one's door

Chapter 367 Fake Victory

Chapter 367 Fake Victory
While Zhang Yan was busy for the mountain gate, the flames of war in Xiyuan County were finally completely extinguished.

The entire Xiyuan County seemed to be divided into two halves, and the dividing line in the middle was the continuous military settlement on the line of Baishi City.On the north side of this antenna, you can still see the scene of Nanyuan Kingdom's "granary".And to the southwest of this line is a piece of red land.

The so-called red land, not a blade of grass grows.

It is indeed unimaginable for the cruelty of the monster race to turn a treasure land that can be called a "granary" into the current miserable situation where not a single blade of grass grows.

After the turning point in the war, Zhou Cang was ordered to advance forward and act as a coercive posture, and he also took care of the important task of rearranging the military settlements along the road.The soldiers under his command have also expanded from the previous one battalion of a thousand to two battalions, and there is even a 50-man light cavalry.To be honest, this is considered the elite in Xiyuan County at this time.It was also because of Zhou Cang's outstanding performance in the previous battle that he was able to hand over these elites.Let the military commander Yang Shiming recognize him as a partial general.

Multiple channels "forced" forward at the same time, but the expected counterattack of the monster race did not appear.It was as if the two sides had a tacit understanding, one side retreated and the other advanced, and it took more than a month to reach the current position, which was also the location of the southwesternmost military station of Nanyuan Kingdom.Since then, the land that Nanyuan Kingdom had previously fallen into the hands of the Yaozu returned to their hands.

Zhou Cang didn't feel high-spirited, he even felt that as long as he was still in Xiyuan County for a day, he couldn't take it lightly, let alone get carried away in victory.

In fact, Zhou Cang's cautious attitude also stems from his feelings about this victory.

Can it be said that the battle has been won?It can be counted, but it can't be completely counted.At least in Zhou Cang's heart, victory is not what he experienced.

The monster clan withdrew, and it was indeed because they could no longer stay in Xiyuan County that they withdrew.Judging from the results, it is true that Nanyuan Kingdom won the victory.But in fact Zhou Cang understood that there were other reasons.

Thinking of this, Zhou Cang subconsciously touched the bell tied around his waist.The bell has a weird shape, Zhou Cang can't ring when he is walking, sitting or lying down, and there are exquisite and weird patterns on it, which is not ordinary at first glance.

Zhou Cang understood very well that this kind of bell is a must-have for anyone who wants to go out in Xiyuan County today.

It is naturally impossible to have one in hand.But now there are at least five to six in each battalion.There are more waiters and supplies, and he, as the chief general, also carries one with him.It is quite different from when the first battalion only had one or two.There was something in Zhou Cang's heart that he didn't dare to say to others.That is, he felt that the reason why the Yaozu withdrew, or failed, was because they did not have such a magical bell.

At certain times, the bell will ring, and once the bell rings, you cannot go forward but retreat, or gather in groups, using the so-called army evil spirit to offset the danger.

But where is the danger?

can not see.But Zhou Cang is certain that there must be some kind of dangerous thing wandering outside his field of vision, they will hunt and kill the lonely human race and monster race.

The Yaozu was forced to withdraw because the convoy they transported was hunted down endlessly, and the supply was almost paralyzed in the end, so they had to retreat.

Of course, the front line is too long is also an important reason.This forced the Yaozu to have no way to send a large number of soldiers to escort them with the luggage. In that case, the food consumed along the road would also be a large amount, and there would be very little left when it arrived at the front line. So what about supplies?
Although he was determined in his heart, what exactly was the bell for defense and warning?Zhou Cang dared not ask this question.The rules in the army are very strict, if you don't ask questions, if you open your mouth indiscriminately, you will be unlucky and lose your head.

Touching the bell on his waist, Zhou Cang knew that it would be most reliable to save this question to find a chance to ask Zhang Yan who was far away in Langyuan City.Because the bell was made by Zhang Yan, he must know the secret behind it.

But if he wanted to go back, Zhou Cang didn't know when he would have the chance.Now the backbone of the middle and lower ranks of the entire Western Army is almost dead, and new pawns need time to grow, and they cannot do without a "backbone" like him.I'm afraid he won't be able to get away in three to five years.

Now the latest military order he got is to be stationed on the Baimashi line bordering Haoyue Monster Country, the nearest military station, while defending firmly, while guarding the actions of the monster clan opposite the prison room.

Zhou Cang didn't dare to be careless, and would personally lead a team of people around the White Horse Stone every day.He now understands a truth, that is, one must not show timidity in the face of the monster race, no matter how tough one is, one can survive.Therefore, his general flag must be shown near Baima Stone every day.

It is the same today.

"My lord! Report from the horses ahead. There are three demon soldiers standing beside the White Horse Stone, holding the flag of the Haoyue Kingdom, yelling that they are delivering a letter."

Yaozu? !Flag?Delivery?

After hesitating for a moment, Zhou Cang slapped his horse forward, making arrangements as he moved forward. The men and horses in his hands were divided into three teams to support each other. If the opponent cheated, he could immediately retreat or provide assistance.

But Zhou Cang's worries did not come true.The monster clan on the opposite side didn't play any tricks, and even when he arrived, the other party was very well-behaved and stood opposite the White Horse Stone, which is the territory of the Haoyue Monster Kingdom.A waving flag is particularly conspicuous.There are only three monster races in the surrounding area.

And the ceremony flag also confirmed that these three monster races did not come to make trouble.

Zhou Cang didn't bring any more people with him, and also counted himself as a total of three people, and rode forward on horseback.He stopped less than five feet away from the other party, raised his voice and asked, "What's the matter?"

Seeing the three of Zhou Cang approaching, the Yaozu on the opposite side lost a bit of contempt in their eyes, and asked back, "I have a letter from the country to deliver, are you qualified to come?"

"Guoxin? I'm Zhou Cang, General Zhou Cang stationed in Baima Shipian, am I qualified?"

"Zhou Cang? That's enough. Here!"

With a sound of words and a wave of his hand, a light and shadow passed by at an extremely fast speed.

Zhou Cang snorted coldly, and stretched out his hand to catch it, but the huge force made his chest tight.And the horse under the seat couldn't bear the strength and took three or four steps back before stopping, stomping on the ground anxiously.

"Hey, this is for your emperor." After saying this, the three monsters turned and left without looking back, and disappeared from sight in a moment.

Zhou Cangchang let out a breath.Feeling depressed, his strength is still a little lower, and he almost made a fool of himself just now.But fortunately, I took it.

He looked down at the copper bar in his hand.There are three stamps on it, and it looks like a very official national letter.Just by way of border delivery instead of a dedicated courier escort, which seems sloppy.

But Zhou Cang didn't dare to deal with the other party hastily.Dang even rode back to rush back, and immediately handed the copper bar in his hand to the tent of the Western Army Commander in Baishi City, along with a briefing on the acquisition of the copper bar written by Zhou Cang himself.

(End of this chapter)

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