one's door

Chapter 386 Black Spot

Chapter 386 Black Spot
"An accident? What happened?" Zhou Cang suddenly felt nervous.The school order in front of him is not a recruit or a young officer, but a veteran who has actually killed many times with the Yaozu.For more than a year, he has never looked so terrified as he is now.

Cheng Xiaoling paused, as if swallowing the saliva in his throat, then pursed his chapped lips and said: "My lord, more than half of the group of monsters who entered the territory recently died yesterday afternoon. The rest are less than Ten of them were picked up by the monster clan who followed behind."

"Wait! You mean the group of monsters who just passed through Baima Rock yesterday?"

"Yes, my lord. It's the group of monsters who just passed the White Horse Stone yesterday."

"How is it possible!" Zhou Cang frowned.Although the Yaozu couldn't resist the attacks of those invisible and intangible monsters, they couldn't be so unbearable. They just came in yesterday and today there are less than ten left?
Cheng Ling also understood that what he said was unreasonable, but it was the truth, so he nodded vigorously and explained: "My lord, my subordinates are absolutely right! Most of the group of monsters really died, and The situation is very strange.

Probably last night, the group of monsters camped on the rocky beach in the north. You know that every group of monsters that come in will have a meal there and then make holes.Some are to drill new holes, and some are to continue drilling down on existing holes.

We have been staring at the group of monsters, and at first saw them camping on the rocky beach, and didn't think it was a big deal.Later, they began to find some holes made by the monster race in front and continued to drill down.And he was very persistent, the earth and rocks dug out outside were as high as mountains. "

The Yaozu's ability to drill holes is not due to any special tools, but the rock rats in their team.Each of them is like a living drilling machine, and they are the main force of the Yaozu digging holes in Xiyuan County.

The voice of the school order has stabilized, and continued to say: "There was no problem all night, and I heard them shouting for a while late at night, as if they had dug something, but finally found that it was a black ice-like The things quickly dissipated. Our people could see clearly even if they were not far away. The monster races behind did not continue to dig down.

It wasn't until dawn that something happened to them.First, three rock rats died in the camp for no reason.He died in his sleep, and no one noticed it.

I thought it was another inexplicable dead person like usual, but there was something wrong with that corpse!When our people went to record the number of dead monsters, they saw that the bodies of the three rock rats were covered with black markings, one inch at a time, densely covering the whole body.

At noon, the group of monsters began to have problems one after another, and then died soon.There is a sign before they die, that is, the black markings will appear on the dead monsters! "

Zhou Cang stared at him, jumped up from his chair and grabbed the collar of Cheng Ling, and asked in a deep voice, "Where are your spies? Did they follow you back to the camp?!"

Cheng Xiaoling was startled by Zhou Cang's violent action, and quickly replied: "My lord, don't worry, those spies are all staying at each other ten miles outside the military camp, and they also feel that something is wrong. One of the spies' hometown once had plague , so we are very vigilant about this kind of thing. We were five feet away from the spies when we finally spoke."

Hearing this, Zhou Cang recovered from the anger that was almost missed.Because what I just said is too similar to that kind of plague that kills people invisible.And the source of the plague should be the black "ice" that the group of monsters dug out last night.

But Zhou Cang was still worried, and said: "Now, let all your people take you into the tent and don't go anywhere! Forget it, don't go."

Then he turned his head and ordered to the adjutant next to him: "The camp where the first cavalry team is located will be closed immediately, and all people who have been in contact with the first cavalry team will be sent in and taken care of together! The meals will be delivered to them. Anyone who dares to enter or leave without authorization will be killed." !" After finishing speaking, he looked at the school order in the tent and said, "You stay here with me!"

And the adjutant honestly let the standard bearer deliver the order from a distance, and he didn't leave the tent at all.

"Shut up for three days first to see if anyone dies. Once someone dies, we will immediately set off and go to the opposite side of the White Horse Rock to find trouble with the monster clan." Zhou Cang's face was serious at this time, and what he said seemed to be joking , but the adjutant in the account and the school order Cheng knew that what Zhou Cang said was true.

Zhou Cang spent three days in torment.Not only Zhou Cang, but everyone in the entire Baima Shijun village was feeling uneasy.Although most people don't know what happened, they also feel something unusual.

Fortunately, in the past three days, no one in the military camp had any problems, not even the three spies from the cavalry who stayed outside the military camp.

Only then did Zhou Cang feel relieved.But the spies outside the military camp will stay outside for another three days. After all, they are the ones who have been close to the group of monsters at the closest distance, so they need to be more careful.The spies understood too.As long as there is water and food, they can find a forest to stay, let alone three days, it doesn't matter 30 days.Isn't this much more comfortable than running around every day?

Only then did Zhou Cang in the military village dare to pick up a pen and start writing letters to Baishi City.Before, he worried that if he spread the plague from Feiyu to Baishi City, wouldn't he be finished?So I kept waiting, and today I found that there was nothing wrong with the army, so I sent the note I had written long ago to Yu Feiyu.

Black "ice", resembling plague, dark spots, with extremely short death times.These keywords came into the hands of Yang Shiming, the commander of the West Army of Baishi City that night, which also shocked Yang Shiming.

Baimashi Zhoucang is fine, but in Yang Shiming's eyes, other places in the huge Xiyuan County are also facing similar dangers.While understanding Zhou Cang's prudence in reporting it three days later, he secretly scolded the report for being too slow.Feeling conflicted, Yang Shiming even felt inexplicably flustered for the first time in many years.You must know that he didn't panic when facing the monster army's pressure before.

Plague!That thing can't stop it at all, it can only hide, if it can't hide, there will be too many dead people too fast.Even a bad West Route Army in Xiyuan County will quickly collapse.

Yang Shiming didn't dare to delay, he quickly left Baishi City with an urgent order, and flew to all the military bases in Xiyuan County responsible for tracking the monster clan in the same shape as a flying feather.In it, all the findings of Baimashi are attached, including the emergency method on the side of Baimashi.At the same time, some details have been added. For example, if the spies find a similar situation, they cannot return to the camp, they can only light the beacon, and wait for the person to pass by and shout at the position against the wind to deliver the message, etc.
Only two days later, the "black spot death" incident occurred again in Xiyuan County.Exactly the same as the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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