one's door

Chapter 449

Chapter 449
Even though there were no enemies around each other, Xu Fengyang and Baronka did not gather together, but communicated with a very long distance away, using a super-distance method that they only knew.

The God Realm in the dark is like the night sky, and the two human races and demon races with bright bodies are like stars in the night sky.

"Matrix? It's hidden somewhere in the God Realm, or in the cracks of space, or it may have retracted into its own original world. It's not easy to find it. At least I don't have any clue for the time being." Xu Fengyang from He took out a strange-shaped fruit from his arms and ate it slowly, while answering the "matrix" that Baronka had mentioned before.

"It can't be hidden in the God Realm. We have carefully searched every corner here. It was injured by us when it first came in. It is impossible to avoid our search. I am inclined to him It hides in the cracks of space, but it won’t run too far. It’s just that the cracks are too wide, so it can avoid our search.”

Obviously Baronka is more inclined towards Xu Fengyang's statement.

"Then why can't the mother body get back to its original world and hide?" Xu Fengyang continued to bring the question deeper.

"Hey, Xu Fengyang, are you testing me?"

"No, I just want to hear your thoughts."

"Hmph, well, I'll let you listen to my thoughts and see how it's different from someone like you who always likes to writhe in the gutter."

After a pause, Baronka continued: "I don't know how many worlds the Huangtian Territory has swallowed up. Not to mention the ones before you came to the God Realm, but the ones after you came, isn't it less than fifty? Huangtian Don’t you know the phagocytosis feature of the domain? Once you are targeted by him, the first thing to break is the world barrier, and what do you think the world will look like without the world barrier?
Look at all this rubbish floating in the God Realm!

Mountains and rivers are shattered, and people are devastated.Everything is dead!this is the truth!Only powerful creatures can escape by their own abilities.Either the strength can cross the real void.Either run into the cracks in space like we do, and then find this mouth in Huangtianyu to seek a way out.

Otherwise, what do you think these sprites are so crazy about?
The matrix is ​​their foundation.You have seen the fighting power before, it is not high.If you and I are careful, we will definitely be able to clean up.With its ability, do you think it will survive if it returns to its original world? "

In Baronka's view, it is impossible for the mother body of the Elf clan to return to the original world.Because the situation over there is already very bad in his judgment, like a ship that has been pierced, the end of going back can only sink into the sea along with the hull.

"We can take turns guarding the God Realm, but we have to work hard. Those who are free will go to the gaps in the convenient space of the God Realm to find the mother body. As long as we find it, then we have at least [-]% chance of winning, and we can immediately get rid of the current one. Dilemma!"

God Realm is the battlefield.Both for Baronka and Xu Fengyang.The two of them are the unlucky ones who were forced to stand guard here.They are also aware of this.But if you want to get rid of this kind of life, you have to improve your strength and go away. Otherwise, you can only grit your teeth and persist until Huang Tianyu completely fills yourself up. Only then will the God Realm be peaceful.

But the former choice is too difficult. At least for now, neither Baronka nor Xu Fengyang can see any signs of breaking through the void. They can only follow the latter choice, gritting their teeth and blocking the God Realm, for their continued survival and Fight for the resources in your own hands.Otherwise, wouldn't it be a mess if we let creatures from outside the domain come in?
It comes down to survival and resources.Otherwise, would you let Baronka and Xu Fengyang, who are in control of Yaozu and Jiangwu Academy, discuss redistribution with a group of extraterritorial creatures that even have communication problems?

However, the difficulties encountered this time were more troublesome than anything Baronka and Xu Fengyang encountered before.

The problem lies in the particularity of the sprites.

What's special about this thing is not only their body structure is special, not to mention the combination of virtual and real, they don't even have a soul.This turns the supposedly functioning Eldar into a joke that doesn't make any sense at all.

Secondly, or something more special than the body structure of the elves is their ecology.Not only "worker ants" and "soldier ants" evolved, but also "queen ants", which is the "mother body" mentioned by Baronka and Xu Fengyang.

At the beginning of this round of engulfment in the Desolate Sky Territory, Xu Fengyang and Baronka saw the invading matrix in the God Realm.At that time, the mother was in a mess.This can be seen from the blue blood constantly bubbling from its body.

Xu Fengyang and Baronka were supposed to snipe and kill each other when they saw each other, but the mother didn't seem to expect to encounter two natives after entering the God Realm, and was obviously stunned for a while.

But the problem is that neither Baronka nor Xu Fengyang understand the mother body at all.So much so that their attacks were carried out in the same way as before, and they even used tentative methods first.This gives the mother a chance to escape.So much so that after that time, Baronka and Xu Fengyang never saw the mother's body again.

Afterwards, they also experienced some unremarkable battles, all of which were soldier ants spewed out by their own eyes.

But then things went from bad to worse.More and more sprites appeared in the God Realm, not only completely dragged Baronka and Xu Fengyang, but also took the opportunity to find the weakest connection between the God Realm and the Lower Realm, and they successfully pierced through it. Only the worker ants were thrown down.

Why can the mother body of the sprites spew out the sprites endlessly, no matter whether they are similar to soldier ants or worker ants, these individuals are not weak.The energy contained in each one is very high, even the weakest individual is equivalent to a mid-to-late stage warrior in the Hundred Refinement Realm.

Where did the huge resources needed by the matrix to spew out these elves come from?

These doubts need to be solved together with the current troubles to be solved.The first thing to do is to find out the hidden mother.

However, Xu Fengyang also did not nod in agreement with Baronka's words, he had a different opinion.

"Balonka, you should know that not everything unfolds according to the inherent cause and effect. You know the saying that the world is impermanent."

"so what?"

"So why do you think that Huangtianyu can devour its target every time? In other words, why do you think that Huangtianyu is biting the opponent this time, not the other side? Eat each other?"

Baronka turned his head abruptly to look in the direction of Xu Fengyang far away. Although he couldn't see clearly, the golden light spot was still as eye-catching as a star in the dark.At the same time, Baronka's eyes flashed with surprise and a little bit of apprehension.

"Have you discovered something?"

"Balonka, understand carefully, feel this world carefully. After such a long devouring time before, the wild sky domain will always become thicker and the space will be more stable. Then the damn world barrier will also change. stronger. This is what it gets after devouring other worlds.

But this time, so far, the Huangtian Territory has not enhanced anything, and even the space state has become less stable than before.Why do you say this?
Is it like two wild dogs fighting, temporarily equal, but both are injured, each bleeds, and as time goes by, they will become weaker and weaker.looks like? "

(End of this chapter)

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