one's door

Chapter 368 Guoxin

Chapter 368 Guoxin
What is the relationship between the demon race and the human race?It is essentially the relationship between "food" and "diners".The demon race eats the flesh and blood of the human race, and the human race eats the tendons of the demon race.No one on both sides is a fuel-efficient lamp.It's just that in terms of race confidence, the human race is much worse than the monster race.Even if Xu Fengyang, the martial sage, started the trend of martial arts among the human race, the gap between the races has only narrowed, and it still hasn't been reversed.

Who talks to food?No.

So after Yao Nation handed over this national letter, Nanyuan Nation felt strange from top to bottom.

what does this mean?

Zhou Cang didn't delay at all, took out a pen and paper and scribbled a brief introduction on his horse's back, and immediately sent Fei Yu to Baishi City first.Then a team of cavalry was sent to escort the copper bar towards Baishi City at high speed.

Yang Shiming, the commander of the Western Army in Baishi City, was also surprised, but after carefully distinguishing the authenticity of the copper bar and opening it, he continued to report the copper bar to the Yamen of the Ministry of War instead of reporting it directly to the palace.Because the content in the copper bar let Yang Shiming know that although the reason for the letter from the Yaozu was weird, it was not so urgent.It's not something that needs to be chosen.Going to the Yamen of the Ministry of War seems to be more compliant.

Did Yang Shiming open Guoxin in compliance with the rules?Nature is in line with the rules.As the commander-in-chief of the West Route Army, and facing the strange behavior of the Yaozu, how could he just send the copper bar directly to the emperor?Hostile relationship, if you say Guoxin is Guoxin?What about jugglers?Isn't it a big joke?
There is not much content in the copper bar, and the flying feathers can fully carry it.So before the official national letter was delivered to Yuanding Imperial City, Emperor Yang Sheng had already learned about the situation that had just subsided in the west through Feiyu's text message, and there was new news.

Yang Sheng read the contents of Feiyu no less than ten times.Even if I knew it was correct in my heart, I still felt strange in my heart.

"Wu Kui, you have been in contact with the Yaozu, and you have interrogated a lot. What do you think the Yaozu, or the Yaoguo, is planning this time? They actually proposed to send envoys to visit?"

As soon as the war against the monster clan in the southwest was over, Wu Kui returned to Yuanding Imperial City from the camp of the Eastern Army.And Shi Xuan also led the main force of the Eastern Army back to Beijiang County before and continued to stick to Tonghu Pass while supporting the front line of Yueshui.

Hearing the emperor's inquiry, Wu Kui quickly bowed and replied: "Your Majesty, the habits of the monster race are actually the same as those of the wild wolves in the mountains. They eat meat and it is impossible to change it. For us humans, we can also rob and kill if we can." , I have never had the second attitude. It is recorded in history books that there were human nations who wanted to make peace, and were even willing to submit to the monster clan as a vassal. But they were still ignored by the monster clan. Until later, the warriors prospered , The price of the monster clan's attack began to increase, and it was impossible to fight for tens of thousands of miles, and then gradually formed the current pattern of the human race country.

This time Haoyue Yaoguo proposed to send envoys, but the old slave didn't know its intention.However, the old slave felt that it might have something to do with the fact that they failed to retreat after their crazy attack on Xiyuan County. "

Yang Sheng didn't express any surprise when he heard this.What Wu Kui said was exactly what he thought.

Yaozu and Nanyuan Kingdom have been adjacent to each other for hundreds of years, even more than a thousand years including the time of the previous dynasty.I have never heard of the Yaozu taking the initiative to come to envoys before.It has never happened in the history of the human race.

"Is there anything in Xiyuan County that attracts the monster race?" Yang Sheng couldn't think of any other possibility after thinking about it.Even if you look back in this way of thinking, the Yaozu aggressively attacked Xiyuan County, posing as if they were going to attack the city and seize the territory.It can be understood as "bright grabbing".Now that Ming can't grab it, is sending envoys here to outwit him?Or intimidation?Or is it a negotiation?

"Slaves don't know." Where did Wu Kui know the Yaozu's thoughts?

"Prepare a document to the Yamen of the Ministry of War, and ask them to order Yang Shiming to conduct a survey of the entire county of Xiyuan County immediately. The literature of Xiyuan County since ancient times began to be searched, including local chronicles, and some legends and stories.

In addition, focus on the area behind Baishi City.You only want what you don't have.If the Yaozu really came for something as we thought, it must have not been obtained yet. "

The southwest of Baishi City was captured by the monster clan before, so if you were looking for something, it would naturally be captured by the monster clan, so there was no need to attack the front line of Baishi City desperately.So it is also guessed that if there is such a thing that is attracting the monster race, it must be somewhere behind Baishi City.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Wu Kui should be here. In the corner of the study next to it, there is a clerk who is always ready to start writing.It is the duty of the clerk to turn the emperor's oral language into a formal document.After that, the emperor will confirm that it is correct, add a seal, and then deliver it by a special person.

After the document was drawn up, Yang Sheng looked at it, and when he felt that there was no problem, he put his own seal on it and sent it to the Yamen of the Ministry of War not far away.Although the matter is not urgent, it will take a lot of time to sort out the entire Xiyuan County as he said, and the sooner it starts, the sooner it will have results.It is best to get the results before the envoys of the Yaozu come.Of course, there may be no results.

Wait for the order to be sent away.Yang Sheng also seemed to be involved in this incident, put down the pen in his hand, and put aside his official business for the time being.Picking up a small teapot on the table, he left the study, ready to go for a walk in the small garden behind to change his mind.

"A few days ago, I read Xiao Shisan's letter saying that Zhang Yan was leading them to build a house and a mountain gate? You know about this, right?"

"Returning to His Majesty, Zhang Yan did not hide it, so the slaves also know about it. Moreover, Zhang Yan's mountain gate is on the cliff mountain that His Majesty gave him last time. Now it passes every one and a half months There are some new constructions on the mountain, but they are not yet on a large scale. It seems that it will take a long time to complete the construction."

Yang Sheng sipped at the mouth of the small teapot, and said with a smile: "It seems that Zhang Yan is going to take off the cover of miscellaneous learning on his body? Lishan Gate, what will it be called in the future?"

"What your Majesty said is true. Judging from Zhang Yan's actions, he really wants to distinguish himself from the school of miscellaneous studies. In fact, he said it a long time ago. It is said that Zhang Yan's ability has the means of the school of miscellaneous studies , but it’s not just one kind of miscellaneous learning. Other methods are actually more than miscellaneous learning. It’s clear at a glance who tolerates who.

It's just that Zhang Yan probably didn't expect his strength to improve so quickly.Otherwise, he doesn't need to wear the jacket of miscellaneous studies. "

Yang Sheng shook his head, unlike Wu Kui's statement: "Leaving aside Zhang Yan's ability, after all, it is not a category that we are familiar with. But just talking about Zhang Yan's previous steps to take advantage of the situation, to be honest, ninety-nine out of ten people are He didn’t have the heart. Looking back at his previous actions in the end, he naturally felt that it was unnecessary, but at that time, he found the largest and widest energy storage environment for himself in almost every step. Otherwise, if there is one more variable, he may Can't get up."

When Yang Sheng said this, it was impossible for Wu Kui next to him to argue with him.But Wu Kui also had to admit that what the emperor said about Zhang Yan was indeed walking now.I am afraid that no one in Nanyuan Kingdom will be able to do anything to him.In turn, you have to rely on him a lot.

At the end, Yang Sheng had a whim, and said with a smile: "Zhang Yan seems to value the mountain gate very much. You said that if I give him another piece of lake view and hills in Xiyuan County, will he accept it?"

(End of this chapter)

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