one's door

Chapter 441 Top Grade

Chapter 441 Top Grade
If the overall strength of the Elf clan is reduced together, it can be found that they are actually almost the same as ordinary army soldiers.

Ordinary soldiers are not warriors, and their physical conditions are similar. Although there are subtle differences, the basic quality of wartime is not as obvious as the difference between the cultivation level of warriors and monks.

In other words, these demons are "ordinary creatures" whose basic strength is much higher than that of ordinary human soldiers, and there is no such thing as a practice system? !
Zhang Yan was startled when this guess came out of his heart.After all, the combat power of these Elf individuals is at least on par with the warriors in the early stage of Duanshan Realm, even if they are not as good, they will not be too far behind.

Doesn't this speculation now overturn and reconstruct the basic understanding of the strength of these elves?

There is no practice system, they are just born with a high enough starting point!

Whether it's space gliding, or energy pick-and-roll and swallowing, or even the means of resisting and unloading force, it has nothing to do with the practice system.Just like the instinct of monkeys climbing trees and mice digging holes.

What a blinding leaf, now being seen through by Zhang Yan?Or is Zhang Yan's insight and analysis wrong?

Zhang Yan himself did not dare to be 100% sure, but in terms of what he saw with his own eyes, he still preferred the former.After all, think about it the other way around, who stipulated that creatures that are more powerful than humans and monsters must come through practice?People with different talents actually make more sense.Otherwise, where did such a large number come from?Do you really think that cultivation does not consume resources or time?
With this understanding, Zhang Yan no longer stayed in Xiaojiao Mountain. He moved together in his mind, his figure flickered, and he abruptly turned around the place with a radius of tens of miles. He really did what he wanted in his heart by burning the corpses all over the place.Finally, he turned around and glanced at the gap in the black space above Xiaojiao Mountain in the distance, Zhang Yan smiled, and then really moved away.

It took less than four days to go back and forth.But on the way back, Zhang Yan had already thought about what he needed to do next.

The space distortion coming out of the space gap is not small, if he really enters it and stays there for a long time, there will still be some pressure on Zhang Yan at this time.What's more, the inside seems to be different from the ordinary cracks in space, and Zhang Yan doesn't know if he will restrict some of his methods after entering.

It's better to take a look again, there is no need to rush to show your skills.

But it's not okay to let the demons wreak havoc on the human territory.This conflicts with Zhang Yan's bottom line of practice.Since we are human beings, we cannot look at other things and eat human beings as snacks or slaughter them as animals.The same is true for Zhang Yan of the demon clan, and the same is true for Zhang Yan of the demon clan.

The only difference is that the human race still has the ability to resist when facing the monster race.But facing the monsters, the methods of the human race are really not enough.As the number of monsters continues to increase, it is a foregone conclusion that Qi Yeguo will fall, and it will be difficult to manage if there are more variables in the future.

So Zhang Yan didn't disturb the disciples under his sect after returning to Duanya Mountain, but went straight back to the Artifact Refining Hall in the mountain gate, took the Tunshan Umbrella that was only used once after it was refined, and was going to make some changes.

Before doing it, Zhang Yan took out about a hundred catties of mysterious stones stored in the Tunshan Umbrella that had been divided into pieces of appropriate size. This will be the main material for his next modification of the Tunshan Umbrella.

Before doing it, Zhang Yan felt a little strange in his heart, confirming an old saying: one drink and one peck is destiny.

Xuanshi is a kind of refining material that should be synthesized, and it is a precious but unpopular thing.Ordinary refiners are very unlikely to use it.The reason has been mentioned before, because Xuanshi is the main material for refining ghost weapons.And ghost weapons are something that most refiners look down on.

There are also some refining techniques and tips about ghost weapons in the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Gate.It's even pretty detailed.It's just that the purpose of these surviving is obviously to learn from, because they are all special and mysterious magic tools.

For example, the ghost weapon that Zhang Yan is about to forge now.

In fact, it is not accurate to say that it is a ghost weapon. It should use the mysterious methods and ideas of that ghost weapon to use it for Tunshan Umbrella and improve it.

It is better to be familiar with this new refining method according to the habit. Zhang Yan relies on his own black and white pill fire to turn the mysterious stones into hair-thick and thin "silk threads", and then stitch them together in the air.There have been many breaks in between.The main reason is that the toughness of the mysterious stone is extremely low after being drawn into silk, and it will break if it is slightly unstable, and a single break will often produce a chain reaction, bringing a large piece of it and then breaking, making the refining process directly fall short.

So Zhang Yan practiced honestly many times before he mastered the trick.

Four days later, Zhang Yan put away the Tunshan Umbrella with its cover unfolded, took out all the profound stones inside, and divided them into more than a dozen storage boxes for packing.Only then did he leave Cliff Mountain with the Tunshan Umbrella.

At this time, Tunshan Umbrella has changed a lot from before.The red fan is now covered with golden and black magic circle patterns intertwined.The superposition of the golden space magic circle that has been adjusted but the overall effect has not changed creates a huge gap space that can accommodate a mountain.

And the black circle pattern is a new thing that Zhang Yan has spent a lot of time improving in the past few days.Even unintentionally planting willows and willows into the shade, this Tunshan Umbrella became the first high-grade magic weapon refined by Zhang Yan because of this part. Although it only touched the threshold of a high-grade magic weapon, it was indeed a top-grade magic weapon.

Moving with such a big thing consumes a lot more spiritual energy than Zhang Yan's light-packed travel before.But because of the previous visit and the presence of the beacon, it took much less time for Zhang Yan to move than the last time.

Zhang Yan really wanted to move directly to Xiaojiao Mountain if it wasn't for worrying about the emptiness in his body due to the fact that it would take too long to move at one time and consume too much spiritual energy.In the end, just to be on the safe side, he divided the teleportation into three times, leaving time for himself to replenish the aura in his body.

The place where the last teleportation occurred was the place where Zhang Yan had been to the most surrounding monsters before. Xiaojiao Mountain was under his feet, and the gap in space was above his head.

Seeing Zhang Yan's sudden appearance, the surrounding monsters immediately chirped with melodious but disgusting voices.At the same time, he aggressively surrounded Zhang Yan.They probably said something like "This time we must not let this human race go!"

"Get up!" Zhang Yan smiled, and the soaring technique flew to the air eight feet and half above the ground, then threw the Tunshan Umbrella in his hand upwards, and at the same time unfolded the power in the umbrella.

An extremely strong force with a dual attraction to energy and entities began to appear, and at the same time Zhang Yan's extremely yang energy was also attached to the mighty energy boundary of the swallowing mountain umbrella, forming a beam of devouring fields like beams of light, With Zhang Yan's control, he directly covered the monsters swarming below.

(End of this chapter)

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