one's door

Chapter 387 Benefits

Chapter 387 Benefits
Shen Wujiu is no longer in charge of the special case department of a county.Instead, he was separated from the actual duties of the special case department and was responsible for dealing with all matters related to Zhang Yan.The post has been upgraded by one level than before, but the establishment is still in the special case department, and he is now the deputy commander.

Although it is not a real position and has no real power, Shen Wujiu's current prestige is not comparable to that of being in charge of a special case department in a county before.The profit and water passed by is many times higher than before, and the status has also been greatly improved.It's no longer just the business of the Special Cases Department that greets them, and the people involved even spread all over the entire human country.

Shen Wujiu and his subordinates assisted in receiving and forwarding both the bone-strengthening pill and the ghost-killing bell.He even has a great right to advise on the distribution of some shares.Because he has frequent contact with Zhang Yan, he has the duty to observe Zhang Yan's likes and dislikes.Casually mentioning "Mr. Zhang doesn't seem to like them", then the distribution of that country will have to be cut.

Of course, although Shen Wujiu can use the above method to manipulate others and is not easy to be discovered, he can benefit from it.But he has never done that once.His steady personality made him dare not overstep.And compared to the benefits of being with Mr. Zhang for a long time, how can other benefits compare to it?
Shen Wujiu is not that calculating, but he is not stupid either.While enjoying the benefits brought by status, he is also cautious about his steps so as not to make mistakes.

In the past, Shen Wujiu only needed to stay in Langyuan City.But now he needs to take care of both Langyuan City and Changhu County.Of course, he has only been to Changhu County once, and there is no way to get to the location of Mr. Zhang's newly opened cliff mountain, not even a mountain road.After going there once, he left a few people in the nearest big city to contact the local government office to sort out the strategy of improving the official road.However, if you want to land, it is impossible not to wait a year, and you need to wait at least three to five years until it is repaired.

Shen Wujiu was shocked when he went to the cliff mountain.He couldn't imagine that in such a deep mountain, it took only two years for Mr. Zhang to build such a magnificent building complex close to the mountain.There are nine large buildings of the palace type alone.Including buildings such as gazebos and huts, there are probably no less than thirty buildings.

How is this possible? !

After returning, Shen Wujiu reported what he had seen and heard, and once again heightened the wonder of Zhang Yan's family.At the same time, it is also confirmed that Zhang Yan is now deliberately distanced from the miscellaneous studies.It's not about cutting, at least it's about consciously making people understand that his skills are not just of miscellaneous learning.

Fortunately, the Zhang family is still in Langyuan City, and Mr. Zhang will come back regularly for a few days to deal with chores and accompany the old lady of the Zhang family.

This saved Shen Wujiu from the hardship of long-distance round trips.You can visit Zhang Yan when he is in the corridor of Yuancheng.

A few months ago, Shen Wujiu could see Zhang Yan every time.In recent months, it wasn't always Zhang Yan who came to receive him, more often it was Zhang Yan's big apprentice, Wang Nian.

Shen Wujiu also had to feel that time passed too fast, and was also surprised by Mr. Zhang's magical methods and the speed at which Wang Nian grew up.Although he is still immature now, he can vaguely feel the composure and stability in Wang Nian.

"Maybe this Wang Nian will be the one who will be outside the Longhu Mountain Gate in the future?" Shen Wujiu thought.

Every month when Zhang Yan returned to Langyuan City, Shen Wujiu deliberately took a day later to bring the manpower, loaded all the things that had been sorted out into the car, and paid respects to the Zhang family according to the rules.

"Brother Laohe is here. I wonder if Mr. Zhang is here today? Or Mr. Wang Nianxiao?" Shen Wujiu asked He Xianghong who opened the door with a smile while walking.He has been here many times, and he has already become very familiar with this slave of the Zhang family.

"Master Shen, today is young master Wang Nian, and young master Liu Rui is also here."

"Well, thank you Brother He. By the way, I passed by Brother He's hometown on business last time and went to see it. Everything at home is fine, and the old lady is fine now."

Just chatted a few words.Shen Wujiu came to the main room, laughed and walked in, and saw Wang Nian and Liu Rui standing inside waiting for him.Seeing him come in, he bowed his hands.

"Hahaha, don't dare to act, dare not act, Shen is going to trouble the two little gentlemen again."

"Master Shen is too polite. This is the task ordered by the master. It is not a trouble for us." Wang Nian looked like a little adult, imitating Zhang Yan's tone, and beckoned Shen Wujiu to sit down A few polite words on one side.

This is not the first time the two sides have come into contact.So without too many pleasantries, we quickly got to the point.

Liu Rui would go out and count the ghost-sucking bells full of ghosts brought in by truck, and then Wang Nian would nod and give the same number of vacant ghost-sucking bells replaced with new spirit stones.In terms of quantity, they will also give some more to be used by Nanyuan Kingdom for other distribution.

"My lord, this is this month's Bone Strengthening Pill, a total of twenty."

"Ah?! Why are there so many?!" Shen Wujiu's originally calm expression couldn't hold back.Looking excitedly at the two black bottles in front of him, he didn't even dare to take them with his hands.He raised his head and looked at Wang Nian, who was sitting in the upper seat, with a look of great surprise and asked.

In the past, if you took bone strengthening pills, you would only take five or six pills at most.Now it's so much more in one breath?This had to make Shen Wujiu surprised and worried at the same time, worried that Mr. Zhang would cut off the supply of this elixir and take out all the stocks directly, right?
Wang Nian explained: "Master Shen, this time I made more bone-strengthening pills together with my junior brother. Because I need to practice my hands, I made more. I wonder if Master Shen can eat it?"

"I can eat it! I can definitely eat it! I didn't expect it to be refined by Mr. Xiao and the thirteenth prince. This is great! I will ask Mr. Xiao to take care of it in the future. No matter how many Nanyuan Kingdoms, this bone-strengthening pill can be eaten." Yes!" Shen Wujiu was so excited that his voice trembled a little.Never expected that Wang Nian and the thirteenth prince could already refine bone strengthening pills!This news itself is much more important than the twenty bone strengthening pills in front of me!
Even Shen Wujiu was sure that the reason why so many bone-strengthening pills were produced must be the reason for the thirteen princes to deal with them.Nanyuan Kingdom's near-water towers have finally gained again!

Wang Nian also heaved a sigh of relief.He and Yang Rui didn't know how many bone-strengthening pills Nanyuan Kingdom could eat. They felt that the more the better, but they stopped after being reminded by Liu Rui and took out twenty pills.For these pills, he and Yang Rui have spent a lot of effort.Especially Yang Rui, he was very slow to learn alchemy, and was almost burned by the fire of the furnace several times, and now half of his hair hasn't grown back yet.

To the satisfaction of all, the routine work of both sides is over.But Shen Wujiu didn't get up to leave as usual.Instead, he leaned closer to Chao Wangnian and asked, "Mr. Zhang, is Mr. Zhang at home? I still have some important matters to meet with Mr. Zhang."

(End of this chapter)

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