one's door

Chapter 476 Progression

Chapter 476 Progression
The four fox demons were released back into the cliff mountain.It took a long time for the three of them, which hadn't condensed any demonic power, to recover from the trembling.And that "little smart" knelt down on the ground and kowtowed more than a dozen heads towards the halfway up the cliff mountain just like a human being.

They all know that they have violated the ban this time.But fortunately he was forgiven, otherwise his life would be lost.

Although they can't speak to others, they all have an idea in their hearts: it's better not to go out in the future.

Zhang Yan didn't know, just this accident, the demon cultivator who was born in the cliff mountain was very nervous about the evil cultivator who devoured souls, and would kill anyone who saw it.It is always an honor to invite credit for this.

I ran to three countries in a row, two from the Human Race side, and one from the Monster Race side.It didn't take much time for Zhang Yan to rely on the technique of teleportation, and he returned to Dengyun Temple on the cliff mountain in less than half a month.

Zhang Yan did not go to look for Xu Fengyang or Baronka this trip. These two are probably hiding somewhere to heal their injuries.Moreover, Zhang Yan himself hadn't figured out a definite result about the changes in the world, so he didn't want to make a fuss for the time being.

In fact, after not going there this time, Zhang Yan was an eye-opener after returning.

The world could have evolved so quietly and so uselessly.

Both the human race and the demon race have changed in this evolution.Regardless of region, age, gender, or even not only human races and monster races, Zhang Yan judged that the scope of the impact should be all creatures in the entire Huangtian Territory.

Of course, Zhang Yan himself was not among them.Because now, from his soul to his physical body, he is about to surpass the original limit of this world.Coupled with the ultimate self-mastery, Huang Tianyu didn't seem to have thought of including him in this change at all.

As for Xu Fengyang and Baronka, Zhang Yan tends to be the same as other creatures.

In Zhang Yan's view, these changes have benefited a lot.The most important of these are the strange fluctuations that he discovered at the beginning that were inexplicably extra traces from the living soul that belonged to the part of the energy body of the elves.

After Zhang Yan's careful observation of these fluctuations and some testing, a general result can basically be confirmed.That is, these extra traces of strange fluctuations similar to the part of the energy body of the Elf tribe have changed the perception, identification, and even absorption of energy by the living soul.

In other words, at this time, all the creatures in the Desolate Sky Territory have been subtly enhanced.

"Is this considered the welfare of the world? Or is it the evolution of the life level?"

Zhang Yan asked himself, and the answer he got at the same time was yes.From then on, the ability of the creatures in the wild world to communicate with the energy between the heaven and the earth will have a qualitative leap.

Zhang Yan can even say with certainty that in the future, whether it is the monster race or the human race, or the monster race and the beast, more and more powerful people will emerge.

Especially on the Human Race side, those who were trapped in the same place because of their talents and could not step into the warrior system may usher in a turning point.Even people who are gifted in Taoism will surely increase.There will inevitably be some changes in the balance of power with the Yaozu.

Even the monster clan is gaining, but because of the martial artist's vitality, the gain is even greater.Therefore, the previous one-sided situation will definitely disappear as time goes by.

Once the power pattern of the living beings changes, it is hard to say whether there will be an idea of ​​"competition" in the end.The outbreak of wars and chaotic wars may also be a follow-up possibility.

Because of the protective jade token, Zhang Yan didn't need to move to his three apprentices to sense their real-time situation through the jade token, including observing the changes in their souls without leaving any traces.

Different from Zhang Yan, although the three of Wang Nian also practice Taoism, their cultivation base is still shallow, and their bodies and souls have not yet reached the point of Heyang.In this case, Huang Tianyu also has room for manipulation, so the three of them were not excluded from the scope of the evolution of the world's creatures.

Because the original talents of the three apprentices are different, Liu Rui is the highest, Wang Nian is the lowest, and Yang Rui is in the middle.But now this gap is further widened by the evolution of Huang Tianyu, Liu Rui has the greatest buff effect, and Wang Nian has the least benefit among the three.

Does Huang Tianyu also like the routine of the strong getting stronger?Zhang Yan couldn't help thinking.

These are just the rough situation in Yangjian, and although Zhang Yan has a relatively firm guess in his heart, he dare not make a judgment on it.Because the devouring of the Huangtian Territory is still going on, the world fragments in the God Realm are still being chewed up and eaten every moment.It also means that the world of the demon clan has not yet reached the point where it has been completely wiped out.No one knows if the Desolate Sky Territory will evolve other buffs to the creatures in it as the devouring continues.

As for the ghost domain in the space, the prototype of the underworld in Zhang Yan's eyes was not abandoned by Huang Tianyu from this evolutionary gain as Zhang Yan thought at first.Instead, they received the same treatment as the living beings in the world.

Zhang Yan thought about this for a long time, and finally he felt that Huang Tianyu could not directly distinguish living souls from ghosts in evolution, because living souls and ghosts have transformation paths, and the distinction is prone to conflicts. Happening.So they just evolved together?After all, compared to the number of living souls, the number of ghosts is too small.

But while the evolutionary gain is carried out equally.But this kind of gain is very different for living people and ghosts!
The real benefit for living people is the lowering of the threshold in terms of cultivation power, but not everyone can really feel this gain.

For example, the old man Wu who sells sesame seed cakes at the Lidong Market in Langyuan City, the evolution gain of the world this time does not feel at all to him.

But this evolutionary gain is different in the ghost domain.They only have a soul body, without the cover of a physical body.If you want to talk about the understanding of souls in Huangtianyu, Zhang Yan must count those ghosts.Moreover, they are accustomed to the word "swallowing", and even this is the only way to gain strength in the ghost domain, and it has been practiced until now.

Now that the sensory and recognition of energy like that of the Elf Clan is added, the ghosts will naturally return to the routine of "swallowing" like the Elf Clan.

It's just that after all, it has undergone the evolution of Huang Tianyu instead of directly imitating it mechanically, so it will not appear on the body of the ghost, which can directly devour energy like the monsters.

But it can reduce the consumption of ghosts when devouring the energy of their souls and actually transforming them into their own soul bodies by a full [-]%!
It is equivalent to a [-]% increase in the efficiency of devouring ghosts to increase their strength out of thin air!
This is not good news for the "seed" that Zhang Yan planted in Huangquan.This means that there will be fewer and fewer "hustlers" in those ghost domains.The gain of strength becomes simple and crude.But as a ghost cultivator, it seems a bit unattractive.

But for the time being, Zhang Yan is not ready to do anything.After all, the ghost domain became stronger, but the source of the ghosts was tightened by Huang Tianyu.How the situation in Huangquan will develop after the two sides offset each other will have to be seen again.

(End of this chapter)

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