one's door

Chapter 448 Ants

Chapter 448 Ants
The scene in the God Realm was many times more intense than the situation in the Lower Realm Qi Ye's home country.

Just as Zhang Yan guessed, neither Baronka nor Xu Fengyang had the extra energy to manage the life and death of the lower realm humans or monster races.They were trapped in the slaughter almost all the time in the God Realm, and it was difficult to get out.

But there was one thing Zhang Yan didn't guess right.That is, although ghosts also serve as front-line thugs in the God Realm, their effect is not great. They used to be considered as support, but now they are at best cannon fodder.

Perhaps for creatures in the general sense, the particularity and special means of ghosts can play a very good raid and nuisance effect. Cooperating with Baronka and Xu Fengyang's frontal attack, the effect should be good.

It's a pity that what entered the God Realm this time was not a creature in the ordinary sense, but a strange creature that no one had seen or heard of, or even could not have been imagined in advance.The combination of virtual and real, there is no soul, and there is only the core of life that can also switch between virtual and real.When they face ghosts, they are not caught off guard at all. On the contrary, they think that those ghosts that attack sneakily are just a joke.

The soul body is also energy, which belongs to the energy of the soul. Although it also has the ability to devour, it is only limited to creatures that also have souls.But the sprites are different. They have no souls so that ghosts can't attack them and they can devour them at the same time. They don't even limit what kind of energy they have. Although they are far less than the "ball"'s appetite, they can still take a few bites of ghosts. .

Even the self-destruction of ghosts has limited effect.The huge power is limited in the special space of the God Realm, and coupled with the opponent's virtual and real structure, it is very difficult to cause damage.

And the one who fought with Baronka and Xu Fengyang as the main combat force in the God Realm was not the image of the sprite clan who harvested hundreds of thousands of grains from Zhang Yan in the lower realm.Although it can be seen that they are the same type of creature, the difference is still very large.

The elves in the lower realm are about three feet tall, and the tallest are less than four feet, while the elves in the God Realm are more than seven feet tall, and the tallest can reach eight feet.The size difference between the two sides can be seen.

In addition to the difference in body size, there are also many differences in the body structure of the elves in the God Realm.For example, the scales covering the whole body are thicker and have some tiny burrs. If you dare to take precautions and slap them, the burrs can easily pierce the epidermis with physical strength like Xu Fengyang and Baronka.

Moreover, the burrs are poisonous, and the toxicity is violent.When he first came into contact with Baronka, he almost capsized in the gutter, and finally relied on Xu Fengyang's help to force out the toxin and recover.

In addition, the part of the energy body, the main force in the God Realm, is not the same. It is not invisible and colorless, but has a translucent turbid liquid state, with a stronger devouring ability, and can also attach to objects. All objects can be eroded.

Generally speaking, it is a special monster family that has been strengthened several times and has been alienated.

Does this sound a little familiar?Will it remind people of some inconspicuous creatures that are so similar to these elves?

That's right, exactly what you're thinking of, ants.

Ants live in groups and are primitive social creatures.They gathered together to survive, and also evolved some different individuals in the population, thus having a different division of labor.

Such as worker ants, such as soldier ants.

The dwarf sprites in the lower realm are like worker ants in the sprite clan, and the soldier ants who fight with Baronka and Xu Fengyang in the God Realm are soldier ants.

Like the Ghost Realm, although the God Realm is in the cracks of the Desolate Sky Territory, it belongs to a special bubble space with a huge scope.And because it is regarded as the "mouth" of Huangtianyu, its size can be compared with a country in the lower realm.

There is no sky, no fixed distinction between up, down, left, and right, and there are no real scenes such as mountains and rivers.Although this place is called the God Realm, it is even more desolate than the Ghost Realm.No, it shouldn't be desolate, it should be nothingness.

Aside from those broken pieces that looked like broken mountains, or clusters of floating objects that were kneaded together by plants or flesh, there was only one constant thing left here: killing.

A golden glow suddenly lit up from the depths of the pitch-black God Realm, and then exploded like a small sun in the blink of an eye.But if you look closely, you will find that each of these bright beams is not a simple light, but a fist shadow.

Each fist shadow is as fast as light, penetrating like thunder, and within a few breaths, the depths of the God Realm are lit up, revealing the countless swarms of monsters like soldiers and ants inside.Like a sea of ​​ants and insects, you can even see their movements like waves.

And the source of the golden light in this sea of ​​insects was a man of medium build in a warrior robe.Wearing a pair of golden gloves on his hands, the shadow of the fist that illuminates the depths of the God Realm exploded from his hands.

Of course, light and shadow are not enough, there must be sound to cooperate.

Although the monster's appearance is extremely disgusting, its voice can be called beautiful if taken out alone, like a lark, and the more it screams, the more pleasant it is.This may be the result of this kind of creature going against the average creature in everything.

Each fist shadow can pierce through countless soldier-ant-like monsters, and the fist shadow carries a power similar to the warrior's vitality but with a ray of space rules. The energy body of the sprite clan was torn to pieces.

In the God Realm, who is the human race who can be counted as ten thousand and clear the field in an instant, but Xu Fengyang, the martial sage?
On the other side, there is a dark place far away from Xu Feng's anode, and a layer of strange light is also bursting out. Although it is not dazzling, it can still illuminate a space in the God Realm. The dark green light is not as dazzling as the golden light, but In the softness, the same murderous intent was at its peak, and three scratch-like traces spread from the body of a monster in the center in an instant.

The scratches were not only on the surface, but went deep into the space of the God Realm, forming a four-layer space dislocation.All the affected soldiers, ants, and demons within the tearing range of these four space dislocations were also neatly cut into several sections.

The cutting of space is different from the cutting of entities and energy bodies. There is no concept of healing and connection. Once it is cut, it means a complete break and a complete loss of any connection in any sense.

This method of dismembering a corpse doesn't care whether you have an energy body, or the ability to transform between reality and reality.


Xu Fengyang took a long breath.His eyes are also golden, which allows him to see things clearly in the God Realm without any light, which is no different from that in sunlight.

"Balonka, it looks like there are more and more of them. I don't know how long I can last, maybe half a year, maybe a year. If their numbers continue to increase and become more and more resistant to beating, this time should still be there Shorter. I think we should think of other ways. Otherwise, we will either be consumed to death, or we can only retreat to the lower realm and give up the God Realm."

Although they were far apart, Xu Fengyang's words still reached Baronka's ears verbatim.

"Almost. It's time to think of a way. But it's meaningless to retreat to the lower realm, and it can't change the situation at all. Unless we can find their matrix, everything is just empty talk."

(End of this chapter)

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