one's door

Chapter 477

Chapter 477
If you want to find the most special one among all the countries of the human race, it must be the Hong Ming country.

Hong Mingguo is very small, even among the lower kingdoms it belongs to the smallest level.And the geographical location is also very special, it happens to be stuck in the protruding part with one upper country at the back and three lower countries in front.

This geographical location and the size of the country doomed Hong Mingguo to have no basis for hegemony, and would maintain its relative independence with a special status of regional balance, as well as the possibility of having both sides.

For example, Hong Mingguo disbanded almost all of his troops, or they never formed a real army at all, only the yamen servants from various places were used to maintain basic law and order.

This is one of the special features of Hong Minguo.It is to completely remove the claws and claws, make yourself look completely harmless, and then use both sides to do business by taking advantage of your special geographical location and the mutual tension between neighboring countries.But at the same time, it will not be very greedy, and it will take care of all aspects, and the position of the middleman to make the difference is firmly grasped.

So don't look at Hong Mingguo's territory is not big and there are no resources to produce, but the common people inside are full of food and clothing, and there is little famine.Beggars are hardly seen on the streets.

The second special feature of Hong Mingguo is that there is no curfew in the whole region, which is the only one in the human country.

And there is no curfew, which gives an industry great freedom to play: sensuality.

There is a lot of time to spend at night, and there are a lot of wealthy merchants in Hong Ming, which is prosperous in business and trade.These people are not short of money, they are short of fun.

So no matter which big city you go to in Hong Mingguo, you can find a large number of flower houses, restaurants, and theaters.

These sensual businesses are extremely profitable industries, and Hong Mingguo is not soft on them, and all those that should be heavily taxed are heavily taxed, claiming to be able to support more than [-]% of the finances.You can see its earning power.

There are too many flower houses, and the girls, singers, and musicians in them are naturally in great demand. Hong Minguo alone cannot support so many high-end sensual scenes.Therefore, it is necessary for the tooth bank to connect and collude with traveling businessmen from various countries to attract high-level talents to Hong Mingguo.For this reason, Hong Mingguo even has a special yamen responsible for these things.

Over time, Hong Mingguo's name will spread to all human countries along with these sensual stories and young people's yearning, and there is even a saying that "the night is beautiful in Hong Ming".It is evident in the exaggeration.

Young people who like excitement, novelty, and inexplicable curiosity and longing for the legendary "Splendid Night" will always regard Hong Mingguo as a place they should see.What's more, there is a prosperous business there, and if you want to start a career, you can indeed go there to find opportunities.

For example, Wang Nian, who has been traveling in human countries for nearly two years, is a person who likes to be lively and is interested in all kinds of fireworks in the world.And the teenage age is the time when I am most interested in sensuality.But in many places in Huangtianyu, Wang Nian is almost at the age of getting married.

It's different from Liu Rui's troubled mind.Wang Nian's life has been going smoothly up to now.Even compared to Yang Rui, who is the prince, he is much lighter.

Although Wang Nian lost his mother when he was young, his father was not mean to him when he supported the family.Two older brothers and one older sister have never slacked off taking care of the house.Although Wang Nian lacked maternal love, he was full of family affection, and he was carefree in his childhood.

Later, when he met Zhang Yan, he rose from the ground and climbed [-] miles. Since then, he has embarked on a path of cultivation that is different from ordinary people.

This kind of encounter filled Wang Nian's heart with goodwill and love for life and the world.This is also one aspect that Zhang Yan likes most about Wang Nian.Because Zhang Yan felt that Wang Nian's "Tao" was the closest to his.

Rolling in the world of mortals, Wang Nian began to roll into it at a young age, and then drifted with it with great joy.

Wang Nian went to Huayue Kingdom first, and saw the vast Yueshui where the opposite bank was invisible, took a special shaped and extremely fast water beast boat, and saw the prosperity of the "Shang Kingdom".

Then Wang Nian went all the way east, traveling from country to country.It's been almost two years in a flash.The dangers he experienced were not much less than Liu Rui's, but it still didn't affect his mood.

bad guy?Just kill it.Didn't Master say that?Eliminating evil is promoting good, and there will be no psychological burden at all.Moreover, Wang Nian traveled in the most ordinary car and horse dealership all the way, even if he encountered danger, he would not be overwhelmed, and he had no contact with those powerful warriors.

When he was in Huayue Kingdom, Wang Nian had seen the bustling night market in one of the cities, which was dozens of times more prosperous than Langyuan City.It was also the first time that a top flower house can be so glamorous.Compared with those flower buildings in Langyuan City, they seem to be two completely different places.

But Wang Nian didn't go in at first, but hid his curiosity to learn secretly.With the experience and knowledge along the way, Wang Nian finally traveled all the way to Hong Mingguo excitedly, and decided in his heart that he must find the best flower house to spend the night this time, so as to end his boyhood.

I still remember hearing a wandering warrior on the road say that the difference between a boy and a man lies in the bed and the bed.Wang Nian didn't believe it, so he wanted to confirm it.For this reason, he felt that his determination was particularly important, and he was even nervous and excited all the way.

If Yang Rui walks in the crowd, the inherent nobility will make people understand that this child has an unusual background.

And Liu Rui walking in the crowd, her agility and cuteness will make people feel that she is not a child from an ordinary family.

Only Wang Nian, no matter how the living environment changes, he sticks to his own character, and he can't keep upright in his whole body, giving people a cunning and sly impression.

And Wang Nian was not idle along the way.He is proficient in alchemy skills and has not neglected to practice, and even the alchemy path is getting wider and wider.He is willing to try many elixirs that Master is not interested in. He will practice along the way, and will find suitable opportunities to produce some elixirs, mainly for healing and curing diseases.

It is also for this reason that Wang Nian will not stay in one place for long.I also like to use pseudonyms.Even his expenses along the way not only did not use the money ticket given by the master, but also made a lot of money.

Wang Nian completely depends on the situation and mood for Dan.Sometimes you raise your hand and give it away for nothing, and sometimes you want the other party's entire wealth with just one mouth.

The word "casualness" became more and more prominent in Wang Nian.

It is precisely because he can make money and can always leave before everyone reacts, Wang Nian also has no restraint on spending.Along the way, it gives people the influence of an idle dude.

"Mr. Bai, the frontier is the territory of Hongming Kingdom. After passing the pass, continue along the official road to the north and walk for half a month to reach Xiangyu City."

(End of this chapter)

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