one's door

Chapter 369 Discovery

Chapter 369 Discovery
Zhang Yan was in no hurry to build the cliff mountain, even if it took three to five years, it would be fast for him.According to legend, it took nearly 30 years from the start of construction to the complete completion of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Gate. What is there to worry about?

What's more, there are only three registered disciples under the sect now. The establishment of the Shanmen is not because there is no place to teach apprentices, but the establishment of the Shanmen itself is a tempering of the disciples under the sect.

Since it is necessary to hone the disciples, the longer the time, the better.It can also give Zhang Yan more time to move the spiritual veins and cultivate the cliff mountain itself.

There is no rush to cultivate Cliff Mountain.The gathering of spiritual veins is a surprise, but it also needs the help of time.Moreover, the mountain itself also needs to slowly digest the various changes brought about by the increase in aura.A spiritual mountain is not only rich in spiritual energy, but vegetation and wild animals will change due to the increase in the aggregated spiritual energy of the spiritual veins.

Therefore, for monks, many things take time to ferment, and they are rarely accomplished overnight.

Of course, Zhang Yan was not idle either.The things in hand are currently going down step by step.Apart from practicing and teaching apprentices, the most important thing is refining tools and alchemy.

Although the demand for Peiyuan Dan is not large now, it is only used as an auxiliary consumable to match the spirit stone, but it will be different in the future. After Zhang Yan established the mountain gate, it is impossible for there to be only three disciples.Prepare more now, so as not to be in a hurry in the future.For this reason, Zhang Yan specially ordered a lot of large jade boxes with a square foot, not asking for high quality jade, just big enough and strong enough.Take it back and engrave Shanggu Ling's magic circle, so that it can be used to place the medicine for a long time without worrying about the spirit energy dissipating and losing the power of the medicine.

And refining equipment is more complicated than alchemy.The simple daily routine is to refine the ghost-stalking bell, and it takes one and a half hours a day to do this, which can be said to involve a lot of Zhang Yan's energy.Thirty percent of the finished product will be handed over to the demon species, and the rest will be handed over to Beiwu Kingdom.

In this regard, Bai Yu of the demon species also came to Zhang Yan, and expressed some ideas in a very tactful manner, testing whether it is possible to increase the price in exchange for the exclusive right to catch the ghost bell, so as not to flow into the hands of Beiwu Kingdom.After being rejected by Zhang Yan, he didn't dare to speak again.

In fact, Zhang Yan, the ghost-killing bell, is already a little tired of practicing.After all, this thing was a kind of magic weapon that Zhang Yan took out in an emergency, and his refining level was limited at that time, so the upper limit of the ghost-stalking bell is not high overall. Even though he has improved it many times now, it is still in line with It's not up to Zhang Yan's current refining level.

The obsession with improving one's weapon refining ability is also because in the wild world, there is no way to rely on others except oneself.If you want to use a good magic weapon, you can only do it yourself.But now, what Zhang Yan needs to prepare is the magic weapon for storage.

The difficulties in the refining of storage-type magic tools mainly lie in the refining of materials and the matching and use of magic circles.

The basic material of the storage device is not a combination of one or several materials, but needs to be smelted together to form a thing called "beard" that does not exist in nature.This kind of thing is the first difficulty in refining the storage magic weapon.

The function of "whiskers" is to become an anchor point of "from the real to the virtual".This miraculous refining product can perfectly cooperate with the space law circle to anchor a space gap captured through the space barrier in a fixed place so that it will not float away again.It also makes it possible to open and close at any time in the same space.Otherwise, the magic weapon of the storage class can only be empty talk.

Once the "beard" is done, it is the inscription of the magic circle.The difficulty lies in the word "enlightenment".With the same magic circle, a clear understanding can show a greater effect, which is especially obvious in the space magic circle.

Zhang Yan didn't know whether his understanding of space was good or bad, but he didn't feel how difficult it was when studying the space magic circle, and it was easy to understand.In addition, he had the expectation that "everything is difficult at the beginning" from the beginning, but he felt satisfied after the result came out.

The first refined product was a large box three feet square.The main body of the box is iron essence, which is dotted with particles made of "whiskers" arranged in a nebula.Even though this compromise method has been used, it still consumes a lot of "whiskers", and the cost is already equal to all the magic tools that Zhang Yan has handled before.

It can be seen from the expensiveness of the storage magic utensils.

After opening the box and opening the magic circle according to a specific method, you can open the space interlayer inside it.The space is very large, which is also the result of Zhang Yan engraving several space magic circles on the huge box.Although the technique is still jerky and rough, the practicality is not bad at all.

A volume of six feet square is already much larger than the small warehouse in Zhang Yan's house.It is enough to pile up top-quality spirit stones and medicinal materials.The more important thing is that this is a beginning, which marks that Zhang Yan can refine hundreds of such storage artifacts as long as he wants to. The idea of ​​the mountain gate as a foundation guarantee.

Naturally, one box is not enough, at least all those things piled up in the martial arts academy in Langyuan City must be removed first.According to Zhang Yan's estimation, he still needs to refine five more storage boxes of this kind. Afterwards, if the consumption and income offset part of it, he can refine one every three months.This is not counting the increase in storage box space brought about by the improvement of his refining skills in the future.

But when Zhang Yan was refining the third storage box, he frowned inexplicably, and interrupted the refining three times in the middle.In the end, although the refinement was completed, the doubts on his face showed that he must have encountered some accident.

"The space magic circle seems to be unstable when grasping the cracks in the space. It needs to be anchored before it will not vibrate. Is this different from what is said in the Taoist scriptures?" This is why Zhang Yan frowned.

According to the Daoist scriptures, there are often gaps in the space, and they are closed, and can be grasped and used at any time. It does not need to be as dangerous as "void".It is the prerequisite for the constant use of the space magic weapon.

He hadn't noticed Zhang Yan's first storage artifact when he was refining it, but after he got familiar with it, the second and third ones caught his attention.When grabbing the cracks in the space, it is not as smooth as the Daoist said, but there is a force of involvement, which seems to prevent Zhang Yan from grabbing the cracks in the space.

Can the cracks in space also be "owned"?This guess made Zhang Yan dare not continue refining.Instead, he quickly meditated, immersed himself in the tower inside the Wanxiangzhu, and read all the records about the cracks in the space.

When Zhang Yan regained his consciousness, although the doubts on his face were less, the frown deepened.

According to Taoist scriptures, the gaps in the space are infinite, stable and usable, and can be grasped at any time, and the situation that Zhang Yan encountered will not occur.But there are exceptions, that is, the space itself is not stable.

(End of this chapter)

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