one's door

Chapter 468

Chapter 468
Zhang Yan was cultivating in the mountains, waiting for the engulfment of Huang Tianyu to end.At the same time, according to your own pace, first consolidate all the realm foundations, and then sort out the newly acquired "reasons" in your own consciousness.When it comes to the new rules of heaven and earth, he still needs to bring them up and be familiar with them.

Knowing it is one thing, but knowing how to use it is another.

In addition to these, Zhang Yan also needs to carefully find out and eliminate all the hidden dangers in his body, so that there is a slight flaw in his physical body.So that when the time comes when you experience the beating of the sky thunder, you will not be defeated by small hidden dangers.

These are all in preparation for Zhang Yan's final breakthrough in the late stage of the Fusion Realm.As time passed, Zhang Yan almost forgot all the external things.

The changes in the outside world are actually not as small as when Zhang Yan sat on the roof and watched the changes in the world, and even because he is more down-to-earth and low-level, the changes caused are actually greater.

And among these changes, two of them are pivotal in the kingdom of the human race, and it can even be said that they have changed the overall existence structure of the human race.

In the past, the existence of the human race was based on the practice of warriors.Taking the Martial Arts Institute as the series structure, and then the forces in each region build themselves into a country.The difference between countries is only in the size of the territory and whether there is a "martial pool" in the territory.

The so-called "martial pool" is actually a product of a heaven and earth vision, formed naturally, and what is gathered in it is martial liquid that is of great benefit to the physical body.Soaking in martial arts liquid has the effect of improving potential and increasing talent for children who practice martial arts.On the contrary, the higher the cultivation level, the lesser the demand for martial arts.

Just like the dry Germany where the Beiwu Kingdom and the Nanyuan Kingdom existed together before they fell apart, an important foundation of its structure is the "Martial Pond".Later, the "Martial Arts Pool" collapsed, and Gan Germany was gone.And having a "martial pool" is the most basic requirement for becoming a state.Just like Huayue Shangguo.

And Xu Fengyang, who created the warrior practice system, was called a warrior saint, and became the de facto leader of the human race.

It's just that Xu Fengyang really became a spiritual leader after he "broken the void" and went to the God Realm, and after the Jiangwu Academy voluntarily withdrew from the core of power in various countries.

But it is this legendary spiritual leader of the human race who broke through the limit of the nine gates, opened the ten gates of the physical body, and was able to step into the God Realm. He has disappeared for thousands of years, and now he is back!

What is it called?It's called "mixed joy and sorrow".

The joy is that the human race, which has been oppressed by the monster race and has always been at a disadvantage in strength, finally has an absolute strong back to support it.It is no longer possible for the demon country to destroy any country of the human race.

And there are quite a few worried people, concentrated in the high-level of various countries, especially the royal family in power. They have the most complicated feelings about Xu Fengyang's appearance.

On the one hand, the appearance of Xu Fengyang is an important revitalization of the overall strength of the human race, but on the other hand, personally speaking, Xu Fengyang's sudden appearance will bring a very troublesome possibility, that is, Xu Fengyang regains power and must be Return to his leadership power when the human race is in crisis.And this is unacceptable to the current rulers of various countries in any case.

It's just that for the time being, Xu Fengyang didn't make any demands on the countries. After returning from the God Realm, he stayed in the martial arts academy of Qi Ye Kingdom and seldom showed up.

The speculation and temptation from the outside world never stopped, but Xu Fengyang seemed to ignore it.

And Xu Fengyang also appeared with the news from the Yaozu.The demon god Baronka, who was older than Xu Fengyang, also showed up.And it sits in the demon country.

According to the legends, both god-like figures who entered the God Realm with broken emptiness unexpectedly returned at almost the same time.This shows that the God Realm really exists, and does it also mean that something has changed in the God Realm?Otherwise, why would these two come back at the same time?
And like Xu Fengyang, the demon god Baronka didn't show up after he came back, and no news came out.

Rumors were flying all over the sky for a while.

There is also something like "the catastrophe of the world is approaching, so the two most powerful men returned to help the world" and so on.There are even rumors that there are noses and eyes, and quite a group of people believe it.It's just that ordinary people are just listening to music, even if there is a catastrophe, it's just stockpiling more rice, so what else?
It stands to reason that this kind of gossip is likely to cause trouble, especially the panic and commotion at the bottom, which usually needs to be stopped by the Yamen.But this time the countries did not do so.

Because in addition to the news of Xu Fengyang and Baronka, there are other things that shocked the entire human race, and even the entire Huangtian Territory, or the strong ones, by turning the tide and witnessing it with their own eyes.

That is Mr. Zhang Yan, Mr. Zhang, who pulled Qi Ye Kingdom back from the brink of danger and saved all the nations and nations with his own strength.

The 10,000+ elites of Qi Ye Kingdom who have been sleeping at the foot of Xiaojiao Mountain, and the experts from Duanshan Mountain of the Jiangwu Academy transferred from various places, are the most powerful forces possessed by the human race.But it was vulnerable when facing the demon clan.

But Zhang Yan came from the sky, and directly eliminated the threat of this weight in an understatement.What kind of strength is this?What kind of heavenly skill? !

Perhaps because Zhang Yan's practice system is different from that of warriors and monsters, it is impossible to compare whether Zhang Yan, Xu Fengyang, or Baronka is more powerful.But this does not prevent everyone from treating the three of them in the same position.

Even if the people who talk about the Martial Academy have some subjective opinions, they still admit that Zhang Yan is one of the absolute strongest among the human race in Huangtianyu today.

Compared with Xu Fengyang, who has disappeared for thousands of years and is now full of uncertain factors, Zhang Yan, who founded a sect and has always had close contacts with the human race, and has a clear family context, needs to be friendly Much more.

Especially for the dignitaries of various countries, Zhang Yan is definitely their first contact target.Even close.Instead of choosing Xu Fengyang.

Because no one knows whether Xu Fengyang will ask for power.And Zhang Yan has always behaved very "retire from the world".

Win over Zhang Yan to resist Xu Fengyang.

This idea quickly reached a tacit agreement among countries.

So much so that Nanyuan Kingdom has become even more popular now.And the Zhang family living in Nanyuan Kingdom has once again become the hottest center.Almost all countries have specially stationed people in Langyuan City of Nanyuan Country. The only task is to try their best to contact and make friends with the people of the Zhang family, even if it is just a slave in the family, they must try their best to make friends.

And Zhang Yan's School of Miscellaneous Studies, which is still famous until now, has directly become a new school that quickly swept the entire human world, and formed a competition with traditional schools, but it was limited to a state of competition and competition.

But the only ones who can come into contact with them are those from the Zhang family.More core, such as the three apprentices under Zhang Yan's sect, they don't know where they are now.

(End of this chapter)

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