhang Yan as a gift.

The longevity stones that can be used as gifts are naturally not ordinary longevity stones, but larger and purer rare grades, which are the "extreme" or "top-grade" spiritual stones mentioned in Taoism books.

And the gift giver is the royal family of the human race country who was shocked by the ghost bell from all walks of life.For a country, what are these longevity stones?It's good to remember a name in Zhang Yan's heart, that's the thing that makes a lot of money.Among them are the Beiwu Kingdom that Zhang Yan is relatively familiar with, and the Huayue Kingdom that Zhang Yan has put together.

Basically these are good things.But when there are too many good things, storage becomes a big problem.You can't continue to use more stone buildings as warehouses in the martial arts academy, can you?Not suitable either.And there is no such condition for building a warehouse at home.

Then there are only two options left in front of Zhang Yan.Either start building on the cliff mountain as soon as possible, the place there is big enough, if you start building inside the mountain, you can easily put the things gathered a hundred times more.

Another way is to refine the magic weapon for storage.However, rings, purses, bracelets and other magic storage objects that have been handed down the most are too difficult, and Zhang Yan is still unable to engrave the complex magic circle of spatial nature on the surface of such a small object.The storage capacity of the same space magic circle on such utensils is also much lower.This kind of magic weapon is famous because they are more convenient to carry and more stylish.

Think about it, with a flip of your hand, you can take something from the void, and the mysterious effect will be full immediately.

But in fact, the magical instruments for storing things are more practical than "style".For example, a large box for storage, or even a large bag or jar.This kind of magic weapon for storing things is the most common, and it is also the magic weapon for storing things that most monks can use and afford.

Zhang Yan's current cultivation base is enough to use the space magic circle and the basic materials for refining storage.But it has only reached the threshold. To succeed, in addition to collecting the refining materials needed to store the magic weapon, there is also the need to practice more inscriptions on the magic circle.Just like the way he used to refine the magic weapon for body protection.

Two ways, Zhang Yan is ready to go hand in hand.But he didn't want to pretend to be someone else in the matter of repairing the mountain gate.First, it's troublesome, and second, it's not as strong as him doing it himself.When it comes to mobilizing earth and rocks in the wild world, who can compare to Zhang Yan, a monk who is proficient in the five elements of earth attributes?
(End of this chapter)

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