one's door

Chapter 389 Cracks

Chapter 389 Cracks
Zhang Yan's thoughts changed sharply. Before he came, he would never have thought that the demon clan would be attracted to Xiyuan County because of the unstable space.

But in this way, new problems came one after another: How did the Yaozu know that the space in Xiyuan County was unstable?When did you know about it?

Could it be that Yaozu still has the ability to spy on changes in space?
I was puzzled, but then Zhang Yanyou shook his head and rejected his guess.Even if the Yaozu has the ability to spy on the stability of the space, it is absolutely impossible for the ordinary Yaozu outside to be able to do it.Otherwise, how could the Yaozu be so strong that they would not be able to take down Xiyuan County in the hands of Nanyuan Kingdom, and would have been given a heavy blow by the Yaoling clan, and finally had to adopt a "negotiation" method to enter Xiyuan County.

And before the offensive and defensive battle more than two years ago, Yaozu's attitude towards Xiyuan County has always been "the place where the autumn wind blows" rather than "the place that must be contested".The meaning of existence is almost the same as Yubei Mountain in Chonglan County.Just come here to get some benefits.There is no need to make great efforts to win.

In other words, two years ago, when the Yaozu suddenly changed their normal routine and aggressively attacked Xiyuan County, they only had news of the particularity of Xiyuan County.

As for how the Yaozu can find a specific place like this rocky beach on the border of Xiyuan County, there should be another way.For example, there are a large number of dwarfs among the monsters camping on the ground.

Zhang Yan had seen the Dwarf Dog Clan before, at the Yubei Mountain Fortress.At that time, the gossip formation was only taken out by him to set up, and the Yaozu was very troublesome when it first showed results, so the dwarf dog tribe was called in, hoping to use their most sensitive sense of smell to tear through the obstruction of the gossip formation.

That is to say, rely on the dwarves to determine the location of the hole, and then have the fellow rock rats start the work?
But who told them?
Why are the Yaozu so determined that they didn't choose to leave even when so many people died in an unexpected situation, but just stopped digging?

Going around, I still have to return to the original doubt.How could the Yaozu perceive the anomaly in space?It is even very likely that the pre-judgment was made more than two years ago.

According to the agreement signed between Yaozu and Nanyuan Nation, although the predicted time is not accurate enough, it is within its expectation.After all, Yaozu and Nanyuan Kingdom agreed on "within five years", and now it has been more than two years, and naturally it has not exceeded expectations.

In Zhang Yan's mind, the first thing that occurred to him was Xu Fengyang, the Martial Saint who could predict in advance that such spatial changes would occur in Xiyuan County.

But after thinking about it carefully, I feel that it doesn't make sense.Because if it is Xu Fengyang, although he is indeed capable of doing it.But why do you want to help the Yaozu?After all, the School of Martial Arts was created by Xu Fengyang, even if there is any news that it is cheap, it is cheap to talk about the School of Martial Arts or the human race, no matter how bad it is, it is still cheap, right?No matter how you think about it, it shouldn't be Yaozu's turn.

"A strong monster from the monster clan that can be compared with the martial saint Xu Fengyang?!"

Zhang Yan finally came to such a conclusion in his mind.

If you continue to think about it following this conclusion, Zhang Yan's initial judgment will be closed.The "black ice" and "black spot death" that appeared here are not bad news for those monster races, but mean that they have found the right place.

It may not be easy for the Yaozu to defend something that they would rather sacrifice the lives of their fellow clansmen.There is a kind of "risk and opportunity coexist".

The risk should be the so-called "black spot death", right?What is that opportunity?
With this thought in mind, Zhang Yan added several body protection and shielding magic circles to himself, and then simply went out of the ground to take a breath, and then went underground again, this time looking for the one that was surrounded by the demon clan camp The deep hole escaped.He wants to get up close and see what is there and with that comes danger and opportunity.

After a while, at the speed of Zhang Yan's escape, he had reached the deep pit nearly a hundred feet above the ground.The hole is not big, anyway, it cannot allow an adult to stand up straight, at most a child with the size of Wang Nian can get in.It is also in line with the characteristics of the rock rat clan of the monster clan. After all, the rock rat clan is as big as a child.

Zhang Yan did not choose to go directly to the bottom of the pothole, but escaped along the direction of the pothole.He found that the pothole did not go straight down in one direction, but had several turns and changes along the road.It can be seen that this pothole was indeed made by several groups of monster races as stated in the news brought by Shen Wujiu.It should be constantly adjusting the direction.Or try it out.

Reaching the bottom, if there is light here, it can be distinguished from the depths of those mines.There was even some water seepage, and water more than half a foot deep had accumulated in the pit.

But if it is in Zhang Yan's perception, it is not so simple here.

"The space is distorting?!" Zhang Yan's perception is very clear about the situation at the bottom of this deep pit.He even subconsciously moved his body away from the bottom of the pit.Because he had never encountered such a situation before him.

The space is actually like a piece of crumpled paper, from time to time there will be creases when rubbed, and sometimes it will stretch out, and even appear to be pulled and tightened by the limit.

It is hard to imagine that the ubiquitous but extremely difficult-to-perceive alternative dimensional concept of "space" appears so clearly and intuitively in perception.

Anyway, Zhang Yan couldn't figure out why such a strange situation occurred here.

"Where is that "black ice"?" Although Zhang Yan did not get close to observe, the perceivable distance still allowed him to know every place at the bottom of the deep pit.But he didn't see the weird "ice" that caused the massive deaths of the Yaozu.

After observing patiently like this, Zhang Yan discovered that the spatial distortion at the bottom of the pit actually had some laws.It will perform a fixed twist over and over again, and its intensity will also change with the change of the twist.

"If this place has been like this, will the rock rats who have dug here but can't detect the space distortion like me stop? No, they will continue to dig down, and then they will always be the strongest with the space distortion. When it matches the action of excavation, will there be mutual contact with overlapping dimensions?!" Zhang Yan suddenly thought of a possibility.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yan flicked his fingers after confirming that the shields and defenses around him were sufficient, and a force went straight to the bottom along the direction of the pothole, and it was intentionally matched to the time when the space distortion intensity at the bottom reached the highest.


Zhang Yan was startled, and saw that the original space display of different dimensions and the bottom of the pit actually overlapped. His strength directly hit the rock at the bottom of the pit and also hit the manifestation of space, and even tore apart the space. Made a tiny cut!

Immediately afterwards, a liquid-like thing overflowed from the opening, and finally dropped to the bottom of the pit, where it condensed like crystal in the blink of an eye.It is exactly the same as the "black ice" that Shen Wujiu said!
(End of this chapter)

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