one's door

Chapter 459

Chapter 459
Zhang Yan's visit to Xiaojiao Mountain again did not attract anyone's attention. He moved to a high altitude instead of the ground, and then sat cross-legged on the Skylark Shuttle, hiding in the clouds and relying on his perception to explore the camp below.

In fact, the camp was first searched out by Liu Renchuan's group of martial arts schools.Later, the Monster Clan went down to the realm and drove away the first batch of masters from the Academy of Martial Arts, and then defeated Qi Ye Kingdom's 20 elites in Xiaojiao Mountain. After that, they occupied this camp and used it as their own foothold.Even though they were robbed twice by Zhang Yan and approached millions, they still did not move.

The gap in the space above Xiaojiao Mountain is still spitting out the sprites and falling down.There will be their kind below to guide them, and they seem to be explaining some things, and they will disperse after whispering.

Zhang Yan never thought of quietly observing these extraterrestrial creatures below as he is now.It was also an idea that came about after learning about the situation in the God Realm from Ghost Domain.

Because Zhang Yan always felt that there was something about the Elf Clan that he had overlooked.

There is a mother body similar to a queen ant, and there are high-strength individuals similar to soldier ants. The ones sent to Xiaojiao Mountain can only be compared to worker ants.But the role of worker ants is not to expand territory and kill, so why not just divide some of the powerful individuals in the God Realm?

If the ant colony's guess did not deviate from the habits of the demon tribe, the demon tribe who may be working as "worker ants" gathered here at Xiaojiao Mountain did not come here with the purpose of "expanding the territory" and "killing" at all.It's just because the creatures on Huangtianyu's side are too weak except for Baronka and Xu Fengyang, so it seems that the monsters want to attack here.

Zhang Yan thought so before.

For three days in a row, Zhang Yan hid in the clouds and observed carefully with his senses without being distracted for a moment.Even in order to prevent being discovered by the monsters below, he even added some blindfolds and restraint charms to himself.

Zhang Yan's most intuitive discovery in the past three days is that the life of these monsters below is extremely regular, they hardly move around privately, and most of the time they act in groups.And they don't seem to need to rely on normal sleep to rest, but to use their own uniqueness in combination of reality and reality, in exchange, alternately resting between reality and reality, but the body can always have a part that can move.

From this point of view alone, the efficiency of the demon clan is naturally higher than that of ordinary creatures.After all, they don't have to stop completely to rest.

However, apart from these intuitive impressions, the more Zhang Yan observed, the more he felt something was wrong.Because these elves seem to be busy all the time, but what are they busy with?

According to Zhang Yan's perception, a large number of these monsters gathered in the camp, and they dug underground, but they were not digging any fortifications or tunnels, or they simply dug a deep pit, allowing four or five monsters to come in and out. That's fine, and it has created many branches, and finally it has covered the entire Xiaojiao Mountain in a radius of tens of miles.

But the most important thing is not this. In the center of these deep holes and tunnels, there is a large spherical hollow structure. This structure is like a black hole of perception, and Zhang Yan can't spy on it.

You must know that perception is a major method that Zhang Yan has been invincible since he came to Huangtianyu, and it is almost pervasive.Didn't expect to run into a wall here.

Apart from the spherical hollow tunnel in the center that couldn't be seen, Zhang Yan was also curious about other tunnels.That is, those monsters who dug deep in the past buried their heads in a "daze" at the end of the tunnel, and the disgusting sarcoma-like heads were constantly shaking and wriggling.Every time, each elf clan will stay in the tunnel for almost a meal, and then go to the imperceptible hollow spherical area in the center, and finally return to the ground, and then a group of elves will come down in rotation.

This is repeated without stopping, and it usually takes half a day or a day and a half to complete a round.

This is just the state of emptiness after being cleared twice by Zhang Yan. If there are still more than a million or more, these monsters may invest more individuals into the underground "in a daze".

Is being in a daze just a busy day for these elves?
Although Zhang Yan felt that perception alone was not enough for him to see all the twists and turns clearly, it was enough for him to lock in some key points.

And Zhang Yan's previous speculation about these "worker ants" around Xiaojiao Mountain became more and more clear and correct.It seems that they really did not come down to fight.Even if the scope of activities is widened, it is only for the convenience of digging deep underground tunnels.

On the fourth day, Zhang Yan left Skylark Shuttle, moved to the ground, and used escapism to sneak.With his current cultivation base and his knowledge of Earth Dungeon, as long as he doesn't want to be discovered by the monsters below, then the other party will definitely not feel his prying eyes.

When the elves were "in a daze", Zhang Yan almost stood beside them and observed them closely in the state of lurking earth escape.This time, he finally discovered what it was that these slugs were "in a daze" lying motionless in the depths of the tunnel.

"They are gathering energy?!"

The feeling was so weak that Zhang Yan wouldn't be able to feel it if he hadn't observed it closely.

When the disgusting sarcoma heads of the scorpions squirm, they can absorb a trace of extremely weak energy from the surroundings, until the color of their sarcoma heads starts to darken, it means that they can't absorb it, and the "daze" will end Leave and go to the center of the dense underground tunnels.

But even though Zhang Yan was well-informed and had the background of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Gate as a support for his knowledge, he couldn't immediately recognize what kind of energy these monsters absorbed.

First rule out the possibility of the energy of the five elements of heaven and earth.Because Zhang Yan is so familiar with the energy of the five elements, he can distinguish it at a glance.

Secondly, it is not vitality, soul energy, yin evil, yin and yang, aura, etc., which Zhang Yan knows about.But it seems to have the slightest similarity to these energies.

Out of curiosity, Zhang Yan changed to a group of tunnels where the monsters were in a daze and observed repeatedly. Finally, he came to the conclusion that the energy absorbed by these monsters was very simple, as pure as all the energy that Zhang Yan knew was purified and purified. that part of theIt was also the reason why Zhang Yan felt a little familiar in the strangeness.

One of the purest energy?Why has it never been seen before?

Zhang Yan repeated the memories in his mind again, and finally, in the corner of his memory, he found a record that he had read in the palace of Wanxiangzhu.The above mentioned something that Zhang Yan should be familiar with, but is actually very strange: the original power of the world.

The book says that the original power of the world is the foundation of all evolutionary powers, and the biggest feature is that it is pure to the extreme, so that it can have the basis of infinite evolution.

(End of this chapter)

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