one's door

Chapter 471 Destiny

Chapter 471 Destiny
Liu Er has grown taller, but is still very thin. He is covered with a broken sack, which is standard equipment for coolies. It is wear-resistant, and it doesn't hurt if it breaks.It's just that the sack will hurt when it sticks to the meat.Even people who often work hard have worn down the flesh on their shoulders for a long time because of this reason.

Liu Dagen was still dark and thin. When he came back, he took a look at Liu Rui and wanted to drive him away without saying a word.But he was surprised to find that he couldn't move the seemingly petite Liu Rui at all.

Musha?Liu Dagen reacted quickly.His complexion was even worse, and his heart was even more anxious. He closed the door and asked Liu San to guard it so that no one could enter.

"Why are you still coming back! Hurry up! Just pretend you don't have this home! Hurry up!" Liu Dagen roared in a low voice with red eyes, but his eyes kept dodging, not daring to meet Liu Rui's gaze.He even felt that the petite person opposite had an oppressive force that he wanted to avoid.

"." Liu Rui didn't speak, just stood by her mother's bed and looked at him, watching him anxious and restless while suppressing his voice.

"Go! You go!"

Repeatedly is the words to drive people away.But Liu Dagen's clumsy words did not allow him to achieve his goal, and even the "strength" he thought could work in front of the little girl was completely useless.Feeling helpless, he squatted in the corner and stopped talking.

After waiting quietly for half an hour, Shen Hong woke up leisurely on the bed.Liu Rui quickly entered the spiritual energy to calm Shen Hong's emotions, and only then could the mother and daughter have a normal chat, accompanied by Shen Hong's sobs.

After one elixir was applied, Shen Hong's condition improved a lot, and she looked very gratifying.Liu San triumphantly explained to his father and second brother that it was all due to the elder sister. The mother almost had an accident before, and it was all saved by the medicine of the elder sister. Now it seems that the effect of the medicine is also the result.

Liu Er was also very pleasantly surprised. His mother's illness has always been the top priority of this family, and now it seems that it has improved, even if it is only a little bit, it is enough to make people happy.What's more, my sister is back.It seems that he is doing well outside, at least better than at home, that's good, at least the guilt in his heart is a little less.

In fact, not only Liu Er thinks so, why not Liu San and Liu Dagen?

"You have a better life outside than at home, so why come back? Mother is fine, just sit down for a while and go quickly, and you will be in trouble if people see you getting close to poor people like us."

There are some words that Liu Dagen can think of but can't say, but Shen Hong can say some.There are still some things that they are hard to say, for example, the source of their worry is Liu Rui's slave status.No matter how good life is, being a slave after all depends on the face of the master's family. If you lose someone to the master's family, then it is no surprise that you will be killed with a stick or sink into the well.

"Don't worry, I'm not someone else's slave as you think." Liu Rui didn't say much, but only vaguely told her family about her current situation.Let's just say that she has long been a slave and is free, and has a very powerful master to take care of her, so she is living a good life.

Such a general description does not take a few words.Moreover, with the knowledge of the Liu family, they would not understand the meaning hidden in it at all.

The Liu family was very pleasantly surprised after hearing this. No one thought that Liu Rui, who was supposed to be sold, would end in a dismal end. They each felt guilty, but now they are living a different scene.

Liu Rui's mind has always been on the family, not just the kind of reunion, but also observation.People's hearts are changeable, and she can feel that this sentence is also reflected on the faces of the Liu family at this moment.

"Mother's illness has been cured with the elixir given by Master, and I just need to rest for a while to recover." The joy in Liu Rui's heart has gradually calmed down.A elixir from Master cured her mother Shen Hong's old illness.But it is only a cure.

The trauma and the loss of vitality left by Shen Hong's suffering from illnesses over the years are real, and there is no way to make up for the general disease-removing elixir given by Liu Rui.This kind of loss will keep Shen Hong's body in a weak state, and her lifespan will be severely reduced.

To make up for Shen Hong's old hidden dangers and wear and tear, ordinary pills are useless.As far as Liu Rui knows, only Biqing Dan, which is used to make up for Yangshou in the mountains, can do it.

A green pill increases life span by ten years.This thing can only be taken once per person in a lifetime, even in the cliff mountain, it is considered a very rare treasure.

Liu Rui has one in her hand.It was given to her by her master when she went out, and the three of them had three senior brothers and sisters, and it was used for them to repair after desperately performing the god descending technique in a critical moment.

But at this time Liu Rui is not going to use Biqing Dan for her mother.Because the mother's body has not yet recovered, using Biqing Dan may affect the efficacy of the medicine and cannot reap the full effect.So I have to let my mother raise it again, and wait until my body recovers a little bit.

"Liu Er, take the money and go to the market to buy some rice oil and meat, preferably fish, and make soup for mother to replenish her body."

Liu Er was stunned when he saw a money ticket and some loose coins that Liu Rui handed over.This amount of money is not a small amount to him, and he has never seen so much money put together.For a while I didn't know what to do.

"I can't! I don't want your money!" Liu Dagen pulled his son. Although he felt less guilty now, he still didn't dare to look into Liu Rui's eyes.It's just that I stubbornly feel that I shouldn't take the money.

But Liu Rui beckoned, and Liu Er was pulled in front of her by her magic power.And Liu Dagen couldn't stop it at all.At the same time, Liu Rui said to Liu Dagen: "What I owe you was already paid off when you sold me. The money is not for you, but for my mother's health. I owe her. I haven't paid it off yet. So if you don't want to, you can just stop using the rice oil you bought with this money later.

Liu Er, take it, go buy it now, and buy all kinds of seasonings. "

After looking at my sister, and then at the slumped Lao Tzu, Liu Er decisively chose to take the money and run out.And I didn't take the main road, but went to the city by the small road.This way you can avoid those ruffians on the street.

Shen Hong fell asleep again, sleeping very soundly, she hadn't felt so relaxed in several years, not to mention her good health, the daughter she always cared about was better than her best vision.The worry is gone, and the two things are combined, so it is naturally more comfortable.

Not long after, Liu Er came back with a basket covered with black cloth.Inside are rice oil, two fish, and some seasonings bought by Liu Ruirang.

Liu Rui learned cooking skills from the cooks in the imperial dining room of the Nanyuan Palace, and later she even taught Wang Nian how to cook, a meal of fish soup was not difficult for her at all.

Liu Rui waited for her mother to finish the meal, and the two younger brothers dared to pick up the bowl to eat after seeing Liu Rui's greeting.But Liu Dagen held his own bowl and did not touch the fish soup and fish meat in the clay pot.Perhaps for him, a large bowl of white rice with a few vegetable leaves is already a rare meal.

(End of this chapter)

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