one's door

Chapter 359 Marriage

Chapter 359 Marriage
Many people in their twenties are still single, let alone wives, and they don't even have a match.

And some people are so young that their wives are already chained to their bodies.

Who else?Naturally, it was Yang Rui, Zhang Yan's second disciple.

As a prince, Yang Rui has just arrived at the age of eight.Although she was young, she was born in the royal family, and she is much more sensible than most children, and her mind is also mature.In addition, after following Zhang Yan, he has almost experienced life and death, and mentally, he cannot be treated as an ordinary child.But even so, it is rare to get engaged at this age.It's not about marrying with your fingertips. Even the royal family mostly don't talk about marriage until they are 12 years old.

But Yang Rui is not only the child of an unusual family, but also the only one in the royal family.Because he is not only the prince, but also one of the only three disciples under Zhang Yan's sect.

Disciple of Zhang Yan.Although this identity is dazzling if it is pushed forward for half a year, it is far less dazzling than it is now.

You can fly to the sky and escape from the ground, you can wrestle with the big ghost king and still win, you can take out the baby bone strengthening pill that greatly increases the speed of warrior cultivation, and the medicine bath method that strengthens the skin and flesh, and you can also refine magic weapons and magical bells for the spirit race .Adding these methods together, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are the pillars of the human race, right?
Nanyuan Country is the most vivid example.Originally, the north, east and southwest were all stared at by tigers, and the situation was sad.But now?Relying on Zhang Yan's ability, he forcibly blazed a trail.Even if one wants to cross the border of Nanyuan Kingdom to commit crimes, one has to weigh it first, whether it will cause Zhang Yan's displeasure.At that time, regardless of whether Zhang Yan will rush to the army, just cutting off the rotation of the bells of various countries will make the countries feel very uncomfortable.It is really to the point of desperately fighting, it is like a poisonous thorn, no one can tell whether it can be avoided or pulled out.

This is deterrence.There is no need for Zhang Yan to say anything, as long as he is in Nanyuan Country, he can oppress others.

What can be done in the face of deterrence?
Fortunately, the strength of Nanyuan Kingdom itself is not strong, and after the previous fight with the monster clan, it has become weak for the time being.Self-protection is still reluctant, and the possibility of taking the initiative to find trouble is extremely low.In this case, other countries have multiple options for how to deal with it.Especially for a country like Huayue that has always had contacts with Nanyuan Country and is close to it.

Of course, Beiwu is also adjacent to Nanyuan Kingdom, but the Liangzi on both sides have deep roots, and it is absolutely impossible to dissolve them with just a few words.Even Beiwu had to be careful, instead of always provoking outside Tonghu Pass as before, he became more honest.

Huayue Kingdom is a superior country, and its overall strength belongs to crushing Nanyuan Country, but once the national war breaks out, the crushing side will also bear huge losses.What's more, in the face of Huayue's persecution, Beiwu will definitely attack Huayue when Nanyuan Kingdom is really going to be irresistible.Both Bei Wu and Nan Yuan knew the reason why the lips were dead and the teeth were cold. This is also the reason why they have always been angry with each other but tried their best to restrain each other.It was also the reason why the emperor of Nanyuan Kingdom retreated the Eastern Army to Changhu County to replace the Forbidden Army, so that there was emptiness behind the Tonghu Pass in the north, but Beiwu did not take advantage of the fire to loot.

In the past, Huayue wanted to disintegrate the elites in Nanyuan Kingdom from the will, and then use threats to force the internal chaos first. This is like cutting flesh with a soft knife, and can avoid the cooperation from Beiwu.

But now, whether it is a soft knife or a fast knife, it can't cut it anymore.Even Huayue's high-level executives were unwilling but had to admit that their strategy against Nanyuan Kingdom had completely failed for so many years.Not to mention that all previous efforts were in vain, as long as Zhang Yan continues to sit in Nanyuan Kingdom, he will never have another chance.

Although Huayue lost a good game, compared to the deep-rooted enmity with Nanyuan Nation, Huayue still has room to ease or even change relations with Nanyuan Nation.

In order to erode the confidence of the upper structure of Nanyuan Nation, the "combat marriage" that forced Nanyuan Nation to carry out has now become a rare bond.Because no matter what, there is indeed a real marriage between Huayue and Nanyuan.It stands to reason that it should belong to the "Friends".

Therefore, this time Huayue came out to reverse the relationship between himself and Nanyuan Kingdom, and thoroughly implement the word "friendship", so as to alleviate the possible unstable situation, and the proposed method was to marry again.

Didn't Princess Qingling win once before?After that, Huayue continued to lose after "passing three passes", and finally denied that he owed a princess of Nanyuan Kingdom.With this matter in front of it, it will be easier for Huayue Kingdom to operate.

And Yang Rui naturally became the designated object of Huayue Kingdom's marriage.

Conversely, for such an important person as Yang Rui, why did the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom make an exception and agree to this marriage?

The reason is simple, four words: the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

On the one hand, the relationship with Huayue can also be eased, so that a lot of troops and energy will not be drawn away.Secondly, they can get many opening conveniences from Huayue Guo, and the trade between the two sides will increase greatly, which is beneficial to Nanyuan Kingdom.The third is to get the help of Huayue Kingdom, and under the premise of Zhang Yan's disciple, that is, Yang Rui, as the confidence, Nanyuan Kingdom also hopes to try the feeling of gradually overpowering Beiwu Kingdom in the future.If one day regains the lost land and regains the glory of the Qiande Dynasty, wouldn't that be a great cause for all generations?
As for Yang Rui, the emperor of Nanyuan Kingdom didn't give much consideration to his opinion.As a prince, marriage is an extremely important tool, how can he trust his free will?Naturally, the interests of the royal family and Nanyuan Kingdom are the most important.

What's more, in order to reconcile with Nanyuan Kingdom, Huayue spent all his money and was very sincere this time. He made an exception in the royal family and got the title, the emperor's youngest and favorite princess, Princess Huayue, and betrothed to Yang Rui.

Huayue, Huayue.The country's name and title can be seen the status of the princess in Huayue.It also gave Nanyuan Kingdom and Zhang Yan enough face.

So when a marriage letter came into Yang Rui's hands, the child turned to look at Zhang Yan curiously, and asked, "Teacher, do you have a wife?" In her heart, she knew something about getting married, but she didn't know much about it. , with a high mind, but after all, not an adult knows everything.What's more, he didn't know how to answer Zhang Yan's question directly with such a sentence.

On the other hand, Wang Nian was very envious.It means that Yang Rui is called a daughter-in-law by someone!It's a great thing to ask for a daughter-in-law in their village.He also said that when he became stronger in the future, he wanted to find a beautiful daughter-in-law.Words are full of expectations.

Zhang Yan didn't get an answer, but Wang Nian's envy made Yang Rui laugh.But Xiaowaer himself couldn't put into Wang Nian's mood that "begging for a wife is a great thing", and he didn't even take the marriage certificate in his heart at all.Put it in your arms.Then, with Zhang Yan in his hand, he typed back the draft of the construction of the cliff mountain to them for revision and started to get together again, talking with each other.
(End of this chapter)

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