one's door

Chapter 478

Chapter 478
Before the Wang family followed Zhang Shun all the way to make a fortune, Wang Shi told the three sons many times that he would complete his task of being a father if he helped the three sons find a wife in the future.

So in Wang Nian's heart, "wife" and "woman" have always existed with a "high goal".

After seeing more of the world, "wife" and "woman" were consciously distinguished by Wang Nian.The former is not easy to find, especially now that he has become a monk, he needs to be more careful and careful when looking for a wife, and even needs the master to nod.The latter is much broader.

Moreover.When Yang Rui and Wang Nian were researching how to escape marriage, they had private exchanges, and popularized some "women" knowledge to Wang Nian.In this regard, Yang Rui, who had been educated in the palace since childhood, was naturally much richer than Wang Nian.It opened Wang Nian's mind all at once.

A daughter-in-law can't be found casually, but women don't have so many constraints.What's more, this trend is too common in all countries of the human race.

It's not just men looking for women, women are looking for men too.It's just that the venue is different.

When he arrived in Hong Mingguo, Wang Nian, who has traveled to many countries, was also eye-opened by the sensual atmosphere and openness here.You can't say there are no rules here, but the rules here are quite different from other places.

Sprinkle your money, and at Hong Minguo you can find something that will satisfy you completely.including people.

What's more, it is the most outstanding Xiangyu City in Hongming Kingdom, known as the most pink city of the human race.

There is a saying that the most sensual and sensual.This sentence can still be used many times.

At Wang Nian's age, those plump women are definitely not his type, and those who can attract his attention are those young women or girls who are similar to his age and have a slim figure.

After throwing a lot of money, Tong Ling'er came to Wang Nian.Age, appearance, figure, conversation, etc., are all the best in Wang Nian's mind.

So, as a pure chick, Wang Nian quickly slipped into the gentle village.

In the past, Wang Nian never stayed in the same place for more than a month. He always walked, played and watched, enjoying the people and things along the way.But this time in Xiangyu City, Wang Nian stopped for three months.

The round-the-clock arrangement of a dedicated session is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.Spending money like water is not even enough to describe it.

But Wang Nian didn't care.Not to mention the money ticket from his master, the money he can earn from alchemy alone is completely enough for him to spend his entire life, or even several lifetimes, as he is doing now.

But the problem is, people sometimes look at more than just your money.

Of course, as a monk, it is impossible for Wang Nian to be plotted to death no matter how he is in the gentle village, not to mention that the other party does not want his life, so the methods will naturally not be too rough.However, there are quite a few roundabout ways to get Wang Nian's ideas about "elixir" out.

Even though some people have already realized Wang Nian's identity from the specialness of the pill, but in the face of huge benefits, it is not uncommon for them to be bold enough to give themselves a reason to get lucky and think that there is room for them to leave.

Until Wang Nian, who wanted to redeem him several times, Tong Ling'er said something that made Wang Nian burst out laughing:

"If you really want to be nice to me, then give me the Dan Fang and Dan Jue for safekeeping, otherwise what if you change your mind in the future?"

It doesn't matter if you have difficulties or are forced to do so.Wang Nian smiled and cried, crying secretly by himself.He didn't dare to be seen by others, and felt that it was really spineless for him to cry over such a thing.

If Zhang Yan knew about these things, he would definitely smile knowingly.

Young people's thoughts are always worrying and funny, and it's normal to be happy, angry, sad, and happy about love affairs, but Wang Nian, a fool, has suffered all these losses because of himself.

Go to a place like Hualou to talk to your sister about feelings?This kind of thing was doomed from the beginning.A doomedly stupid ending.

"Why don't you go back?" Wang Nian felt hurt and stupid.But he is not a hypocritical person, after he came out of Xiangyu City, he actually figured it out.People make money, but he always wants to mix other things into it, which leads to troubles and twists and turns.Can't blame anyone.

So I thought about going back to the cliff mountain?I haven't been back for two years, and along the way, Master's reputation is so high that he can even vaguely be compared with Xu Fengyang, the martial sage who came back from the God Realm.I wonder if Master has really shown his might in Qi Ye Kingdom in the past two years, and prevented the huge crisis that almost started a prairie fire for the human race.

Wang Nian likes to listen to stories, especially the stories about Master killing all directions.He just wanted to hear what Master said when he went back, wouldn't that be much better than hearing it outside?
But going back so disheartened made Wang Nian feel ashamed.When he was beaten outside when he was a child, he also thought about how to beat him back. What kind of skill is it to cry to his parents?
Thinking about things in his heart, Wang Nian lost his purpose, and followed a team of carriages and horses on the official road. It took another half a month to arrive at a small town in Hong Mingguo, and the road was full of farmland.It should be a place like Wangjiazhuangzi in Langyuan City. The vassals are around the big city and provide some things like rice, vegetables and fruits.

The first time Wang Nian saw it, he felt that this place reminded him of going back to Wangjiazhuangzi in Langyuan City, so he got out of the car and walked towards this small town.

It was time for dinner near noon.After Wang Nian got out of the car, he smelled the smell of food within two steps.There is also the sound of drinking orders loudly.

Wang Nian was also hungry when he smelled Wei'er, so he thought it was a tavern, so he followed Wei'er, only to find that it was a wedding banquet held on the dam within two steps.There are quite a few tables, not less than forty, which must be the ostentation of wealthy families in this town.

It's no wonder that when he got off the car just now, the people in the car and horse dealers were complaining that there were not many people to get off the goods today, which wasted his time.It seems that most of the people in the town come to this place to eat and drink.

This is not surprising, a family like this that can afford forty tables is definitely a kind of local snake in the small town, which one in the town will not give face when you say hello?What's more, people from the village, Wang Nian understands this kind of emotion very well, he grew up in this kind of environment.To put it bluntly, my mother died suddenly that day, and the younger ones had to rely on these folks to feed their families.

Have you heard of Baijiafan?That's what I mean.

Wang Nian looked at it for a while, then turned around and prepared to find a small restaurant nearby to deal with it.He remembered that the car dealer mentioned that he could find a place to eat in the yard beside the official road.

But as soon as he turned around, Wang Nian was stopped.

"Young master, please stay still!"

"Huh?" Wang Nian turned around, just in time to see a well-dressed middle-aged man walking towards him with a smile.

"My lord, it doesn't look like a local. Did you come to Xiangyu City to play? Is there any food available? We have a wedding at home today, and we have a simple meal. If you don't mind, you can try the flavor of our countryside?"

(End of this chapter)

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