one's door

Chapter 374

Chapter 374
Yang Rui felt very depressed for the next few days.Suffering from both the family and the teacher, this is a situation he has never encountered before.The process even made Yang Rui feel more tormented than the life-and-death battle in Gujia Village before.

Concubine Mu is right, and Yang Rui agrees.Since he is the Son of Man, he must share his father's worries.

But the things in the teacher's door belong to the teacher's door. Whether to give it to someone or not, these are all determined by the teacher.Even if he begged instead of giving privately, it made Yang Rui feel very uneasy, worried that he would hate the teacher and fail the teacher's painstaking teaching, but he wanted to move the things of the teacher to his home.

Isn't this a white-eyed wolf?Brother Stone has told such a story.

And at this stall, another thing that upset Yang Rui followed.That was his marriage.

Regarding marriage, Yang Rui has always been ignorant. He knows that men and women will get married and reproduce after they reach adulthood. This is how parents and children all over the world come about.I don't think there is anything.But when he was called to "classes" by the ceremony officer in the palace, he realized that "no big deal" refers to ordinary people's homes. For a prince like him, marriage is just a performance. Perform for the opposite in-laws.

Since it is a performance, there must be many etiquette rules, which are no less complicated than the court etiquette that Yang Rui learned two years ago.

And because he was disturbed by the concubine's request, Yang Rui couldn't listen to these classes at all, it was common for him to be distracted.

If it was a different prince, the etiquette officer in class would have used a bamboo board to smack his palms.But for Yang Rui, they really didn't dare.He could only keep reminding him tirelessly, repeating it to Zhang Yan over and over again.

For a while, Yang Rui couldn't restrain the irritability in his heart.Although it is not enough to get up and be absent directly.But he didn't have the slightest thought about this so-called etiquette class anymore.

"It's still quiet when I'm practicing Taoism." Yang Rui thought in his heart.

"Your Majesty, this is the plan for the banquet, please read it over."

Still in the study room of Qinzheng Palace, three officials from the Ministry of Rites gathered at this time. They came here mainly to discuss with the emperor about the birthday banquet in a few days, and the latest marriage ceremony with Huayue Kingdom. .

Yang Sheng took Fang Lue and looked at it roughly. As long as the scale and etiquette were simplified as much as possible according to his requirements, he didn't have many requirements for other things.

As for the book of rites with Hua Yue, he took it very seriously.This is not as simple as a simple marriage, but a serious marriage between Nanyuan Kingdom and Huayue. It is completely different from the previous marriage in the name of marriage, which is completely against the resistance psychology in Nanyuan Kingdom. Different.It can be seen from the book of ceremonies drafted together by the yamen of the Ministry of Rites of both parties.Both parties have a common idea, that is, to make this marriage as beautiful as possible.

"Let's do this first, and prepare according to the strategy above. The things in the ritual book are also step by step. After all, there are still a few years left. If there are any adjustments in the middle, we will make them according to this purpose. Step back."

"In addition, His Majesty has one more matter."


"It's His Highness the Thirteenth. Recently, His Highness doesn't pay attention to etiquette classes at all. The etiquette officer teaching the class is completely helpless, so do you think you can enlighten His Highness?"

"Oh? I'll ask about it."

Wait for the three officials from the Ministry of Rites to leave.Yang Sheng simply asked Wu Kui about Yang Rui's situation.Smiling and shaking his head.I don't care anymore.He could hear that Yang Rui must have been annoyed, and the reason for the etiquette class was also related to the reason for seeking the Dharma from Zhang Yan.Since the baby is upset and can't listen to the etiquette class, let's put it aside for a while.That big wedding is still a few years away, so there is no rush.

But Yang Rui doesn't need to be in a hurry, but Yang Sheng feels that he can start to do some things.After all, Huayue Shangguo had made his attitude clear at this time, and what he was looking for was the word "harmony", and the previous calculations had already been magnanimously admitted.Then Yang Sheng no longer has to worry about the future.

"Are those white-eyed wolves still watching?"

Wu Kui bent down when he heard the words, with a fierce look in his eyes, he bowed back and said, "If you go back to Your Majesty, we will always keep an eye on them. Even if these people hide their children in the homes of ordinary people in other places, we will still be in control of the situation."

"Very good! These people have sucked blood from Nanyuan Nation for many years. They don't think about the slightest benefit of Nanyuan Nation, but they always want to overthrow the country and flatter Huayue. They even united to use Huayue's business name, envoys, The in-laws built a wall for themselves to resist Nanyuan Kingdom. Now it's time to settle accounts with them.

From now on, start arresting people according to the list you saved, work together from top to bottom, try to catch as many as possible, I want them to be killed one by one at the east gate of the imperial city, so that everyone in Nanyuan Kingdom can see this kind of white-eyed wolf end! "

When Yang Sheng said these words, there was much more fierceness in Yang Sheng's eyes than in Wu Kui's eyes.In his city, if it wasn't for the hatred in his heart, he wouldn't be so unable to control his emotions.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the killers under the servants have a sense of proportion. Regardless of men, women, young or old, as long as they can be captured alive, they will never be killed. At that time, they must be cut into pieces according to His Majesty's wishes!"

"But after you start working, you can continue to observe who is not on your list but jumps up and begs for mercy. Those people can also be added temporarily. Do you know what I mean?"

"Slave understands!" Wu Kui nodded vigorously.

That day, a bloody storm started from the Yuanding Imperial City, sweeping the entire Nanyuan Kingdom out of control.

In the eyes of those who were caught off guard and startled by the bloody storm, the people who were really covered by the bloody rain were all big families, wealthy merchants, and even quite a few local officials and officials in the government department.After these people were taken down, none of the family escaped.But these people did not stay in the prisons of the local yamen at all, and were sent directly to the Yuanding Imperial City, and guards from various places took turns to protect them along the way.

Everyone knew that nothing good would happen to those who were taken down.

There were also those who begged for mercy, and there were even those who ran out of the palace gate and knelt down, begging to see the emperor, and said that the emperor could not judge his ministers based on his own likes and dislikes.As a result, the emperor sent the imperial guards out of the palace to stand beside the officials and nobles who were kneeling at the gate of the palace, neither helping them nor persuading them, but they were not allowed to get up either.It expresses the emperor's attitude: If you like to kneel, then kneel firmly, and if you don't kneel until your legs are useless, you are not allowed to get up.

And the emperor's birthday banquet this year unfolded in this bloody environment.The seats were still exquisite and luxurious, but people with a discerning eye could understand from the sporadic empty seats that after this year, there would probably be no other voices in Nanyuan Kingdom.The emperor's grasp of the timing and his ruthless style proved once again who is the ruler of Nanyuan Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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