one's door

Chapter 458 Harvest

Chapter 458 Harvest
It was still noon when Zhang Yan returned to the cliff mountain, and he didn't spend much time in the ghost domain.

Things that I thought would take a lot of work went smoothly.

Zhang Yan's idea of ​​passing the ghost cultivator's method to the ghost domain was not a whim. He started to make plans for this matter when he reopened the gate of Longhu Mountain in Duanya Mountain.

Because of the special meritorious aura of Huang Tianyu, ghosts are of great benefit to monks like Zhang Yan.Even disciples under the sect can get [-]% to [-]% of the aura feedback if they do it manually.The rest will all be counted on Zhang Yan's head.

This is an incredible big gain.

Since the benefits are so great, it is natural to make the most of them.Rather than throwing out some ghost-absorbing bells like now, relying on the feedback from various countries and then collecting some weak wild ghosts and ghosts scatteredly.This was not a bad gain before Zhang Yan stepped into the state of returning to the gods, but now that he is in the middle stage of the state of integration, the merits and spiritual energy from these gains are really not enough to look at.

At that time, the demon clan hadn't appeared yet, so Zhang Yan could figure out a way to improve his practice speed. Besides pills, he could only continue to think of ways on the ghosts on the Huangtianyu side.

In fact, if the ghosts in the Yaozu territory can also be used, the merit and aura obtained by Zhang Yan will be doubled at least, and the difficulty of this matter will not be too high, just continue to let the monsters be the middleman It's enough to stray between Yaozu and Cliff Mountain.Presumably the demon species is absolutely in favor of both hands and feet.

However, the problem is that Zhang Yan's dislike for the Yaozu made him give up this idea directly.Help the Yaozu clean up the ghosts?Forget it anyway.

Since relying on the merits and auras of the human race's territory alone is not enough, and you don't want to help the monster race, then pull your thoughts further away and put in the place where ghosts gather.

The ghost domain is a place where a large number of ghosts gather in the wild world.The extremely dark place, the space gap, no living things, has its own set of social system.All this made Zhang Yan regard it as a different kind of "underworld".

According to Daoist scriptures, the underworld is a "god-run organization" established by the gods before reincarnation. Make a summary of the cycle of life outside the way of heaven.At the same time, it also takes into account the duties of guarding the boundary between Yin and Yang, such as catching ghosts and so on.

Even after the establishment of reincarnation, the underworld is not simply an "institution" in a sense, but a force that cannot be underestimated.And stuck at the critical point of the "ghost world".There are too many doorways in it.It's not that Zhang Yan, who only understands Taoism and myths and legends, can see everything clearly.

Zhang Yan's desire to set up a underworld similar to that roughly described in the Taoist scriptures is no different from a dream, and it is completely unrealistic.Not only did he not have that ability, Huang Tianyu also did not have such conditions.

What kind of world does the legendary age of the earth belong to?Zhang Yan didn't understand it before.Now it is a little taste from the body of Huang Tianyu, it must be a big world, even the top big world.And what about Huangtianyu?Not even a small world, not even a complete world.

But it is also because of Huangtianyu's simplicity that Zhang Yan can imagine.

The most important power of the underworld in Taoist scriptures is the institution set up by the gods, that is, the underworld.It is also in charge of most of the power in the underworld and is responsible for directly connecting with the yangworld.

What Zhang Yan has to do is to bring the underworld to the barren world.As for the package of obscure things behind and under the underworld, there is no need for Zhang Yan to rely on it.

As for the six reincarnations.It is a high-end gadget of the big world, Huangtianyu doesn't have such a big spectrum, it's just an incomplete world on its own side, so it can't be used.

But Zhang Yan's idea is to set up the underworld, and then gather all the ghosts and wild ghosts in the wild world from the source, and then unify them.Appear one to catch one, and one to transcend.

Even Zhang Yan didn't need to think about the details, he just copied the equipment from the underworld.All it takes is to sow the seeds and wait patiently.

There is no rush for this matter.Just like the fierce ghost named Jiang Ziwen who was enlightened by Zhang Yan, even with the help of "Nine Serenity Jue", which is a treasured ghost cultivating method in the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Gate, it will not take a while to really grow up. see the result.

And Jiang Ziwen is a beginning, the ghost domain is so big, how many ghosts in it are like Jiang Ziwen?

"Xu Fengyang and Baronka. Did they fight so hard in the God Realm?"

Going to Huangquan, Zhang Yan didn't just satisfy his own curiosity, and then enlightened a ghost.Another important thing is to go to Huangquan to find some news about the situation in the God Realm.

Looking at the entire Huangtian Territory, only here is the best place to get news from the God Realm.After all, according to Baronka, besides him and Xu Fengyang guarding the God Realm, these ghosts in the Ghost Realm are the only ones guarding the God Realm, and they are expected to help them in the God Realm.

So after Zhang Yan met Jiang Ziwen for the first time, he stopped by to visit the nearby Lin Shengwang.Using Seizing Soul, I got a general understanding of the situation in the God Realm.

As the Lin Shengwang knew, the God Realm was very difficult.The demons are not the same in the human world as they are in the God Realm. They are not only a thousand times stronger, but even a hundred times stronger.And in the face of the monsters, ghosts are useless except to send them to death.And the demon clan is far more complicated than what Zhang Yan saw with his own eyes.

"Ant nest?"

Those who competed with Baronka and Xu Fengyang in the God Realm were "soldier ants" and there was also a "matrix" that was said to have passed by but escaped.Those who ran to Xiaojiao Mountain were "worker ants".

Zhang Yan didn't know these thoughts, but he reached a consensus with Xu Fengyang.

An alien creature similar to an ant colony, this is indeed a bit difficult to deal with.Especially as the Holy King whose soul was captured by him knew that the God Realm was at a stalemate.

If it drags on, how long can Baronka and Xu Fengyang hold back?

"Xu Fengyang and Baronka probably have to find another way. Otherwise, they won't be able to stop it if it continues." Zhang Yan raised his head, looked at the cloudless sky outside the cliff mountain, and frowned slightly.If the God Realm falls, it will not be a good thing for him.Even if he was playing with Huang Quan's idea, it would take time, Xu Fengyang and Baronka couldn't just collapse at this time.

If it doesn't work, maybe he should go up and have a look?
But compared to the crisis in the God Realm.Zhang Yan also discovered another strange thing at the same time.

"Since the mother body can continuously spew out more powerful "soldier ants", why does it send "worker ants" with much weaker combat effectiveness to the lower part of the God Realm?

The division of labor between worker ants in the ant colony is not fighting.It's not like letting them do the attack, right? "

(End of this chapter)

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