one's door

Chapter 474

Chapter 474
Liu Rui's mental calamity has been extremely thrilling.And after passing this test, it will be an unparalleled reinforcement for her Dao Heart.

The more resolute the Dao heart is, the better it is for the monks, and it means that it will be difficult to cause any flaws in the Dao heart in the future.

But now when he saw Liu Rui's Dao Xin first formed with his own eyes, although he had expected it before, Zhang Yan was still inexplicably a little astonished.

The brave are fearless, the strong are self-reliant, and my fate is up to me!
There is even the determination and clean means to cut off the past.

With the blessings of these parties, Liu Rui's path in the future must be based on sweeping away all obstacles with great strength.This kind of absolute strength and uprightness is also an extremely rare way of practice.Either be strong all the way to the end; or be strong and easy to break with little room for maneuver.

After Liu Rui's heart calamity was untied, Zhang Yan moved back to the mountain and continued to clean up.On the other hand, Liu Rui sorted out what she had gained from this great advancement of Dao Xin on the spot.Then she decided to go to Yaozu.In her words, since the Yaozu's extremely powerful way to sweep away all obstacles is not only a matter of Dao Xin, but also a matter of killing methods.Except for the Yaozu, there is no other place in this world that is so suitable for practicing killing methods.

And compared to the ghosts that are effectively controlled on the land of the human race today, there are still large-scale ravages in the land of the monster race.Going to the Yaozu is much more meaningful than continuing to travel in the human race.At least that's true for Liu Rui.

Back in the mountains, Zhang Yan discovered an interesting change.

When Zhang Yan was in the mountain gate before, he always stayed in the Dengyun Hall, or on the Yingtiantai, and rarely went around the mountain, especially in the middle and lower half of the mountain.

Before returning to the mountain this time, Liu Rui begged Zhang Yan to help her see the spiritual seeds she had planted behind the Lingxiu Building.It would be even better if we could simply record some changes after more than a year.

Looking at his apprentice's pleading eyes, Zhang Yan naturally couldn't refuse, so he agreed.

Although his perception covered the entire cliff mountain, Zhang Yan didn't pay much attention to the vegetation in it.Even recently, because he is busy preparing for the next catastrophe, Zhang Yan's thoughts are mostly on himself, and he doesn't care about the many changes on the cliff mountain.As long as there is no intrusion into the mountain gate, he will not be distracted.

But when Zhang Yan sensed the small medicine field behind Lingxiu Building after returning to the mountain this time, an unexpected scene came into his mind.

I saw a fox leading the other three little foxes, each holding a half-opened gourd in its mouth. There was some water in the gourd, and they were giving medicine to the new crops from Liu Rui in the field little by little. The spirit seed is pouring water.

Foxes line up to serve the medicine fields? !

Anyway, it was the first time Zhang Yan noticed this kind of thing.So he moved to the nearest hidden place to see what happened to these foxes with his own eyes.

Zhang Yan recognized one of the four foxes, the biggest one, the orange-red and white one, and he remembered Liu Rui named it "Little Clever".

And this fox has also been enlightened by Zhang Yan, and he intentionally guides it to the "demon", not the demon clan in the wild world.It looks surprisingly good now.

No, he has already learned how to flatter others.And it's a precise flattering.The person who is in charge of the entire Cliff Mountain and has a good impression of these spirit beasts is Liu Rui.Yang Rui didn't care too much, Wang Nian always thought about what it's like to barbecue with spirit beasts.So flattery can only be flattered on Liu Rui.

And Liu Rui seldom needs the help of spirit beasts.Now that he has traveled far and experienced, there is only this medicine field left.

Zhang Yan felt it carefully, these foxes are really not fooling around, even if Liu Rui is not in the mountains, they will honestly serve the spirit species in the medicine field in the best way.For example, the water contained in the gourds they brought is not an ordinary mountain spring, but a spiritual spring gushing from the bottom of the mountain, and the water flows through the place where the spiritual veins gather in the mountainside.

But because the output of Lingquan is not much, it is only a small strand as thin as a little finger, so it is generally divided up by the spirit beasts in the mountains.It is very rare to be able to be loaded so much by a few foxes.

Watching "Little Smart", the aura is already very strong. According to Zhang Yan's hints, there is already a mass of aura gathering in its chest and abdomen and producing a unique transformation.

Unlike humans, although spirit beasts breathe out the essence of heaven and earth aura, sun and moon, they cannot directly apply aura.They need to make a detour and gather the aura in their chest, which is similar to a monk's dantian, and then accumulate the aura to form a new kind of power that belongs to them alone: ​​demon power.

Spiritual beasts that produce demon power can actually be called "monsters".

And when the demon power gathers to a certain level, there will be signs of materialization similar to monk Dao Dan, and he will officially become a demon cultivator.

Therefore, "little cleverness" has actually broken away from the category of spirit beasts, and should be called "monsters".The first real monster in the wild world, the fox monster, is not an indigenous monster like Baronka.

"Based on this, wouldn't Xiao Zhiming become the ancestor of all demons in Desolate Heaven Territory? Tsk tsk." Zhang Yan couldn't help laughing when he thought of this.

The ancestor of all monsters!The title is big enough.But at this moment there is absolutely no way to connect with a beautiful and cute furry fox.

Except for "Little Clever", the other three foxes obviously did not respond with demonic power. They should be spirit beasts who were followed by "Little Clever" to form a gang and practice.

For these spirit beasts, since they have developed their wisdom, cultivation is the top priority, and many habits will change spontaneously because of this.For example, follow the strong of the same race.

Because of watering and flattering, Zhang Yan suddenly became interested in the animals and plants in the cliff mountain.Counting the time, it has been several years since the Cliff Mountain became a blessed land and was moved from time to time with new spiritual veins returning to continue to gain spiritual energy.The changes in the mountains were far greater than what Zhang Yan thought.And his discoveries were followed by these four foxes before he slowly set his sights on the middle and lower half of the entire cliff mountain.

Whether it is vegetation or animals, there are basically no unusual things to be found in the cliff mountain.Even an inconspicuous grass about an inch high on the ground contains some traces of spiritual energy, which belongs to spiritual seeds, and even if you look carefully, there are some medicinal effects in it.

The vegetation is still like this, and the animals have all become spirit beasts.Even a gopher would find an open rock to climb up at night, put on a strange posture, and absorb the essence of the moon on its own.

Have you ever seen a fox eat fruit?Zhang Yan hadn't seen it before, but now he saw it.

And those four foxes are even more amazing, not only will they practice on their own, they will find fruits that can be eaten and increase their aura, and they will even leave the cliff mountain to hunt wild food near some nearby villages.

The wild food eaten by the foxes made Zhang Yan also feel something different from the past beyond the range of the cliff mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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