one's door

Chapter 473

Chapter 473
She has never celebrated her birthday, and Liu Rui never wanted to make her birthday any different.

In the past, my family was poor, and then I was a slave, so I didn't deserve to celebrate my birthday.

Later, when I had the conditions, I felt that other people's birthdays were to commemorate my own birth and the kindness of my parents.Liu Rui doesn't think these things need special commemoration, and even she was not sure whether her parents' birth grace is worthy of her.

This is also the reason for Liu Rui's deep obsession.

Unexpectedly, my first birthday was still held, and I spent it with my family.Although there is a table of simple meals, for Liu Rui, she has never had a spiritual feeling.

Liu Rui didn't turn her head when she left, but when she came out of Dezhu City, she felt as if she had lost something that was closely connected with her.The feeling of being cut made it difficult for her to accept it for a while.

Even shortly after leaving Dezhu City, Liu Rui felt that something was wrong, so she could only find a quiet place, lay down the array given by her master, and adjust her breath cross-legged, hoping to alleviate her sudden trouble.

The trouble was so sudden and overwhelming.It doesn't come from the physical, but from the spiritual level, and the root seems to be in one's own "Tao".

Liu Rui smiled wryly and realized that she might be in big trouble this time.She never thought that she would encounter her own "tribulation" at the late stage of Profound Vein Realm.And it is an extremely dangerous "heart robbery".

Liu Rui remembered that she had seen this kind of early calamity in the Taoist scriptures, which can be said to be unique.And it is also beneficial to go through the catastrophe early, which means that the possibility of encountering the same kind of catastrophe in the future will be much smaller, and even if you encounter it again, the risk will be much smaller than others, and it will be easier to survive.

But the problem is that Liu Rui doesn't know whether she can survive this time.If you fall down this time, what will you talk about in the future?
There is only a wry smile, what else can I do?Perhaps without the experience of going home this time, and the determination to cut off the past, there would be no such knot.

regret?Liu Rui didn't think so.From the moment she met her master at the state banquet, her path was doomed to be a path of indomitable progress under the eyes of everyone, a path that subverted other people's cognition and all suspicion and contempt.

Since "My Way" started like this, there is no reason to change it halfway.Cutting off the past and seeking the way wholeheartedly is what Liu Rui should have done.Otherwise, I really procrastinate, and when my parents pass away, there will be no possibility of unraveling and cutting off this obsession.Liu Rui's "Tao" may have obvious cracks due to this.

But it's one thing to strengthen one's Dao heart, and it's another thing to resist the heart calamity.If you want to solve the catastrophe, you need to find and understand the key to this catastrophe.

Sitting in the formation is a few days.Liu Rui has no clue at all.Even the more she figured out what she did in Dezhu City, the more she felt that there was nothing wrong with what she did.But the connection between family affection and blood will eventually converge to the tearful look of the mother before parting, and the ordinary but unforgettable birthday feast.

It seems to be forcing Liu Rui to choose.

Either admit that one's "Tao" should not cut off the past like this; or continue one's "Tao" but cut it thoroughly, and even clean up the last emotions and memories that remain in the memory.Even kill them at any cost.

Liu Rui would not choose either of the two options, and she knew that this was just an illusion given to her by Xin Jie.If she really chooses any one of them, then she will be in a heart-robbing way.

Another few days passed, and Liu Rui was trapped in this catastrophe, not only unable to move an inch, but also getting worse and worse.She even felt that her consciousness was drying up.If it continues, her Dao foundation will be seriously damaged.

"Don't be anxious and irritable in the face of a catastrophe, this is not a strategy to overcome the catastrophe."

Suddenly, a peaceful voice rang directly in Liu Rui's ear, causing her frown to relax.This is Master's voice.

Master is here!

Liu Rui doesn't know why the master came suddenly. She is in a critical situation now, and if she is not careful, she may directly damage the Dao Foundation, and her future practice path will be cut off.

"Master, doubts abound in this disciple's heart, because the choice between family affection and "Tao" seems to be contradictory, forming a pull, which makes it difficult for the disciple to untie it now. Although the Taoist heart is strong, it is difficult to extricate yourself from the quagmire."

Zhang Yan was originally sorting out his late-stage Synthetic Realm gains in the cliff mountain to prepare for the [-]th Heavenly Tribulation later on.But suddenly, he felt that his apprentice Liu Rui seemed to be in extreme danger.But there is no jade amulet inspired.This made Zhang Yan extremely nervous, and moved directly to where Liu Rui was.

As a result, Zhang Yan was startled when he saw it.He also didn't expect that Liu Rui was going through a catastrophe at the late stage of Profound Vein Realm!
"Tell me about your return to your hometown in detail. As a teacher, I also want to hear how you deal with your own way." Zhang Yan has never experienced heart tribulation.But after all, he is about to complete the body-fit state, and there are thousands of "reasons" in his cognition, and he has the ability to help Liu Rui solve some key problems.

Liu Rui also suppressed the discomfort, and quickly told what she did in Dezhu City this time, and said it in relative detail.

After listening to Liu Rui's narration, Zhang Yan didn't act emotionally in his heart, but simply used his own "reason" to find the thread that fits Liu Rui's way and can solve this catastrophe.

"I asked you, why do you seek the Tao?"

"In order to get out of the shackles of all beings, I want to have a glimpse of the mysteries of the world, and I want to control my own destiny in my own hands, so I seek the Tao."

"Since you want to peek into the mysteries of the world and hold your destiny in your hands, why are you stagnant?" Zhang Yan used his own "reason" to draw out a thread.With a shocking voice and magic power, the words were directly printed in Liu Rui's mind.

"Because of being trapped by family affection, I want to cut it but it seems difficult to cut it off, so the root is broken and entangled, and I can't make any progress."

"Since the past has been cut off, how can it be broken? It's just memories and memorials to the past, how can it be regarded as a tie?

For the strong, only for the strength of the heart.Believe in your own choices, accept your past and past events calmly, just ask for a clear conscience, why worry about everything?Where did the connection come from? "

This word first states what is strong, followed by two rhetorical questions.

"But please have a clear conscience? A strong person only has memories and the past, but no connection?" These words broke in like a pair of scissors, and then cut Liu Rui's messy consciousness with a click.Once a thread is untied, the pimples at the back can be untied naturally.
(End of this chapter)

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