one's door

Chapter 365

Chapter 365

"Mr. Zhang, where did you come up with this design? Zensheng, Zensheng is so strange? And this palace has a grand atmosphere. This shouldn't be a single building, right? This is a building complex?"

The two pedants who practiced architecture in the Academy of Miscellaneous Studies were stunned when they received the blueprint handed over by Zhang Yan. Draw it casually.

"Yes, this is a systematic architectural style, and I am also planning to form a community with this style on the cliff mountain. Let's see if this idea can be realized?" Zhang Yan invited the two people opposite him to Finalize the architectural style and foundation on the cliff mountain.

A house, especially a palace-like building, is not as simple as playing with clay sculptures. From the foundation to the beams and columns, to the final capping, it is almost all knowledge.Even if Zhang Yan knows the five elements and earth attributes, it is okay to dig an earth and stone cube, build a basement, and the underground space is no problem, but it is unrealistic to say that it is directly transformed into a palace.Although the monks have mysterious means, they can't say how to create things as they like, right?This kind of ability is probably the most powerful existence in the gods.

Since there is no way to create things directly, let’s dismantle the building bit by bit.For example, how to lay the foundation?How to build walls, how to press beams and columns, etc.After these are disassembled and clarified, it is time for Zhang Yan to build himself.

After all, all Zhang Yan can draw is the shape of ancient buildings, and he is a layman on how to build one that is exactly the same.

"If this style of building forms a community, it must be very imposing! Don't worry, Mr. Zhang. Although we are seeing this drawing for the first time, the essence of the building is the same. We only need to think more about the cornices and beams. , should be able to achieve the effect you drew."

As for house repairs, the two academics from the School of Miscellaneous Studies are experts.There are also quite a few palace-like houses that they have dealt with.It's just that because of his miscellaneous status, he can't make a name for himself outside.They were only surprised by the architectural style and style that Zhang Yan brought out, but they always knew how to build it.

Hearing this, Zhang Yan said with a smile on his face, "That's good, the two gentlemen are free? This trip may delay the sir for several days."

"Hehe, Mr. Zhang is sure, our recent classwork has been completed. The new students will not arrive until two months later. There is time anytime."

Zhang Yan thought for a while and said, "Then tomorrow, I will come to the academy to pick you up early tomorrow morning. Then you will have to work hard."

"Don't dare. Mr. Zhang is too polite."

After finding a good architect, Zhang Yan felt relieved.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Yan took three disciples to the Skylark Shuttle and landed at Miscellaneous Learning Academy, and picked up the two pedants whose cheeks were flushed because they were riding the Skylark Shuttle for the first time, and then flew all the way. To Cliff Mountain in the northwest of Changhu County.

At this time, it has been another one and a half months since Zhang Yan came over last time.

"Gentlemen, here we are."

Although they didn't fly for long, the faces of the two pedants were still a little pale even though they tensed up.It is estimated that the rapidity at high altitude made them a little uncomfortable for the first time.

"Build here first, a pavilion in front of the waterfall." The map Zhang Yan took out was the final result of the three disciples.Although there is no such thing as a scale, the general orientation can still be seen clearly.

"Gazebo? Okay!" The two didn't mind either.In fact, they also want to try their skills on some small buildings first, and then move on to large buildings.The two of them had discussed it last night, and they were completely confident in the architectural style proposed by Zhang Yan.

And Zhang Yan glanced at Wang Nian and Yang Rui.Said: "Xingting, you two go up and try your hand."

"is teacher!"

This conversation made the two miscellaneous pedants startled for a while.What's the meaning?See two little babies?Can they build something?
When the group of people reached the waterfall marked on the map, Zhang Yan and the two pedants were shocked by the scenery in front of them, which was also the first time they saw it.

I saw a hole opened on the straight overflow cliff, and a big stream of water rushed down, the drop was estimated to be thirty feet, and the momentum was astonishing.And below the waterfall is a stream that winds down the mountain.Both sides are full of lush vegetation.If it weren't for hearing the voice, it would take some effort to find this place.

After the two pedants came back to their senses, they looked around in surprise and asked, "Mr. Zhang, didn't you arrange for craftsmen to come over?!"

I thought that Zhang Yan had already prepared his manpower, and they could start working as soon as they arrived.But now the waterfall is magnificent, but what about the manpower?It's impossible to rely on these people present in the mountains and forests to want to build things, right?Not even a hammer or a shovel!
"Craftsman? No need. It's enough to have Wang Nian and Yang Rui here. They will prepare and complete the construction according to the requirements of the two gentlemen."

"Huh? This is"

Zhang Yan is very clear that the explanation is completely meaningless now, and the other party can't understand it.So it's better to explain while doing it.So he interrupted the other party's doubts, pointed to the huge boulder protruding from the left half of the waterfall, and said, "Sir, we want to build a gazebo there!"

"Huh? Built in that place? This, this." The two pedants didn't know how to answer.It doesn't look like that place can't be built, but it's extremely difficult, and in order to be stable, it can't get materials from the stone wall, but needs to get stone materials from other places to carry it on its back.Moreover, laying the foundation is even more troublesome. It requires not only ideas, but also the cooperation of highly skilled stonemasons.But let alone a stonemason right now, he doesn't even have a tool.What the hell is this built?

"Two gentlemen, some of my methods are unusual. For example, flying from the sky before is one of them. So you two don't need to compare the present with common sense. Naturally, you need to rely on your knowledge to invite you two to come here. It’s not a joke. Please advise, how should this pavilion be built on the protruding boulder?”

The two miscellaneous pedants were brought back to their senses by Zhang Yan's words.I thought the same, how can they guess Zhang Yan's ability according to the usual practice?It is impossible for others to make such a big battle to tease them.Just do their work well.

"Mr. Zhang, the body of the mountain rock should still be inside the cliff. We must first find out whether the inlaid part inside is firm or not before we can make sure that we can do it in the next step."

Zhang Yan nodded when he heard the words, and looked at Yang Rui.The latter responded, and then like an ape, he climbed up the cliff with several ups and downs.Then he stood on the protruding stone platform and felt it with his hands against the edge of the cliff. After a while, there was a result.

"Teacher, this stone is in the shape of a cone. The point where I stand is its tip. The five to six feet behind it are all embedded in the mountain, and it is very solid."

"The next step is to drive three ground piles on the boulder, and then two more in the cliff. The five piles serve as the foundation for each other." The two scholars continued to point out.

(End of this chapter)

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