one's door

Chapter 456 Witness

Chapter 456 Witness
In the past, Jiang Ziwen always felt that he couldn't find the meaning of existence, and he didn't know what he should do in these long and boundless years. He often passed more than a month or even longer with a single thought.I don't even bother to remember the time, and I don't even bother to busy around the power of the holy king.

When I was alive, I was busy making a living, and I couldn't help myself.Now that you are dead, do you still have to run around endlessly?Why bother?

Turning into a ghost at the beginning was also gratifying because of the unwillingness and deep resentment in my heart, but later, with this hatred, I killed all the enemies who killed me, and then I seemed to have no energy left, wandering around all day, or hiding in the mountains to do nothing.Later, he was encountered by several spirit clansmen and fell under the command of the Saint King of the Sanctuary Forest.This is not one's own will, but a passive acceptance.

He thought he could just stay in the sanctuary quietly and not worry about anything, even those things that persuaded him to work hard to prepare as a substitute for the spiritual feed were forgotten.

It wasn't until the sudden appearance of that weird Eldar not long ago that it was like a dazzling and uncomfortable light that awakened Jiang Ziwen from this dead state.

Jiang Ziwen was afraid of death when he was alive.Although I was happy for a while after the revenge, I became indifferent after that.Although it doesn't feel disgusted by those spirit race companions who urgently need to devour living people to become stronger, and even enjoy it, they will subconsciously avoid them.This may also be one of the reasons why he is subconsciously unwilling to join in as a soul feeder.

But now the more I think about Jiang Ziwen, the more I feel that what the mysterious spirit clan said is not groundless.

Yeah, where did those former bastards go?It is said that he was taken away and entrusted with a heavy responsibility, which doesn't make sense at all!On the contrary, thinking about the sex of the spirit race and the final fate of those soul boys who were raised as pigs, Jiang Ziwen felt flustered for no reason.

Indeed, becoming a Spirit Race doesn't mean that you will be immortal. Jiang Ziwen understands that in essence, he is no different from those soul boys who are regarded as pigs. Why can't he eat a soul boy if he can eat it?

And this seems to be in line with the habits in the sanctuary.

"But they are of the same kind after all!" Jiang Ziwen thought in his heart.But it's already very empty, and it doesn't know what will happen to it if it keeps messing around like this.Not sure if the mysterious Eldar was telling the truth.

Right now, Jiang Ziwen has three choices.One, don't care about anything, just pretend nothing happened, continue with the past, and mess around.

Second, don't mix it up, and immediately go to participate in the training of spiritual feeding as a remedy.

Third, wait and see, and make plans after seeing the truth.

Reason tells Jiang Ziwen that he should choose the second option, and immediately change his current living conditions, no longer be muddled, but follow the path that almost all the spirit races in the sanctuary follow, and strive to serve the holy king.

But Jiang Ziwen felt irritable when he thought of what Lingbao had to do.

"Maybe that guy is not right? Do you want to wait a little longer?" Jiang Ziwen hesitated for a long time and finally decided to choose the third method, wait a little longer, and don't rush to make a decision.

But the rapid change of things did not give Jiang Ziwen much room for choice.Just less than twelve hours after it hesitated and temporarily decided to wait and see, and even before it had time to recover from the restless mood, a ghost general knocked on its house.

"Jiang Ziwen, right?"


"Come with me, the Holy King heard about your situation and wants to meet you in person." The ghost general's tone was quite normal, and there was not much emotion mixed in the clang.

"The holy king wants to see me?! Is this, are you going to entrust me with a heavy responsibility alone? Just like the rumors say?" Jiang Ziwen's heart trembled, but the trembling soul and body were not normal "excitement", but a An inexplicable fear came to my heart.It carefully looked at the opposite ghost and took the eyes that were exposed outside the visor. Although it was scarlet, as an spirit race, it could still distinguish many emotions in it, hoping to see some clues.

"Hehe, that's not clear, let's go, you'll know when the time comes." With such a simple sentence, he led Jiang Ziwen out.

But this ghost general didn't know that the mocking and disdain flashed in its eyes when it answered Jiang Ziwen's last sentence just now, Jiang Ziwen looked at it without hesitation.

If there was still a heartbeat, Jiang Ziwen felt that he might faint because of the rapid heartbeat.At this time, it felt more and more bad.

"This spiritual general, I've already decided to change my situation. I was thinking about going to try to participate in the substitute training for spiritual feeding. I always feel uneasy about bothering the Holy King. Why don't I go directly Participate in the training, so you won't bother the Holy King?" This was Jiang Ziwen's last attempt.It knows that if it refuses, then this matter seems to be going in the direction that the mysterious Eldar said.

"Oh? Want to work hard now? Hehe, it took you so many years to figure it out? Forget it, it's a good thing. But since the Holy King has sent a message to see you, you can't go now. Let's go."

Jiang Ziwen followed behind and said nothing, but no one noticed that there was a piece of stone clasped in its half-materialized palm, and the expression on his face calmed down again.Jiang Ziwen knew that he could not panic no matter what.In the end, it would be best if there is a turning point or if you want to go wrong.If it was the worst outcome that the mysterious spirit clan had said, it could only bet its last treasure on the stone in its hand.

Followed all the way, but Jiang Ziwen soon discovered the problem.Because the place where the Holy King lives is the nearest high tower, which is also the center of worship for all the spirit race in this area.But it followed the spirit general in front of it all the way, but it didn't head in the direction of the tower, but the other side.

"Well, this spiritual general, are we going in the wrong direction? The Holy King's Tower is over there."

"That's right. If you don't go to the tower this time, the Holy King will meet you elsewhere."


Finally, they arrived at an area inhabited by spirit generals.As soon as Jiang Ziwen came in, he found that the eyes of the spirit generals around him looked at it very familiarly, but it was not normal.After thinking about it for a while, I remembered, isn't this kind of look the same as those soul boys who were raised as pigs looked at the spirit clan along the way after entering the sanctuary?

The same.

"go in."

"Here is the Holy King?"

"Hey, you'll know when you go in." By this time, the ghost general who was pressing Jiang Ziwen over had no intention of hiding much. The hook is exposed.And grabbed the back of Jiang Ziwen's neck, and pushed him into a stone house without any explanation.

When Jiang Ziwen saw only a grinning ghost general with his mask removed in the stone house but did not see the Holy King, he knew that he had seen the truth as the mysterious spirit said.

(End of this chapter)

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