one's door

Chapter 457 Enlightenment

Chapter 457 Enlightenment
After crushing the stones, Jiang Ziwen's eyes blurred, and finally he saw the astonished expression on the face of the ferocious spirit general, and then when he regained his sight again, he found himself in a sea of ​​red spirit flowers.

"here is"

I found myself lying on the ground, and after sitting up, I could see the distant mountain peaks and the black death entrances and exits of different sizes hanging from the mountain peaks across the continuous sea of ​​red spirit flowers.

This is the busiest place in the entire sanctuary, and it is also the safest place for Jiang Ziwen.Because the spirit race here is the most chaotic, as long as it is willing, it will not be suspected of any way to go down the mountain and return to the city.

Jiang Ziwen didn't rush to leave, but lay down again.With the cover of the sea of ​​flowers, he felt that this was a good place for him to think things over for the time being.

First of all, Jiang Ziwen knew that he had escaped with his life.

Secondly, there is no need to speculate about the fate of the bastards in the spirit race.Facts have proved that just like what the mysterious Eldar said, those who don't work hard will not have the right to live in the sanctuary forever, and after a period of time, some spirits will come forward to clean it up.And the way to clean it up is to swallow these spirits who don't work hard as if they were soul boys.

similar?Jiang Ziwen couldn't find any look at the same kind in the ferocious expression of the spirit general who took off his lower armor at the last sight.

Perhaps the spirit race who don't want to work hard or can't be used by the holy king are not their kind at all.

If it's not the same kind, then it can only be food.Being devoured is also a matter of course.

In the end, what Jiang Ziwen couldn't figure out was what was the identity of that mysterious Spirit Race?Even looking back now, it seems that it can't see the fluctuation of the other party's soul body at all, it just feels that the other party is the same as itself, and it is directly ignored for no reason.

Where should I go now?

Anyway, under the jurisdiction of Lin Shengwang, I can't go there, I have to go to a place far away.

As for how to settle down and not be noticed by others, Jiang Ziwen has his own way.After all, it has been in the sanctuary for so many years. Although it has been a bastard, he knows many ways in the sanctuary.

The best way is to continue to be a bastard in another place, and then think about the way ahead before making plans.Hunzi was originally the least concerned existence in an area.What's more, didn't the mysterious spirit race say that they would come back again?Let's talk later.

If before experiencing these things, Jiang Ziwen still had some respect for the holy kings of all walks of life, then he has nothing at all now.There is no plan to "reform past mistakes".At least it won't want to take refuge in any holy king until it sees that mysterious spirit again and communicates further.

After thinking about what to do next, Jiang Ziwen got up from the sea of ​​flowers, then found a suitable place to cut into the mountain road, and followed a downhill path to enter the sanctuary again, but this time it chose the direction that Lin Shengwang was very close to before. a far area.At least for now it should be safe.

Just as Jiang Ziwen thought, even if it was changed to a different place, Hunzi was still the least valued existence. Even when it found an empty stone house to enter, no one questioned it from the beginning to the end.

Perhaps the other party could tell at a glance that Jiang Ziwen was a bastard of eleven or twelve years, and he didn't want to ask any more questions. Afterwards, some ghost general would come and take him away, right?
"We can only settle here temporarily." Jiang Ziwen sighed to himself.But at this time, it was no longer the dead silent ghost that was muddled and didn't care about anything before.It's a poor wretch who is trembling in order to survive.

"Indeed, the hiding place you chose is not very suitable. It can only be said to be okay."

Suddenly a voice rang out from the stone house, and Jiang Ziwen jumped. According to his soul-body induction, he was the only one in the stone house.So he turned his head abruptly, only to see that the mysterious spirit race that made him curious and obsessed really appeared again.

"It's you! You're finally here! Me." Jiang Ziwen eagerly wanted to tell his previous experience.But as soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by the other party raising his hand.

"Okay, I'm not interested in what happened to you. Since you used the stone I gave you, it has already explained everything. Let's talk about something else.

For example, your current situation.When you leave the sanctuary, you don't have the characteristics of a spiritual being.Staying in the sanctuary is also not safe, either you will be found out, or you will repeat what happened to you before.Even if you want to continue to be a bastard, it won't work anymore.

So even though you have escaped a catastrophe now, it is still dead to you. "

"Me, what should I do?!" Jiang Ziwen had to panic, he was just an ordinary ghost, and he didn't have much ability to judge and maneuver in the current situation.And the mysterious spirit race in front of him is its only hope.

Zhang Yan smiled when he heard this, he was waiting for this sentence when he came here this time.

"The best way for you now is to hide, so that other spirits can't find you."

"But, although the sanctuary is huge, I have nowhere to hide?"

"Hiding doesn't have to be hiding. The surrounding area is still a gathering place for the kind of bastards you were in before. I said that although it is not very suitable, it is barely enough. You can hide here, but you need some strategies Or just means."

"Your Excellency, please teach me!" Although Jiang Ziwen is not very smart, he can understand the other party's words. When it comes to this point, it also understands that whether it can live or not depends on the other party, so it just knelt on the ground and kowtowed Come.

"Of course I want to teach you, otherwise why save you?" Zhang Yan smiled, walked in front of the other party, raised his hand and put it on the other party's head.Then a consciousness was passed by him.

This consciousness alone is not difficult for Zhang Yan, he is just a porter, and the contents contained in the consciousness are all recorded in the ancient books saved by the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Gate in Wanxiangzhu. Things to be careful about.

"Your Excellency, this is, this"

Jiang Ziwen was directly confused by the sudden addition of a lot of things in his consciousness.It knew that the Eldar in front of it was not simple, but it didn't expect that it could send so many messages directly to its mind just by touching its head.How is this possible?
And these messages have only been passed through in my mind, although I still don't understand it, but no matter how I look at it, it seems to be something similar to the essence of martial artist's practice!And is it specially for the spirit race? !But why are the Eldar called "ghosts"?
"This is the method of ghost cultivation, called "Nine Serenity Jue", and of course it is only a small part of the opening chapter. If you can refine the ghost energy, then you will have the means to integrate your soul and body fluctuations into the surrounding Yin energy environment , At that time, the ghost generals guarding around here will no longer be able to find you. When you go a step further and your strength reaches the level of ordinary spirit beasts, then you can venture into this huge ghost domain."

(End of this chapter)

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