one's door

Chapter 373

Chapter 373 Detour
Yang Sheng watched his thirteen sons leave after the big gift, the smile on his face didn't fade away, on the contrary, he smiled even more happily.

"Wu Kui, what do you think of Xiao Shisan?"

"Smart, well-founded, flexible thinking without losing the duty. In the past, the evaluation of the Thirteenth Highness in the palace does not seem to be appropriate." Wu Kui can't say anything to spoil the fun.And Yang Rui gave him the feeling that he was indeed a little surprised as he said.

Yang Sheng was very satisfied with Wu Kui's answer, and even felt that it was not enough. He said, "Now it seems that everything in the past was pretended by this child. Alas, life in the palace is not easy. Even the prince has his own way of survival. Now the young The birds are flying high, and they have a shelter from the wind and rain, so naturally they don't need to put on their pretense all the time.

This kid is not bad.Honesty is especially rare.No excuses, no perfunctory, if you can do it, you can do it, if you can't do it, you can't do it.

But it seems that in just one year, Zhang Yan's weight in this child's heart is not inferior to that of our royal family. "

Yang Sheng himself ascended the throne as emperor from the prince all the way to the prince.Even he is not the eldest son among brothers of the same generation, and he is clearly aware of his existence and goals since he was born.It is easy to understand the difference between Yang Rui's performance before and now.It's not surprising, it's not unexpected, and I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

This is the way the royal family is born. If you are born, you must fight. If you don't fight, you will avoid it.Otherwise, how can the world hold it?

"However, from Xiao Shisan's words, I can tell that Zhang Yan is very confident in his method, and he is sure that even if we take it, it will not be possible. The threshold! This thing is really hard to say."

"Your Majesty, the slave thinks that this threshold may be an obstacle for others, but it is not difficult for the royal family to cross it. There are thousands of living beings in the world, even if you choose one in a million or even one in a million, you can find a good one." Not much. It depends on whether Mr. Zhang is willing to teach."

Yang Sheng smiled and kept walking in the garden, taking a sip of the warm tea from the teapot in his hand from time to time.

"Teaching? I used to think that Zhang Yan's ability would be taught in the same way as in the martial arts academy. But you have also heard what Xiao Shisan said today. Do you think Zhang Yan may teach more in terms of imparting ability? Someone? He doesn't even have the energy to think about it."

How could Wu Kui not understand what Yang Sheng meant.nodded.Indeed!According to His Royal Highness the Thirteenth Prince, Zhang Yan has devoted himself to the smallest details for the three disciples under his sect. He is not only limited to teaching methods, but also guides from daily life to tempering of mind and principles of doing things. .To put it bluntly, many fathers do not necessarily teach their own children so meticulously.

How much effort does it take to teach like this?Wu Kui couldn't explain clearly, but he knew that if it was him, there would be at most one or two such disciples.Even if Zhang Yan is stronger than him, there are already three now.

"Then your majesty, are you going to stop talking about seeking the Dharma?" Wu Kui knew that the emperor's thoughts were almost all on the return of the thirteenth prince.The most important thing is to hope to get some news about Zhang Yan's methods from the mouth of the thirteenth prince.What I was fighting was the idea of ​​not letting the fat and water flow into the fields of outsiders.But now it seems that you have changed your mind?

"Why don't you ask for it? You don't understand the principle of getting the moon first if you are close to the water, right? It's just that Zhang Yan's way of teaching apprentices is too unexpected. It broke some of my previous thoughts. Now I have to change it.

After a while, you can draw up some rewards for Xiao Shisan, and Concubine Mingying's side, including her natal family, will also accept the rewards.Give it a little thicker, and you can start preparing for him about the title.What I said must be in place before my birthday.Don't be careless.

Then tell the dining room that the banquet will be held at the imperial concubine Mingying's side tonight, and we will get together again. "

"Yes, Your Majesty, the slave will arrange it now."

After receiving the order, Wu Kui hurried down to make arrangements.Although Yang Sheng didn't say it clearly, Yang Sheng's plan can be guessed from these arrangements.It's not even a plan, it's just a detour.

Concubine Mingying.It is Yang Rui's mother and concubine.Besides Yang Rui, Imperial Concubine Mingying also had a daughter who was married the year before last.

Today's banquet was bestowed by the emperor, which is extremely rare.At least Ming Yang Guifei never received such a reward after giving birth to Yang Rui.Generally, it is a festival to give some rewards, or the emperor will come to spend the night for a long time.

Although he took good care of it, he was not as good as when he was young. The beauties in the emperor's harem were always new, so they would naturally lose their thoughts.So the women in the harem are always paranoid, it's not that they think, the environment is like this, it's just that they have to.Just like imperial concubine Mingying, she still has charm at this age outside the palace, but in the palace she is old.If it weren't for having a promising son, the emperor would have given him a banquet?

It is very rare for a "family of three" to have dinner together in the palace. Many women in the palace dare not dream of such a good thing.

Yang Rui's mind is precocious, but it doesn't mean that he completely loses the expectations and ideas that children should have. He cares about the reunion and warmth of the family as much, and even thinks it is more precious.

I thought that my father would bring up those things at noon again during the dinner.But not at all.Yang Sheng hugged Concubine Ming Yang with great interest and kept talking about some interesting things about Yang Rui before, and even played the piano by himself while drinking to make Concubine Ming Ying dance.The family enjoyed themselves until late at night.

Yang Rui, who was in a happy mood, failed to stay in the courtyard of Concubine Mingying, and went back to his previous small courtyard to rest.And the emperor will stay overnight in the courtyard of Concubine Ming Ying.

Early the next morning, Yang Rui got up and tidied up, and said hello to his mother and concubine.It was not surprising to learn that the emperor had already left before dawn. He sat in the courtyard and had breakfast with his mother and concubine, and then had another good chat.

But while chatting with Concubine Ming Yang, she shed tears.What I'm talking about is the heartache of the emperor's hard work. It can be said that one person has dedicated himself to the country. Even some warriors can't resist such hard work, and their heads are getting gray day by day.I also hope that Yang Rui can help the emperor share his worries, not to seek the crown prince in the future, but to do some filial piety, which is always what it should be?

Ming Yang Guifei's words made Yang Rui unable to retreat, because it was indeed such a reason.His father is definitely a good emperor and a diligent emperor, and he really broke his heart for state affairs.And as the Son of Man, shouldn't he help out with his filial piety?
"Mother and concubine, yes, but how can I help the father? I can't teach or accept the teacher's ability in private, otherwise."

"Silly boy! Why did mother let you do such unrighteous things? But you can intercede for your father, you are Mr. Zhang's disciple, so you can always open your mouth. You don't need any powerful means. Some simple warriors Just use what you can. And don’t force it if you try it. This is your filial piety, and Mr. Zhang won’t blame you for such a trivial matter.”

PS: I have to go to the hospital for physical therapy in the past two days, and I will make up one chapter in the afternoon.I hope you will bear with me.

(End of this chapter)

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