one's door

Chapter 390 Living Beings

Chapter 390 Living Beings
Regarding space, Zhang Yan's first understanding was when he was preparing to forge storage magic tools.

Nowadays, Zhang Yan is quite familiar with the magic storage tools. As long as it is not the top-quality items such as rings and bracelets, he can easily grasp the magic storage tools like boxes and cabinets.

Familiarity with and refinement of the refining technique of storage-type instruments is bound to be accompanied by the mastery of space-related knowledge.

At least the basic concepts are already familiar to Zhang Yan.

For example, the "space" intercepted by the storage instrument is actually a "space gap", and the so-called "storage space" is formed by using the instrument to open and delineate a part of the space gap.

Also located in the gap between the spaces is the so-called "sanctuary", which is the extremely dark place where ghosts gather.Because it is special and huge, it can only go back and forth between the gap and the normal world through passages such as the dead silence road.

But in essence, the so-called sanctuary and storage space are the same.All belong to the "space gap".

Since it is a gap, what kind of gap is it?
The explanation in Daoist scriptures is that "space gap refers to the gap between normal space and void".

That is to say, there is an equivalent existence beyond the gap between the normal space and the space, that is, "emptiness".

There are many descriptions of emptiness in Taoist scriptures, but they all belong to the kind of very vain words, such as "hanging outside the Tao" or "a place where the five elements cannot enter" and so on.

To sum it up: the void is very dangerous, it belongs to the scope that even the "Tao" can't be included, and ordinary monks can't escape the end of their souls when they step into it.Not even "immortals" have the ability to step into the void.

In addition to the danger of the mystery of the void, another reason is that it is extremely difficult to break through the void.It is necessary to break down the barriers of the normal space, cut through the gaps in the space, and finally open the gate of the void.This must also be done in one go, and any slack or softness will be blocked by the space barrier.

"There will be no other things in the cracks in the space, only the "crack itself". Then that kind of "black ice" can only come from the void?!"

Zhang Yan was taken aback by the thought in his head.But although it is unbelievable, it does not mean that his guess should be the truth.

He didn't dare to get close, but only dared to use his perception to test those things that overflowed from the gap in the space and turned into crystals.Black ice, but not the slightest chill.

"What the hell is this?"

Zhang Yan's perception did not detect any information from the "black ice".It even feels like an ordinary thing.It is no different from the earth and rocks at the bottom of this pit.

"No!" Zhang Yan was sure that this thing was not as simple as he perceived at the moment.Thinking in his heart, the rock rat tribe should not be as good as his perception and cognition at the beginning. Seeing these suspicious scenes, he would only feel that he should have found the right position, and he would not know the danger at all.That's why this "black ice" is brought from the ground to the surface.
Take it to the ground? !

Zhang Yan hesitated for a moment, but in the end he couldn't think of any other way. Anyway, he didn't dare to touch the "black ice" with his body.Only by following the example of the monster rock rats before, maybe moving this thing to the ground will change.With the changes, you should be able to detect how strange and dangerous this thing is.

Make up your mind and stop hesitating.Zhang Yan used mana to cut and control one side of the earth and rock at the bottom of the pit, and then this side of the earth and rock supported the piece of "black ice". Follow this thing to move from the small path to the ground.

This method seems to be a lot of trouble, but it can avoid contact with the "black ice" as much as possible, and the contact with mana is within the scope that Zhang Yan feels needs to be avoided.And his body kept at least five feet away from that thing at all times.

When he came out of the ground and saw the light, an extremely dangerous instinctive reaction in Zhang Yan's perception instantly made him stand on his head, and he quickly moved another five feet away, concentrating on sensing the piece he lifted out. The underground is now placed in the corner of a rocky beach with no one around.

"Does it really "melt"? Why does that thing give me a feeling that it seems to eat away at my soul?"

Zhang Yan was puzzled and somewhat nervous.After all, in his opinion, this thing came from the void that even ordinary immortals could not set foot on, and it made him instinctively feel that it was so dangerous, so it must not be a good thing.

Soon Zhang Yan discovered that this thing was indeed not a good thing, because when this piece of "black ice" began to "melt" slowly, all the living things within a radius of Zhang Xu where it was located, including those living in broken The little bugs in the rocks, the grass and vegetation in the crevices of the rocks lost all their vitality and died directly after just a few breaths.

Not only that, as the piece of "black ice" began to "melt", it turned into an invisible thing and began to spread, and the range it reached was finally fixed at a radius of five to six feet from the point of appearance, and it would completely dissipate if it was farther away. arrive.But what spread out will gradually dissipate.However, the ones that penetrated into the bodies of those bugs would maintain a certain activity, and would not disappear in a short time.

Even Zhang Yan could feel that the things hidden in the corpses of the bugs became active and were deliberately testing his perception.Some would rush out desperately trying to pounce on the insubstantial perception, but in the end they had no choice but to disappear quickly because they were separated from the insect corpse.

Zhang Yan didn't have the slightest idea of ​​getting closer to observe. He kept a distance of twelve or thirty feet, covered with breath and barriers, and then watched by perception. This observation means that night will come before dawn.He didn't take any new actions until the unknown activity in those insect corpses completely disappeared.I caught a gopher from the ground elsewhere, then threw it over, and then stopped the gopher and waited for a while in the same place, reconfirming that there was no problem before it was over.

Zhang Yan naturally had a conclusion in his heart.But it seems to subvert cognition.

Because Zhang Yan felt that the things that melted from the "black ice" were not poison, but something "fresh".But relatively, it doesn't have the vitality that living creatures should have, not even the soul fluctuations of ghosts.In addition, even the yin and yang pupil technique cannot "see", and can only be perceived with vague perception.

Fortunately, this kind of "living creature" can't survive on the ground for too long, even with a living body as a support, it can't survive for half a day.Perhaps this is the reason why the Yaozu died in the same group but did not spread endlessly.

Is there such a "living creature" in the void?

With this kind of question in mind, Zhang Yan found a quiet place nearby, arranged a defensive magic circle for himself, and then plunged into the palace where the books were stored in Wanxiangzhuli.He wanted to look up the relevant records about what "living creatures" existed in the void.

(End of this chapter)

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