one's door

Chapter 442 Feeding

Chapter 442 Feeding
With the participation of extreme yang energy, coupled with the huge energy-swallowing and sucking force on the Tunshan Umbrella, it has become a "monster" with a huge appetite.

Today's Tunshan Umbrella was shaped into a new category by Zhang Yan based on the storage magic weapon and soul-destroying ghost weapon, similar to the "ethnic bag".Of course, they are only similar, but their power is far from comparable.

In addition, unlike the "ethnic bag" that can hold thousands of creatures, the Tunshan Umbrella improved by Zhang Yan can't hold all the creatures, even living things in the ordinary sense. Twisted, it can instantly turn a living thing into a dead thing.From this point of view, the Tunshan Umbrella is also qualified as a murder weapon.The efficiency of killing ordinary creatures is extremely high.

But the Tunshan Umbrella is perfect for pretending to be a monster.

Compared with creatures in the general sense, although the elves are living creatures, there is no doubt about their adaptability to the cracks in space.They can still survive in the God Realm and can compete with Baronka and Xu Fengyang in the God Realm. The mere swallowing of the mountain umbrella will naturally not be their death, and they will only be trapped for a while if they are put in. Little life.

Zhang Yan who was in mid-air received a lot of attacks, but after offering his Dharma image, coupled with the irregular and teleportation method of teleportation, it is almost impossible for the elves to stop Zhang Yan.On the contrary, after Zhang Yan moved around a few times, the demon clan below was directly defeated, scattered and wanted to run away.

Zhang Yan chased up and pretended a little more, feeling the strength of the struggle in the Tunshan Umbrella, he didn't kill them all, leaving some leeway.

But with all this talk, Xiaojiao Mountain, the place where the elves are the densest, and maybe even more than [-]% of the elves, seems so empty.

Moreover.These sprites who ran away had no chance of running far.Now that all countries are reinforcing Qi Ye Shangguo, when Qi Yeguo reacts, it will inevitably start to shrink the encirclement, even if it is filled with life, it will not miss the opportunity to regain the lost ground.On the other hand, it is difficult for the elves who have lost a large number of their kind to support a large war for the time being, and retreating back to Xiaojiaoshan, the stronghold that cannot be given up, has become their only choice.

And because Xiaojiao Mountain is directly under the space breach above its head, it is impossible to give up its special geographical location.

We only need to wait another three or two months, when the time comes, there will be as many elves as before at the foot of Xiaojiao Mountain, and Zhang Yan will come again.As long as the God Realm continues to throw out new sprites, this can become a "crop" that repeats itself, which is not harmful to Zhang Yan.There are even many benefits.

certainly.In order to add some methods to Qi Ye Shangguo to contain the monsters, instead of relying on human life to fill them in, Zhang Yan felt that it was necessary to get some magic tools or magic plates that gather yang energy to form a barrier.Optimistic about Xiaojiaoshan, this is also a win-win thing for Zhang Yan.

Smiling and happy all the way, Zhang Yan returned to Duanya Mountain and moved to the forbidden area set up in the back mountain.Inside is the "round ball" that he captured and locked in the dwelling.

Opening the prison, Zhang Yan walked in with the Tunshan Umbrella.Looking at the long and narrow black dwelling in front of him, which was imprisoned in mid-air by the power of the magic circle, he smiled, and then flicked a five-element magic technique over, making a small depression on the surface of the dwelling.Then it seemed dissatisfied with Zhang Yan's disturbance, a tentacle stretched out from the nearest hole on the dwelling near the depression, diligently restored the depression, then shook it, and then retracted.

From this point alone, "Yuanqiu" is not as afraid of Zhang Yan as it was at the beginning.If you don't feel Zhang Yan's breath, you can't pretend to be dead.

This was trained by Zhang Yan.After he locked the "round ball" in the snail house, he would come to feed and observe from time to time.He found that although the "ball" would not refuse the energy fed to him and devoured them all, the energy consumed was very, very little.This can be seen from Zhang Yan's careful perception of the body weight of the "round ball".Minor consumption coupled with a good appetite that never refuses anyone who comes, is almost equivalent to only getting in but not getting out.

This reminded Zhang Yan of a legendary beast.It is also only in and out.It's just not a pure energy creature like "Ball".

What Zhang Yan cares most about the "round ball" is its ability to swallow different energies, but also output multiple energies.And what's even more rare is that the energy it outputs is extremely pure, which is no worse than Peiyuan Pill and Lingshi.This kind of ability is a treasure in front of a monk.Or aura cows.

The ability of "round ball" has not been used after being caught by Zhang Yan and locked up in the snail house.It can produce aura, and Zhang Yan is also training it.For example, after feeding, he will spit out spiritual energy to Zhang Yan, otherwise Zhang Yan will stab the "round ball" with extreme yang energy. Over time, the "round ball" will adapt to his new identity, but he wants to sleep peacefully Drowsy instead of constantly being stabbed awake.

However, feeding and giving back are the results of training, and they are of no real use to Zhang Yan.

The reason is that Zhang Yan really didn't have a good idea about the food selection of "round ball".

You can't shovel mud and stones to the "ball" and let it breathe out, right?In that case, even if the "ball" has nothing to make ends meet, the ball will still be "starved" or even "starved to death" soon.

Until I saw the Elf Clan, the special body structure that is both virtual and real, and the homology with the "round ball" from the same world, it stands to reason that it should be the most suitable "food" for the "round ball".

Zhang Yan raised his hand and grabbed a monster from the Tunshan Umbrella, then imprisoned it with magical techniques and threw it on top of the snail house, trying to see the reaction of the "ball" inside.

As a result, it was like a shark smelling blood. The tentacles of the "ball" stick out from the holes in the dwelling as the elves approached, and then plunged into the elves' body without hesitation. , the two parts of the physical body and the energy body were covered with tentacles without exception.

Looking at the imprisoned elves, they obviously recognized the "round ball", and their chirping and dancing seemed to be frightening.But that disgusting appearance can't make any human race feel sympathetic, it's not bad if it doesn't gloat.

One sprite was not enough for the "round ball" to eat, and it was completely disassembled and swallowed in the blink of an eye.Even the unfinished tentacles did not retract, but swayed as if asking Zhang Yan, "Is there any more?"

Of course there is!

Smiling, Zhang Yan grabbed another ten sprites and threw them to the "round ball".The ball is clearly prepared this time, it doesn't need Zhang Yan to do anything to imprison the elves, it directly uses the tentacles to string all the elves together, and those elves are not at all when facing the "ball". No resistance at all.The screams of chirping and chirping were eaten up without even a few screams.

(End of this chapter)

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