one's door

Chapter 467 Dark Change

Chapter 467 Dark Change
Zhang Yan sat cross-legged on the Yingtiantai, breathing slowly and steadily. Every time he breathed out, a wisp of colorful and mysterious air lingered from his nostrils.

It's only been more than a year since the first lightning strike on Yingtiantai, but Zhang Yan has a feeling that the world has changed a lot.

The devouring in the God Realm is still going on, and the Huangtianyu is tearing up and digesting everything in the outer world.And the demon clan that once caused troubles to the creatures in Huangtianyu and this world also disappeared with the collapse of their own world and the death of their mother body.

For the time being, there was peace in the God Realm, and there was no chance to show off the sword formation that had been arranged.Only pieces of world fragments melted and disappeared inside, proving that there is still Huangtianyu busy.

Zhang Yan completed a breakthrough in the late stage of the Fusion Realm half a month ago.

This time, there was no disturbance from the previous small realm breakthrough. The inclusion of spiritual energy, the solidification of Dao Dan, the expansion of the road ahead, and some "reasons" from Huang Tianyu at the final breakthrough moment all seemed to be the same as before.

But when Zhang Yan completed the breakthrough, he found something else when he sorted out the breakthrough as usual.

What made Zhang Yan feel different from the past was the "reasons" that Huang Tianyu brought down as usual at the last moment of his breakthrough.Although these "principles" helped Zhang Yan successfully break through the barrier, but when he tasted it carefully later, there were some strange things.

The "reasons" in the past have a vein to follow, just like ice, water, and water vapor, such a vein goes down.Even if there are more new "reasons", they will not jump out of thin air, but will be extended or implicated by some related "reasons".This will be reflected in Zhang Yan's follow-up combing every time, and it also makes it easier and smoother for Zhang Yan to understand.

But this time, the "reason" given to Zhang Yan by Huang Tianyu did not continue to follow the coherence of the past, but rather abrupt.Often a "reason" has no cause and effect, and there are no side extensions and entanglements. It just jumps out inexplicably, and then puts an unfamiliar "reason" directly in Zhang Yan's consciousness and cognition.

Of course, this is not to say that the "reasons" that jump out directly are not good or useless, but this situation has aroused Zhang Yan's thinking.

It's like Zhang Yan has never been exposed to the transformation of energy, but this time there are some more things in this aspect out of thin air in the "reason" he got.

Spreading out his palm, a small ball of water appeared in Zhang Yan's palm, and then the water ball began to change inexplicably, turning into a ball of fire.

This is not simply a quick switch between the five elements, but a real transformation of the water energy of the five elements into the fire energy of the five elements.

The word "change" was not something that Zhang Yan could do before.He can quickly switch between several spells of the Five Elements to produce different energies, and even superimpose and change the form of the same kind of energies, but he has never thought about changing the type of energy directly. Pass.

"Is the ability of the round ball based on this "reason"?" Zhang Yan's first thought of this method was the extraterritorial creature "round ball" that he kept in captivity in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain.The transformation of energy is the forte of the "ball".As far as Zhang Yan knows now, only the "ball" of extreme yang energy cannot be devoured and transformed, almost all other energies can be eaten by it.

But now Zhang Yan is still far from reaching the kind of "round ball" that can be called against the sky.Now he can only change from the range of the energy of the five elements, and the speed is not fast.There is still a long way to go if you want to achieve changes with a single thought.

But it also made Zhang Yan realize something from it.For example, where does this "reason" about energy conversion come from.

"The Huangtian Territory is not complete. It relies on devouring other worlds to complete itself. Then these abrupt "reasons" are the new gains of the Huangtian Territory?"

Just like a bottle of water.There are new things added in it, and these new things will naturally be evenly distributed when poured out.

Why hasn't this happened before?

The reason is very simple, that is, in the world devoured by Huang Tianyu in the past, everyone is in the same vein as its evolution.Just like the context of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Gate in the era of earth legends, they all follow the same path, and even new things will continue to slowly unfold in the inherent evolutionary steps without making people feel abrupt.

"That is to say, if my judgment is correct, then the world of Huangtianyu will become more and more different with the progress of this devouring?"

We must know that the world where the monsters live is not small, but a world comparable to the barren world, and the harvest of devouring is naturally not comparable to a small world.In this way, the change in it is by no means the end of what Zhang Yan feels at this moment.

Think about Xu Fengyang's previous description of the world where the monsters live.It was a world that seemed to be put together randomly, and both the rules of the world and the "reasons" were extremely chaotic.Could it be that those weirdness and chaos will also start to evolve in the barren sky?
Thinking of this, Zhang Yan subconsciously shook his head.He felt that the evolution of Huang Tianyu should not be completely copied, but the part that was devoured should be integrated with the original evolutionary context.

It's just that Zhang Yan couldn't figure out what the final result would be.

"How does this world change, presumably this catastrophe won't change much, right?" The only worry in Zhang Yan's heart is the next twenty-nine catastrophes he will have to face.

After the Combined Body Realm is the Tongxuan Realm, the Tongxuan Realm.The Tongxuan Realm is the last realm of mortals, and what is commonly known as the Half Immortal refers to the Tongxuan Realm.

Now Zhang Yan is in the late stage of the Fusion Realm, although normally it will take a long time for him to think about the matter of the [-]th Heavenly Tribulation, and it is not uncommon for this time span to be hundreds of years.But because Zhang Yan still has a large tank of liquid aura in his hand, if he wants to break through the last hurdle of the body-fit state, he can actually try it in half a year at most.

But regarding the [-]th Heavenly Tribulation, Zhang Yan still had no idea.

According to Taoist scriptures, the power of the [-]th Heavenly Tribulation is ten times that of the [-]th Heavenly Tribulation, and from the beginning of the [-]th Heavenly Tribulation, it is possible to be harassed by extraterrestrial demons. The difficulty can be imagined.

However, although the [-]th Heavenly Tribulation is extremely dangerous, it cannot be avoided at the same time.Because it is similar to the situation at the Composite Realm, if you want to reach the Profound Realm, you must use the power of Heavenly Tribulation.

The fit state is to use the power of Heavenly Tribulation to force the primordial spirit and the physical body to combine to achieve the purpose of combining yang.The Tongxuan Realm is to use the thunder to transform the physical body, forming a half-immortal body.Otherwise, there would be no way to talk about the Tongxuan Realm.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Yan was worried that Erjiu Tianjie would be devoured by Huang Tianyu this time, and there would be some changes, which would directly affect the formation of his semi-immortal body.

(End of this chapter)

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