one's door

Chapter 472

Chapter 472
For the next three months, Liu Rui stayed in Dezhu City and bought a small yard in the city, a very small one, with five huts and a small vegetable garden in the backyard.

This kind of courtyard is the general condition of a medium-sized family in Nanyuan Kingdom.The ones closer to the market will be more expensive, and vice versa.

After buying the yard, Liu Rui moved in with her two younger brothers and mother.And his father Liu Dagen also followed.

There was a small episode in the meantime, that is, some bastards wanted to fight Qiufeng, and under the banner of "catching escaped slaves", they wanted to spread the story of the Liu family's prostitution, which everyone knew in Nigou Street, in order to Make up your mind to say that Liu Rui is a fugitive slave, and then get rough.

As a result, needless to say, the bastards ran out inexplicably like "crazy", and then stabbed each other with short knives from their waists in the street where people were coming and going, and finally they all fell into a pool of blood and died cleanly .

This scene is not small, what's more, these bastards dare to attack Liu Rui because they have reliance. They called a few warriors. It is said that they are some kind of "Kui Ye" from these streets, but it turns out that they are just a small character in the Kaiyuan Realm. Liu Rui's soul-suppressing sound directly sent this Kui Ye to the street to stab those bastards.also died.

It was thrilling outside, but the Liu family quietly bid farewell to Nigou Street after everyone's attention was drawn away.

"Mom, didn't you say that you are the best at making pancakes? You also said that your grandma taught you the unique skill, right?"

"That's not right! My daughter, it's not your mother's bragging. The pancakes baked by my mother are much more delicious than those stalls in the city!" Shen Hong's body is already in good shape, especially after she ate another one. After Liu Rui gave her the elixir, she felt even more healthy, as if she was young or in her teens.

After Bi Qingdan swallowed, her life expectancy increased by ten years, and Shen Hong made up for all the loss of vitality caused by her previous illness.

Today's Shen Hong is no different from a normal person, even compared to other people of her age, she has better physical and mental strength.

Liu Rui smiled, led Shen Hong to the kitchen, pointed to a set of utensils and ingredients on the stove, and said to Shen Hong: "Mother, here are the things you mentioned, try it , let’s see if it’s still alive?”

"What? Is my daughter greedy? Good! Mother will show you something today!" Shen Hong didn't think much, and started to tidy up.She is a peasant girl, what housework can't she do?I was just sick before, but now my body is better than before, and my hands and feet are more agile. After a while, I cleaned up all the things and started pancakes.

When the pancakes came out of the pan, Shen Hong helped roll some special sauces and fillings in.When it was finally handed to Liu Rui, it looked like a rolled cylinder.Although the appearance is a little rough, but the smell knows that this thing must be delicious.

It's really delicious!
Rao Liu Rui also worked in the imperial dining room of the palace, and she also ate some of the leftover delicacies, which may not taste as good as the pancakes in her hand.

While Liu Rui was eating, Shen Hong had already started to bake another for Liu San who came over.

Liu Rui ate the pancakes, feeling that the pancakes with fillings were enough for her to have a full meal.And it tastes really good.So he said, "Mother, this pancake needs to be named something easy to remember."

"Hey, your child is just a pancake. What name do you choose? Besides, mother doesn't even know the words, so how did you choose a name?" Shen Hong felt that her daughter's words were very interesting now.His words and deeds are also quite methodical, secretly thinking that he doesn't know which big gentleman has raised Liu Rui so well.No one said no to everyone who was a lady.

Liu Rui didn't know what Shen Hong was thinking, she had her own plan, otherwise how could she do it for no reason?Do you really think you are hungry?
"Mother, your craftsmanship is so good. You can spread out a pancake quickly. You can make one pancake without the effort of half a cup of tea. Moreover, the fillings are rich and delicious, and my appetite will be full with just one pancake. For people like Liu San or Liu Er who can eat, both of them should be [-] to [-] percent full.

You said that if you set up a stall to sell this kind of pancakes, and sell them with some porridge and rice paste by the way, can you support your family? "

"Ah?!" Shen Hong was dumbfounded.A poor person who has been poor for half his life, how can he imagine that one day he will be able to find food with handicrafts?

"Mother, just say that you believe that the pancakes you made will be bought by many people?"

"This..." Shen Hong put down the things in her hands, walked back and forth in the kitchen, lost her mind for a moment.She never planned for herself like this.

"Girl, you have seen the world now, mother listens to you!"

"Hehe, that's good, mother, you start to practice your handicrafts. You need to work hard on the stuffing, prepare enough, and how to prepare it must be kept secret. You just know it yourself. In addition, you also have to figure out how many noodles you need to prepare."

After Liu Rui's explanation, Shen Hong could only nod her head, but at the same time she was serious and anxious.Let Liu Rui repeat some parts several times, and only after confirming that he has not forgotten will he continue to speak.

For several days in a row, Shen Hong's workmanship was fine, and all preparations for the stall were comprehensive.

"Girl, what's the name of this pancake?"

"It's called Aunt Shen's cake and fruit." Liu Rui said with a smile, and handed an embroidered flag to Shen Hong.As long as a bamboo pole is inserted, it can be erected as a signboard.

The whole Liu family is busy.The two boys, including Liu Dagen, are busy with the cake stall.If this stall is doing well, it will definitely make more money than Liu Dagen going to the quarry to help people lift stones.The food and clothing of the family can rely on this stall to improve.

"Girl, are you leaving?"

One night before leaving the stall, Shen Hong knocked on the door of Liu Rui's room, sat by the bed and talked to Liu Rui who was also awake.Although Shen Hong was busy with things these days, she felt that her daughter's words were getting less and less, and she always stood by and watched with a smile.

Although Shen Hong didn't understand any major principles and knowledge, she could feel that her daughter was about to leave.

Just like what the daughter said to her father on the first day they met, the word "owe" will always be repaid.Even if the daughter repaid the debt of being a father in that incident back then, she saved her mother and found a way out of "Aunt Shen's cakes and fruits".Is this repaying another favor?
Not hiding it, Liu Rui nodded and said, "It's time to go."

She felt and guessed the same as Shen Hong.Liu Rui came back this trip just to get rid of the obsession in her heart.The father met once, and now there is no bondage.Mother's grace also used two pills, as well as some guidance and foreshadowing later, and asked herself if it was clean.Then what's the point of staying?
"Then can you wait a few more days? Just seven days! Mother wants to celebrate your birthday." Shen Hong was a little cautious.After the daughter was born, the family was too poor and never celebrated anyone's birthday.She felt that after this farewell, she might never see each other again.So I wanted to keep thinking about it.

"Okay, I'll listen to my mother."

(End of this chapter)

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