one's door

Chapter 366

Chapter 366
Architecture is a relatively systematic knowledge, and there is a division of labor step by step, and it takes a long time to hone the skills.Even the academics who specialize in architecture in the Academy of Miscellaneous Studies are only good at planning and design. They can only say "know how to do it" in specific construction, but "can't do it" by themselves, and need a large number of craftsmen to cooperate.If they were told before that the two babies could easily realize their architectural ideas, they would not believe it.

But now, you have to believe what you see with your own eyes.

Yang Rui can easily cut one side of one side of huge stones into simple shapes like clay sculptures, such as columns, floor tiles, and tiles.
The transfer of the objects is done by the small paper figurines thrown out by Wang Nian. These paper figurines look clumsy, but in fact they cooperate seamlessly with each other, and there are a large number of them. Different building materials are shipped to the designated location one by one.

Slot fixed?No tools?There is absolutely no need for this.Because Yang Rui can use his means after the paper figurines place each fast building material in the predetermined position, so that the building materials and the rocks can be "blended" instantly, just like candles can be connected together regardless of each other by relying on wax beads.It is reliable and labor-saving and time-saving.

Even those fine parts, Yang Rui can directly cut off a square boulder without any effort.

stone pavilion.True to its name, no other materials were used.Even built in just an hour.After that, the overall color matches the surroundings very well, almost blending into the landscape of the waterfall.

Zhang Yan soared into the air, pasted a stone slab under the eaves of the stone pavilion, with his fingers like swords, he wrote two characters on the stone slab in the blink of an eye, as the name of the stone pavilion.

"Calm down?"

"That's right. Enter the hustle and bustle of the world, and pay attention to the tranquility in your heart."

The three children will not understand the meaning of the word meditation now.But the scholars of the two miscellaneous studies academies understood it immediately.A look of longing flashed in his eyes.Standing in the stone pavilion in this place where the waterfalls are noisy, you can still feel peaceful in your heart. This kind of mind is probably rare, and it is also a wonderful and desirable spiritual state.

Of course, the word "meditation" is the homework left by Zhang Yan to his disciples in the future, and the homework that he has studied all his life.

After the gazebo was erected, the eyes of the two academics from the Academy of Miscellaneous Studies were opened, and they also realized that this precipitous mountain might not be judged by common sense anymore, and the worries between them were swept away.Even if you still have doubts, just wait and see later.

And Zhang Yan also had a bottom line in his heart.Wang Nian's child has the highest cultivation level among the three disciples, and the paper figurine talisman can barely be used now.However, the five-element technique is always only compatible with the five-element fire attribute, and has no affinity for the other four elements. Even the most basic water, wood, earth, and metal techniques are difficult to practice.So I can only rely on the paper man talisman as a coolie.

Yang Rui and Liu Rui are different.Although they also have a particularly friendly focus, they definitely don't have the extreme paranoia of Wang Nian.So they know all the means of the earth attribute.It's just that because of the relationship between cultivation, Yang Rui needs to cut large pieces of stone, while Liu Rui is responsible for some fine work such as "carving".

Coupled with the scene of the scholar town with two academies of miscellaneous studies, the first batch of construction will have no major problems.Because it does not involve the main palace, it is all buildings such as pavilions, flat dams, and terraces. You should get familiar with it first. After the three children have a clear concept of the construction, the next step will be to formally fall into the main building complex. .

But Zhang Yan didn't follow the whole process, he had other things to do.

A total of eight of the smallest spirit veins were moved over twice before and after. The first four gathered together on their own the previous time. Gathered in, the eight merged into one, formally becoming a medium-sized spiritual vein.

Possessing a medium-sized spiritual vein means that Duanya Mountain can officially be called a "spiritual mountain".

But that's not enough.

After being separated from the crowd, Zhang Yan continued to swim on the Lark Shuttle like the previous two times, and moved the suitable spiritual veins that he had found before one by one to tie them in the cliff mountain.

Zhang Yan did not move in a barbaric manner, but chose spiritual veins hidden in uninhabited mountains, rivers and lakes, mainly small spiritual veins.For the time being, there is no intention to move those medium spirit veins.

As for the Great Spirit Vein, Zhang Yan has not found it yet.But the great spirit veins were rare, and Zhang Yan didn't find it strange that there were none in Nanyuan Kingdom.

This time the time is still five days, but because he is more proficient in the transfer of spiritual veins, and the distribution of spiritual veins in Nanyuan has been engraved in the previous two searches, the number of spiritual veins moved is shorter than the previous two. a little more.A total of six were moved over.

After the new spiritual veins were pierced into the bottom of the mountain, Zhang Yan did not go out to the ground directly, but used the escapism technique to use the five elements earth method in the belly of the cliff mountain, and opened up an underground warehouse for storage. All kinds of supplies have been delivered one after another.Especially those top-grade and top-grade spirit stones, they are not for use, they are hard goods that are used as foundation.It is appropriate to exist in the cliff mountain.

The underground chamber is different from the buildings on the ground.You only need to use the five elements soil method to continuously squeeze the soil and rocks inside the mountain, squeeze out the gaps inside, and accumulate the gaps to form a hollow, and you're half done.Then put together the relatively large rocks mixed in the soil and rocks to form a six-sided consolidation, and finally smooth the surface, and it is done.

Afterwards, Zhang Yan can set up a few compound magic circles for concealment and anti-trapped.It doesn't even need spirit stones as power, it just needs to connect the magic circle with the spirit veins under the ground, and it will naturally run freely without looking after it.

After finishing these, Zhang Yan still needs to open a road to the ground.It's just that the main building complex on the ground has not yet officially started construction, so Zhang Yan only repaired [-]% of the way up, mainly with square passages and stone ladders.The remaining last section of the road will be opened up after the next visit to complete a side hall.

Later, when Zhang Yan found Wang Nian and his party again, many small buildings could already be seen along the road.The original mountain and wild land now has a more human flavor.

"Teacher, although there are many mountains and rocks here, we can't use all local materials, otherwise the landscape in the mountains will be damaged. The two gentlemen suggest to get them from other places outside the mountains. And the preparations can actually be started." Yang Rui is very successful. Feeling, but also a lot of fun.Almost wholeheartedly devoted, he already has a continuous idea of ​​the planning of Shanmenli.

But Zhang Yan said with a smile: "Don't worry, come little by little. The huge mountain gate doesn't need to be completed all at once, there is still plenty of time."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yan turned his head and saluted the two pedants to express his gratitude.After that, the trip to the cliff mountain ended this time.

Skylark shuttled together and returned to Langyuan City with a group of people.

(End of this chapter)

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