one's door

Chapter 372 Father and Son

Chapter 372 Father and Son
"Yushan crispy duck and this braised ling roe. Your concubine said you like it the most. Eat more."

In a side hall of Qinzheng Hall, a small round table is placed in the middle of the side hall. The table is very new.There is a soup with four meat and four vegetables on the table.And every dish is exquisite and fragrant.It can be said to be full of color, fragrance and taste.

Sitting at the round table are father and son.Yang Sheng and Yang Rui.

To be honest, Yang Sheng didn't have a good impression of himself as the thirteenth son. Of course, it was before the thirteenth son entered Zhang Yan's sect.In my impression, he was a child who was a little bit smart but dull-tempered.Coupled with the fact that she is too young and doesn't have any strong influence from her uncle's family, it would be considered good to be Prince An Le in the future.It would be even better if you can achieve something in the field of learning.

Yang Sheng couldn't even remember the last time he sat with Xiao Shisan, or had he never been before?
It is true that Yang Rui hasn't eaten such fine food for a long time, but facing Yang Sheng, he instinctively followed the etiquette that he had been disciplined since he was a child, and ate slowly and gently.

"Hehe, don't be cautious, eat more, you should eat hard when you are growing up now. And now I am the father and son, don't care about those annoying etiquettes. Come, this piece of meat is here for you !" Yang Sheng laughed and picked up a large piece of duck meat and put it in Yang Rui's bowl.At this time, he couldn't see the seriousness he had in front of his son in the past.On the contrary, there is a kind of kindness that makes Yang Rui feel strange and kind.

Yang Rui nodded, picked up the bowl and began to eat in big mouthfuls.This journey is full of dry food. It is not bad to have a fried rice with eggs. Now that there are delicious food, he is really hungry.

"Is there a lot of food in Langyuan City? You seem to have grown tall but not much meat?" Yang Sheng continued to scoop up a bowl of braised Ling fish roe in sauce and put it in Yang Rui's hand, asking about Yang Rui in a casual way. Rui's life in Langyuan City.

"If you go back to my father, I won't. The food at Mr. Zhang's house is very good, and there is meat in every meal, and I can eat some spicy food now, and I think it's delicious. Brother Shitou always leaves the good ones for me. And Xiao Mantou. The teacher said that at my age, it’s good to be tall and not gain weight, and I don’t have to worry about getting fat in the future.”

"Stone? Steamed bun? Hahaha, you mean the other two little disciples of Mr. Zhang, right? It sounds like you get along very well? Didn't you hear that you were beaten up by that little stone at the beginning? What? Reconciled ?"

"Yeah! We've reconciled a long time ago"

Yang Rui was very talkative about his experience after going out to study, because it was a happy experience he had never had in the palace. When he saw his father asking about it, he would naturally open up the conversation box.

"What?! Mr. Zhang asked the two of you to face the six-headed spirit clan alone!"

Yang Sheng was also taken aback when he heard Yang Rui talk about his previous experiences in Gujia Village.I also sigh in my heart that Zhang Yan is indeed unexpectedly courageous.Even though he was watching from the sidelines, he actually waited until such a crisis that Yang Rui would sacrifice his life for righteousness before he rescued him.This, he really didn't know how to comment.

"Well! Brother Shitou and I were dangerous last time and almost died, but the teacher said that only hard work will pay off. If we do it again, Brother Shitou and I will not take an incense stick of time to clean up those six ghosts. Got into that kind of trouble."

"Ghost? Is this what Mr. Zhang calls the Spirit Race?"

"That's right. It's said in the Daoist scriptures. It's more detailed than in the Miscellaneous Scrolls of Spiritual Affairs."

"What is the Daoist book? So, Mr. Zhang already knew about the existence of the Spirit Race?"

"Yes, father. One of the obligations of us cultivators is to eliminate the ghosts in this world, and restore the universe and the world."

"A cultivator?" Yang Sheng secretly thought in his heart that Yang Rui came back to talk about many things that could not be said in the previous letters.It also made him understand a lot about Zhang Yan's field.

Then Yang Sheng asked while eating: "Then what is the strength of the three of you? Can you show the father the methods you mentioned in the letter before?"

Yang Rui hummed, put down his chopsticks, and when he raised his hand, a fist-sized ball of water appeared out of thin air on his fingertips.

"Father, this is the method of the water element of the five elements. The teacher said that I have the highest affinity with the water element of the five elements, and I will focus on water in the future. The rest, such as wood and soil, can also be used as minors. I will show you the earth method."

Yang Sheng is the emperor, so it is needless to say that he is well-informed.But when have you ever seen such a magical method that seems to be "creating something out of nothing"?And how long have you learned this? !
"However, these methods of mine are still not comparable to Brother Shitou's fire method. The teacher said that Brother Shitou has a paranoid affinity and a fire attribute. As long as it is a fire method, Brother Shitou's power will be [-]% higher. Paranoid affinity is cultivated in the early stage It will rise very quickly. It is estimated that Brother Shitou will be able to reach the Profound Vein Realm in the next year or so and officially start. Just like Xiao Mantou." Yang Rui said with a look of expectation.

"Huh? Xiao Shisan, what do you mean by that? Aren't you already a disciple of Mr. Zhang? Why do you want to start again?"

Yang Rui nodded heavily, and replied: "If you can't cultivate into the Profound Vein Realm, you can't talk about a real monk, so you can only be the teacher's registered disciple, and you are not qualified to learn many powerful methods later. And also I can’t learn it. I’m still a little short of the middle stage of Qi Entraining Realm. But I’m confident that I can step into the Profound Vein Realm, but I probably won’t be able to catch up with Brother Shitou.”

"Is that little bun better than you?"

Yang Sheng knew that the little stone was Zhang Yan's relative, he was the first to learn, and there was nothing to say that he was the strongest among the three.It is also reasonable for Yang Rui to be inferior.But isn't that little mantou the little maid that Zhang Yan took away from the state banquet?How could he get started before Yang Rui?
"Little Mantou is not as good as I am. She has just stepped into the Qi Entraining Realm and started. But the teacher said that Xiaomantou's talent is rare in the world. As long as she steps on the road of cultivation, she will be much faster than Brother Shitou and me. Therefore, although Xiao Mantou's strength has not yet reached the Profound Vein Realm, he has already been included in the category of the teacher's core disciples in advance."

"Talent. It seems that the most important thing in Mr. Zhang's method is talent."

"Father is right."

"Then you sound like you've gotten started now. Is it possible to tell whether others have the same talent for cultivation as you? Or do you have to rely on Mr. Zhang's talent ruler?"

"Father, it's hard to figure out the talent of cultivating the Tao. The teacher can't accurately detect each person's talent. The most reliable way is to use the talent ruler."

One meal down.Yang Sheng took Yang Rui to the small garden behind for a walk.Maybe he hasn't been this relaxed for a long time.

"Xiao Shisan, Mr. Zhang's methods are miraculous, such as alchemy, weapon refining, and those methods against the spirit race. If you can get one or two, it will be a great thing for Nanyuan Kingdom and the royal family. Even Mr. Zhang It is also a great thing to be able to produce the "Method of Refining Skin and Flesh" that is not very caring.

Xiao Shisan, can you understand what my father said? "

(End of this chapter)

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